Nonsense, criminal law is not coercive in nature. You commit the crime, and are brought to justice.BY FORCE.
Only if you resist arrest.
Nonsense, criminal law is not coercive in nature. You commit the crime, and are brought to justice.BY FORCE.
All schools should have equal funding on a per student basis.If a mother doesn't want her son to attend their failing state subsidized inner city school, she should not be forced to rely on it.
All schools should have equal funding on a per student basis.Basing school funding on local real-estate taxes is clearly in violation of Title 9.
No I'm not talking about UBI, but allotting the funding already apportioned for education in a manner which doesn't lend to coercion from whatever interests currently preoccupy the state government, whether they lend to neglect, standardized improvement, or intrusion. Actually, give people back the money that the state uses to artificially prop up public education, for education.
No I'm not talking about UBI, but allotting the funding already apportioned for education in a manner which doesn't lend to coercion from whatever interests currently preoccupy the state government, whether they lend to neglect, standardized improvement, or intrusion. Actually, give people back the money that the state uses to artificially prop up public education, for education.
Why would you take the money in the first place then?
It seems ridiculous to take people's money and then just give it back to the same people.Why not simply close all public schools and just cut everyone's property taxes?
We can go back to the days when we had PRIVATE firefighters and PRIVATE police officers too!!Hey, if you can't afford your monthly firefighter and police bill, then they won't take your call!!This system works out great for the rich but probably not so great for everyone else.
Why would you take the money in the first place then?To help people in need, unlike your state. Your state's goal is to take advantage of desperation, and meddle in people's lives.
It seems ridiculous to take people's money and then just give it back to the same people.Why not simply close all public schools and just cut everyone's property taxes?I'm not saying that. I want my community to have public education.
We can go back to the days when we had PRIVATE firefighters and PRIVATE police officers too!!Hey, if you can't afford your monthly firefighter and police bill, then they won't take your call!!This system works out great for the rich but probably not so great for everyone else.Its a form of social security, like it should have been in the first place. You are contending that I am mandating the abolition of state coercion. I am only demanding decency from you, by giving people the dues that are already apportioned if they don't find that state subsidized education best suits their interest.
Well stated.individualizing that burden immediately puts people at the lower income levels at a severe disadvantage.
So you take money from them to help them?
When you say basically I want to take advantage and meddle, are you talking about climate change and evolution in textbooks?
individualizing that burden immediately puts people at the lower income levels at a severe disadvantage.Well stated.
What happens to poor neighborhoods when the public school closes because half the kids took vouchers to go to the local Christian school?
I'm saying that those state funds, which are substantial, should be apportioned in a more fitting manner.
Who decides the more fitting manner?
And how would they be apportioned, according to what criteria?
I am not advocating for specific system. The funds are already available to being apportioned to children in the current system, but only if they are used to prop up the public school system. I'm saying that those state funds, which are substantial, should be apportioned in a more fitting manner.
The question is has the public school systems in these areas gotten better, worse or stagnant?
So then how would that give poorer parts of the country or state access to nominally equal educational options?
what exactly is your option as the parent of this child? Take the handout and what, exactly?
Would the total pool for public education then be reduced by the number of kids who take the vouchers? If the answer is yes, it does sound like a way to defund public school while providing the more affluent with better options than the more vulnerable.
Would the total pool for public education then be reduced by the number of kids who take the vouchers? If the answer is yes, it does sound like a way to defund public school while providing the more affluent with better options than the more vulnerable.This has been the plan from day one.The poor deserve nothing.FREE-MARKET ALL THE WAY BABY!!
If their attendance rate is going down, why do you think that is?
Funding is still equal per child, regardless.
This has been the plan from day one.The poor deserve nothing.FREE-MARKET ALL THE WAY BABY!!Do not associate me with this please.