The real question is why you get such a hardon from proving me wrong and making me feel shit beyond just the proving wrong, even when defending a website that's dangerous to use and I was doing my duty warning people. You are a sadistic bully out to get me, even at the sake of justice. If that wasn't your motive, you would have come in much more pleasant, agreed to avoid DDO while it is like it is, been confused that HTTPS is force turned-off and a redirect occurs by analysing the entry path using the developer panel/console and realised just how shady things are. Instead, you're nitpicking semantics, when it is blatant to everyone other than you that I fully understand what HTTPS is and don't need advice from someone who is only defending DDO for the rush of humiliating me.
You’re spreading false information. Information you’re literally making up. Information that is untrue, and that you’re mostly pulling out of your arse with no basis in fact. You don’t appear to have any knowledge of what certificates are, how they work, or about ssl in general.
You seem to have literally no clue how this stuff works; anyone who’s even read the wiki page for ssl knows what you’re saying is untrue. Yet; you’re trying to deceive, and disinform whoever you can with false information for whatever reason.
I will always challenge charlatans peddling poorly informed bullshit as you are doing. You’re not a trustworthy source here, you’re information and advice is about as reliable as your friends telling someone they can’t get pregnant if they f**k in the shower.
- DDO is a shithole ; but the now fixed certificate issue is likely only down to lack of maintenance rather than all the random halfcocked nonsense you have invented without any justification or evidence.
- force turned of HTTPS is called “http”, and the certificates would not apply (as http doesn’t have certificates)
- the same URL cannot redirect to https or http depending on how it’s clicked
- vaguely asserting nonsense about developer panels is hilarious, as it just gives you the public facing information of the webpage content that you’re viewing.
- telling everyone all the stuff you found in vague, generic terms with no specific claims just makes you sound like an ignorant fool who is making things up using meaningless technobabble.
- the repeated errors you’ve made in basic terminology show you are very good at telling people that you understand https, but do not actually know https.
You are spreading false information; and I will always challenge people who are intentionally and unintentionally lying and misinforming others.