I never said his rise was because of that, it was in spite of it. Hence it was a moral blow, BUT, his approval rating kept rising. How does it feel knowing you type all that, over something that wasn't said?
No need to be triggered over a simple conversation.
You said it rose because of the "hypocrisy" which the issue exposed.
Let me repost exactly what you said:
"treatment of immigrants intolerable" Ah yes, getting angry at someone for enforcing laws that ones own party spearheaded. Family seperations was a moral blow, but his approval didn't drop in the midst of it, it kept rising. Mainly because it highlighted the hypocrisy. Family seperations are wrong, sure. But trafficking is a legitimate concern, illegal immigration poses far more danger to children in terms of death and rape/assault.
Important part bolded for emphasis. If you meant something other than what you said, okay. But that's what you said.
As for "abolish ICE", you're grossly oversimplifying the candidates stances. Booker dodged the question, which means he probably wouldn't. And Warren, at least, wants to replace it with... er, something (https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/30/politics/elizabeth-warren-ice-immigration-protests/index.html). Which technically, yes, abolishes ICE. But replacing something is different from just getting rid of something and replacing it with nothing, which seems to be the idea most people have of abolishing it.