So? what's your point sea slug? Do you actually have one?
if it that important to you.
How pathetically disingenuous can your posts be.If you don't understand that post then my opinion of your intellect was miles above what it is and believe me it was already subterranean.
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters--yes, even their own life--such a person cannot be my disciple.Luke 14:26
fortunately, it looks like Stephen will continue his biblical ignorance, whereas, I will have to correct him again in the future.
Ok, so confirm these few anomalies for us all 'brother'Did a man, brutally beaten, speared and murdered, "LITERALLY" die and then "LITERALLY" come back to life again after three days?Did Jesus "LITERALLY" raise a three day old stinking rotting and decaying body from the dead?Did Jesus' mother Mary "LITERALLY" conceive a child while "LITERALLY" still a virgin?Did Jesus " LITERALLY " walk on water?Did Jesus"LITERALLY" heal ten people of the fatal disease leprosy just by saying six words?Did Jesus "LITERALLY" feed over 9,000 people with a handful of loves and bucket of fish?Did Jesus "LITERALLY" cure a blind man by saying just ten words?To your bible questions above, I answer in the affirmative. To your disdain, and complete biblical ignorance, they are called MIRACLES, get it?.
Jesus said one has to HATE their family to be able to follow Him. Understood?
This is because TRUE Christians like myself accept that the Bible truly contradicts itself many times over. GET IT?
What is your god literally saying in Luke 14:26?
Does your god lie? Because he must if you claim he didn't mean hate when he said hate. Take it up with your god. LOL
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters--yes, even their own life--such a person cannot be my disciple. Luke 14:26
Luke appears to be a white nationalist supremacist ergo, Trump equals hate,
I asked you a question : are you telling us that this biblical verse Luke 14:26 has to be taken literally. It's a yes or no question.Does your god lie is the answer.