If the dude rapes the woman, then the woman gets $250,000 if she keeps the pregnancy. The rapist would have to pay an additional $1.5 million in fines to the gov as deterrence. Otherwise, the woman should be put to death for murder as well as the doctor who did it. I might consider advocating for the death of only punishing the doctor who killed the fetus, but someone has to die as punishment. Since the killed baby probably can't feel pain, the execution too would also be painless. If there was conventional murder, where someone gets stabbed, I would want the murderer to be stabbed to death. If she needs help with the pregnancy, she can get a boyfriend to help her and she can promise a small portion of the money in exchange for his emotional support for the pregnancy. This way, boyfriend ally gets a little rich for a kid, the girl gets money that the rapist pays for and the rapist get punished severely. The alternative to birthing the child is punishing the baby for the rapist's crime. The only one that should suffer is the rapist.
It doesn't seem backwards to me because abortion is worse then rape. Both are absolutely horrible, horrible things to do. However, if I were to believe that abortion is murder, then I have no choice but to treat it just like murder. I'm open to change my mind though. If you want to comment about abortion, mention me on an abortion thread, there are many of those now due to the Alabama law. However, lets keep the rape thread about rape.