it was not a single monkey that evovled but an entire group of them??? am i getting that right.
It was a population, a group whose membership is constantly dying and being replenished by offspring.
there should be a couple thousand examples of fossils and or bones of the different stages of that one animal.
There are millions of such examples of such transitional animals. Here is a partial list, including transitional forms of humans:
a mutation like a monkey turning into an human is impossible.
Monkey to human is not the result of a single mutation. It is the result of millions of mutations accumulated over many, many generations.
plus those are good mutations and from what i have seen the only mutations that generally happen are bad???
Most mutations are neutral, meaning they have no affect on survival or ability to produce offspring. Most of the remaining ones are bad, and a few are good.
Now look at what happens when a mutation is bad. A bad mutation, by definition, means the organism is less likely to survive, and thus less likely to produce offspring. Fewer offspring means that fewer individuals in the population carry the bad mutation. Over generations, the bad mutation becomes less and less frequent in the population, because those without it produce more offspring than those with it.
Conversely, a good mutation, by definition, means the organism is more likely to produce offspring, passing on the mutation. More offspring means that the frequency of the good mutation in the population increases over successive generations.
In short, good mutations tend to be reinforced over time while bad mutations tend to be weeded out.