The issue with this type of site, and sites in general - is that crafting rules for specific behaviours you don’t like end up meaning you have lots of different rules, and end up having to let slide bad behaviour at times because you don’t yet have a rule.
If Bsh is going to be Mod Hitler - he’s going to be that whether or not the CoC allows for it; and in general I think you need to treat the CoV as a broad palette of prohibited behaviours that make it clear what the generally accepted behaviour is and is not, and then moderation takes action based upon that in order to maintain the general integrity of the site.
In this case, this applies to Type1 - not because he’s being singled out, as much as he is the first user to which has actively spammed. It also applies to Rm, not because he’s being unfairly singled out, but again because he’s the first.
The power is there in the CoC to remove debates; and multiple debates have been removed in the past on CoC grounds. If debates are deleted because they violate then CoC as personal attacks, or spam: then they should both be removable based on their potential impact which in this case is substantial.
I’m not going to begrudge your handful of Type1 Forfeit debates, or RMs previous 50ish examples, or all both of mine. But when you set up a system where you allow a single individual to pick up several months worth of points - it’s inherently detrimental.