What is a nuzlocke?
Here's my specific rule set:
1. If a Pokemon faints, it's considered dead.
2. One Pokemon per area- one chance to catch that Pokemon.
a. Species Family Clause- I may exit encounters until I find a Pokemon from an evolutionary family that I have not caught a Pokemon from yet if I choose to do so. Example: If I catch a Bidoof, all future Bidoof and Bibarel I find upon my first new route encounter may be passed over if I want to refrain from catching them.
b. Shiny Clause- I may catch any shiny Pokemon I find.
c. Legendary Clause- I may catch any Pokemon that are encounted outside of normal means. Example: The Red Gyrados in Pokemon Gold and Silver Versions.
3. If I lose a battle, it's game over.
-Survivor, a Lv. 40 Torterra
-Avia, a Lv. 39 Staraptor
-Sandy, a Lv. 39 Pachirisu
-Redflame, a Lv. 23 Ponyta
-Princess, a Lv. 9 Buizel
-Magnitude, a Lv. 5 Geodude
-Duckworth, a Lv. 5 Psyduck
-Swoop, a Lv. 8 Zubat
-Bud, a Lv. 10 Budew
-Trouble, a Lv. 14 Cleffa
-Chonk II, a Lv. 16 Bibarel
-Wisp, a Lv. 19 Gastly
-Steven, a Lv. 17 Meditite
-Spottie, a Lv. 21 Girafarig
-Turbo, a Lv. 21 Shellos
-Whoop, a Lv. 22 Wooper
-Maestro, a Lv. 17 Kricketune
-Chonk, a Lv. 21 Bibarel
-Dwayne, a Lv. 11 Machop
PROGESS: 5 Badges Earned