Solving the first problem gets very hairy. It would need to get discussed at great length. Also, are you saying that people that do drugs should have kids? You are insinuating that it isn't a problem.
The second one, just tell parents that you will not give them more money if they keep having kids. This will not totally solve the problem of government dependence for children, but it will aid it.
Is giving out free money free market? No, to put it shortly.
The problem will evolve into just straight up paying people to have kids. They can profit off of $20,000 per year, you can't really profit as well off of food stamps.
Yes, the breakdown of the family unit is a reason for crime. Yes, you stated that financial problems are a reason for divorce. However, I will point out that promiscuity is the actual cause of breaking down the family unit. It has been studied that the more partners a woman has, the more likely they are to get divorced. Millennials have less partners on average than previous generations and their divorce rates are going down.
Cheaper is one of the biggest focuses. I hate getting taxed. We should lessen the burden on people who actually produce for society. However, more competition will lead to better education.
I believe parents should be responsible. They should not drop out of school, they should enter fields that have a demand for labor, work full time, and they shouldn't have kids until they are married. If they follow those and continue to work, they will have time to spend with their kids and neighbors. However, life isn't all about enjoying free time. You have to work. Why do you think it is okay for some people to work super hard and pay most of the taxes just so that these people can relax at home with their kids and not have to work as hard if at all?