Any tips?
1} some years ago, I read the best thing for going to sleep is the proper music at proper volume level,
2} read of new thing some asian technique based on blue light item,
3} I have cheapo white nose machine I use every night for many years now,
4} melatonin is popular
hormone --produced in trillionsth of mg in pineal gladn and in eyes and in stomach--- and I read first book by researcher who studied in detail in late 80's early 90's { Reuther ? }. I find the strawbery Natrol brand actually has and effect over others Ive tried, but 1.5 mg I usually take does not seem to put me to sleep and agin although its toxicity level is ultra-low, it is still a hormone and hormones can be powerful at whatever it is that the do,
4} the only substance that I use generica Unisom{ dcoyline succinate nervous depressant } ---and unlike dramamine { Benadryl }--- you cannot build a tolerance to its effects, that
ALWAYs! works for me. I only use a 1/4 of a tab,
5} sometimes I will do have a dramine{ mild nervous system depressant } along with 1/4 of tab of doscyline succinate,
6} valerian root works but not as effective as the latter two above,
7} Lorazipam { weakest anti-anxiety } and hyrcodone { pain } is another prescribtion set that work, tho they cannot be part of any regular patttern because of addition concerns,
8} chamomile tea, and 5TTP { precursor } to serotonin ergo similar to cows milk in that respect,
9} Tramadol is alternative to hydrcodone for pain, and helps me to feel good, but less of groggy effects.
With my siatica bothering me regularly last 4 months Ive had to use various combinations of these. Natural sleep is of course best, and when I can be sure I'm tired enough I do my best to get as many nights of those as possible and break any pill cycle.
I usally do Mikes hard lemonade or other wine cooler, but not sure if that helps or hinders my going to sleep.