The issue here is that you’re trying to manufacture some absolute line : there’s is no such line......There is no line that makes one okay and one not. It’s just people like you arbitrarily asserting that there is some magical line.
Consulting adults line
Conception i.e. fertilization of the egg line
Heartbeat line
Active brain nervous system line
Inside the woman or outside the woman
Breathing on own or respriatory
Umbilicahord still attached or not.
(*(i)*) have a natural right to life, but not birth, as my pregnant-woman-vessel for my birth, has the inherent right to terminate my non-breathing life, as it is attached to her in a most intimately physical way and (*(i)*) have to say, that, if she intends to terminate me, I prefer to be sooner rather than later.
This pregnant woman speaks for me because I am ONE with her and I have no voice ----in fact I dont breath air-- and barely know what a brain, heart, feet function is.
To breathe INward is become IN-spirited....( * (i) * ) i-breathe { ( o ) } initially IN then OUT ergo, I am somebody, with individual status and now that I am free, I choose to feed off the nearest breasts { (.)(.) } that I can get my lips around.
......(* (i) *)........bilateral
.....( . )( . )......bosom buddies
.........( . )........umbilicus connection point
........\*Y*/ internalized or externalized
......../......\.........leg, fin or side arm
....._/........\_......leg, fin or tail fluke { cetacean }