This can easily be explained due to other factors, such as GDP per capita, the culture of the country, etc. America has an aggressive culture compared to a place like Europe, so this could explain the homicide rate increase. A more accurate way to examine the homicide rate effect is to compare a region before and after gun laws got more strict so this way, we know more accurately what caused the homicide increase.
All of which still leaves us with no reason to think that more guns = more safety.
I don't want the government to force women to have sex.
Good because that would be rape.
I merely want to keep the kid
Are we discussing kids or fetuses? Please decide on your prefered topic.
I also don't want to allow the boyfriend to smash and dash in the event of consensual sex. This makes boys want sex less.
Nothing makes boys want less sex. You are displaying a remarkable poor understanding of human sexuality. Also how exactly do you intend to enforce this without tyrranical means?
If your unnaturally unconscious, I don't think your brain is active, although I might be wrong on this. If I'm right, does it mean an unnaturally unconscious person should be killed if they're expected to regain consciousness in 14 weeks?
Are we discussing people or fetuses?
The difference between a cockroach and a fetus is chromosomes. A fetus has human chromosomes, a cockroach does not.
Do we attribute personhood entirely based on chromosomes or do we attribute personhood based on behavior and communication skills?