If children can't vote, neither can the unborn. Voting is for adults.
According to your kind of people, the fertilize egg has same rights as a human that is born-out ---not physicallly attached to a woman--- and breaths oxygen on their own, unless on a respiratory. Ergo the pregnant mother is allowed proxy vote for teh fertilized. This simple rational, logical common sense ergo the below stands as stated.
1} all women vote whether to ban Alec from Earth,
2} and if we follow Alec's irrational pathways of though --or others like him--- pregnant women get two votes since they have one in the oven,
3} married men whose wife is bears their child get a half a vote,
4} single men or married men who have not yet fertilized the wife get 1/4 vote,
5} female who has reached reached puberty you get 1/4 vote,
6} male who has reached puberty gets a package of condoms but no vote.