not only do YOU get to be BEATEN - WHIPPED -STONED - ACID on your FACE - EXECUTED -
HUMILIATED - RAPED - ENSLAVED - and ultimately thrown in a dumpster to ROT...you get
to stay totally DUMBED and NUMBED down into a ZOMBIE whose only purpose is to breed
serve and ROT ! Praise ALLAH !
Women are the lowest form of animal slave servants...the MAN is OMNIPOTENT all women must
OBEY and SUFFER till DEATH do you ROT.....for it is written in the Comic Book Quran....
SUFFER...SUFFER...and ROT for your very existence is a CRIME......but first make me some SONS
care for them till they find their own SLAVE ZOMBIE FEMALES to CAGE and OPPRESS....
HMMmmmm....and where is ALLAH's neighbor JESUS in all of this drama ? or more relevant....
Where is the abrahamic JEW GOD Moses talked to 3,500 years earlier ?...and after helping the JEWS
get out of EGYPT (an ARAB culture) he just VANISHED ! and left the JEWS to fend for themselves
for another 1,500 years...until....some illiterate JEWISH TRIBE GIRL gave BIRTH to MOSES GOD !
and as a BABY the JESUS GOD did NOTHING ! except..eat.. sht.. sleep...and he GREW....GREW
into a young MAN GOD...
Uh, like what was this GOD doing for his human creation that was SUFFERING horribly under ROME ?
SHHHhhhh....that doesn't matter...what matters is that by JESUS early 30's his JEW TRIBE was so
disgusted with his claim of being their MESSIAH....they conspired with ROME to have him EXECUTED
in a GRAND SPECTACLE ! and ROME always loves a SPECTACLE...especially during TIBERIUS run
as EMPEROR at the time of his EXTERMINATION ! BUT WAIT !
Hey ladies YES, it's TRUE even during JESUS time most tribal women were treated like FILTHY WORTHLESS
DOGS...regardless of which GOD humans were using as a scapegoat for control ...WOMEN were at the
BOTTOM...like in the BED and in SOCIETY....Gee...women have had it really BAD for thousands of YEARS !
Unless they married some ARISTOCRAT who had his own army of sex slaves to serve him...the WIFE thing
was for TROPHY purposes
Don't forget...after the MOSES GOD played JESUS he was beaten -whipped - and nailed to a cross to ROT !
Guess who was Emperor after TIBERIUS when JESUS was MURDERED ? CALIGULA ! yeah the young man that
assassinated his relative TIBERIUS to claim the throne...and this guy PARTIED ! like 24/7 ORGIES...
and SEX...MURDER SPECTACLES for his people !...+++ so many atrocities...he himself was EXTERMINATED
by Senators of ROME ...he had fun for at least 3 YEARS ! where was GOD during all this nasty Roman stuff ?
and as ALWAYS....WOMEN were treated like GARBAGE and left to ROT
Then after a tirade in JESUS name of DEATH, DESTRUCTION, ASSIMILATION by VIOLENCE by order of
The Roman Catholic CHURCH ! the ARABS had enough ! and they invented ALLAH and ISLAM....they
used the JEW Old Testament of horrifically OBSOLETE and OPPRESSIVE Dogma to totally go on a rampage
of assimilation...death..and destruction...100 times more strict and psychotic than the JEW GOD Old Testament
VOMIT...they invented ALLAH and the totally PSYCHO VAMPIRE QURAN...poor women this time bundled up
and hidden in black sacks....to BREED -SERVE - ROT for the men that owned them like DOGS...
SOLUTION ? rise up WOMEN and take back your MINDS and LIVES from these Pathetic parasite VAMPIRES
that SUCK the very life blood and energy from your existence....all for some fabricated spin of
a JEW GOD hoax 3,500 years earlier....
NO GOD and especially no HUMAN is ever worth being an OPPRESSED - BEATEN - TORTURED - SLAVE for
EVER ! ...you never need to be approved and validated to EXIST and DIE by these scumbag Parasites who hide
and use their invented ALLAH GOD hoax and Comic Book Quran as TOOLS of TERROR