Am I A Christianophobe?

Author: Stephen


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Numbers 31:17-18 

Yes vile in the extreme, isn't it? In fact the whole 36 Chapters of Numbers are pretty vile. In fact over 90% of the Old Testament is vile with war, murder, rape, slavery, incest, plagues, famine and executions by beheading. What's your point? By continually trying to contextualise the ancient Hebrew Old Testament - a book that even the Jews didn't, don't and never have recognised as ' their scripture ' with today's Islam in the 21st century is irrelevant. 

Continually trying to strike an  balance of violence between Christianity and Islam is a non starter too.  All apologists for Islam do this when they are all out of argument trying to defend the violence practiced and carried out against non believers by muslims in the 21st century on the instructions of their god and written in their book.  So you  keep those OT verses coming, throw as many as you like, but they are all irrelevant.

Just to remind you; this thread is actually about me and if I am or am not  "christianophobic", because I have started more threads debunking, questioning and scrutinising and CRITICIZING Christianity, than I have Islam, yet no one seems to mind and never have accused me of being a christianophobe. Yet  when I talk about Islam  I am a bigoted, racist far right "islamophobe" who is no better than the KKK and a preacher of hate, fear & division. I haven't accused ALL muslims of having "serious mental issues" and  in dire need "of psychiatric intervention" like someone here has done. I understand perfectly that the largest amount of the victims of Islam are actually muslims.

3RU7AL's avatar
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Yes vile in the extreme, isn't it? In fact the whole 36 Chapters of Numbers are pretty vile. In fact over 90% of the Old Testament is vile with war, murder, rape, slavery, incest, plagues, famine and executions by beheading. What's your point? By continually trying to contextualise the ancient Hebrew Old Testament - a book that even the Jews didn't, don't and never have recognised as ' their scripture ' with today's Islam in the 21st century is irrelevant. Continually trying to strike an  balance of violence between Christianity and Islam is a non starter too.  All apologists for Islam do this when they are all out of argument trying to defend the violence practiced and carried out against non believers by muslims in the 21st century on the instructions of their god and written in their book.  So you  keep those OT verses coming, throw as many as you like, but they are all irrelevant.Just to remind you; this thread is actually about me and if I am or am not  "christianophobic", because I have started more threads debunking, questioning and scrutinising Christianity, than I have Islam, yet no one seems to mind and never have accused me of being a christianophobe. Yet  when I talk about Islam  I am a bigoted, racist far right "islamophobe" who is no better than the KKK and a preacher of hate, fear & division. I haven't accused ALL muslims of having "serious mental issues" and  in dire need of psychiatric attention like someone here has done. I understand perfectly that the largest amount of the victims of islam are actually muslims.
I'm by no means a defender of religion, but I feel compelled to point out that quoting the Quran as "proof" that Muslims are "crazy" seems a bit disingenuous if you don't leap to the same conclusion for Christians and Jews and Hindus and even Buddhists.

All of these groups have committed atrocities at some point against somebody.

And yet, all of these groups also contain perfectly reasonable, kind-hearted individuals.

For example, nearly all KKK members are Christians.  Does this mean that all Christians are in the KKK or tacitly support them?  Of course not.
Stephen's avatar
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I'm by no means a defender of religion, but I feel compelled to point out that quoting the Quran as "proof" that Muslims are "crazy"

No that would be someone else on the forum who suggests ALL muslims are "stupid"  - "have mental issues" - and are in need of  " of psychiatric attention".  Did you miss the quotation marks?

seems a bit disingenuous if you don't leap to the same conclusion for Christians and Jews and Hindus and even Buddhists.

That is an opinion. And as I have explained is irrelevant. But you are entitled to ignore anything and everything I say as you obviously have done so or did you just miss the part above where I tell you that  I have started more threads debunking, questioning and scrutinising and CRITICIZING Christianity, than I have Islam.  But it won't make it anymore relevant to Islam in the 21st century.

All of these groups have committed atrocities at some point against somebody.

Groups, indeed they have. But Christians have not committed violence on non believers on the direct instructions of their Christ god, as muslims have and do, on the direct instructions of their god and scripture.

And yet, all of these groups also contain perfectly reasonable, kind-hearted individuals.

They do. what's your point. Second thoughts forget that , this thread is about MY Christianophobia and If I am christianophobic or not.

Did you miss the part above where I explain directly to YOU that  I have started more threads debunking, questioning and scrutinising and CRITICIZING Christianity, than I have Islam.

For example, nearly all KKK members are Christians.  Does this mean that all Christians are in the KKK or tacitly support them?  Of course not.

And I haven't ever said ALL muslims are terrorist. Did also you miss the part above where I tell YOU directly that I understand perfectly that the largest amount of the victims of Islam are actually muslims.
FFS learn to read, take in  and digest.   There is nothing worse than having to repeat oneself over and over.
TheRealNihilist's avatar
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 "As to those who reject faith,I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, norwill they have anyone to help." 
This is God not really telling followed to do so. You can't accept this as a call to action from Muslims because it mentions "I" as in God who supposedly wrote the Quran. 
We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve for what they have associated with Allah of which He had not sent down [any] authority. And their refuge will be the Fire,and wretched is the residence of the wrongdoers.
Depends on what it means by "We". Would we mean immaterial things or tell material followers to do so. My guess this is about angles God and stuff.
They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike.So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah. But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper.
You got me here. "seize them and kill them" is pretty much a call to violence. A Muslim would say this is in context with the time era but that is BS because if the person reading the Quran requires the context the book is not timeless. It is like saying my life is timeless as long as if you only look at the time I am alive. Basically a change in what timeless means really.
 unless, those who wage war against Allah And His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption/mischief is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment.
Another immaterial threat. "All and His Messenger" both immaterial doesn't say something like you should do this.
You, who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [infact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you – then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.
Not really a call to arms more so a point about segregation.
"I Will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them".
You have got another one. "strike off their heads" is a direct commandment to the followers.
And fight them until there is no fitnah and[until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah. And if they cease - then indeed,Allah is Seeing of what they do.
This would be dependent on "fitnah" which by Google searching came up with unruly ruler. Just depends on what Quran says about what it is considered an unfit ruler.
And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.
Depends on what it means by terror. Terror is fear but can be shaped in different ways. All would be bad because it is fear apart from exceptions that I can find where fear might be okay.
It is not for a prophet to have captives [of war] until he inflicts a massacre [upon Allah's enemies] in the land.
If you can find a verse that pretty much says be like the messenger then you have another point.
"Fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them and seize them, confine them, and lie in wait for them in every place of ambush". 
Another one for you.
Fight those who don't believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture – [fight] until they give the jizyah (jizyah = tax levied by Muslim on non- - believers or be killed on refusal to pay) willingly while they are humbled.
Don't know why you highlighted it because this is not the best quote for your side.
The Jews Say, "Ezra is the son of Allah "; and the Christians say, "The Messiah is the son of Allah." That is their statement from their mouths;they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved [before them]. May Allah Destroy them; how are they deluded?
Basically said an immaterial thing to destroy a material thing. Wishing death upon someone isn't really violence if it is done without a hearing what you want to happen.
You who have believed, fight those adjacent to you of the disbelievers and let them find in you harshness. And know that Allah is with the righteous.
Not really the best quote but still is violence.

Okay so I think in order for your point to get across much better simply show the best examples of this. These are: Quran  4:89, Quran 8:12 and Surah 9:5. The rest are not a direct call to arms which is why it is best to stick to these three because these are direct call to violence.
Stephen's avatar
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 "As to those who reject faith,I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, norwill they have anyone to help." 
This is God not really telling followed to do so. You can't accept this as a call to action from Muslims because it mentions "I" as in God who supposedly wrote the Quran. 

Then you are not reading it for what it actually is as you have done all of these verses. Look at this verse from the MUSLIM point of view. Muslims are being told that those MUSLIMS who reject the faith "will be  punished  with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter".  Now ask yourself would rejection the faith of Islam mean that you won't carry out Allah's instructions of Quran 5;33 for instance which states – unless, those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth to cause corruption/mischief is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cutoff from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for thema disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment?

And what about rejecting the faith by refusing the instructions in Quran 51 - You, who have believed, do not take the Jews and Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you – then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah Guides not the wrongdoing people?

And what about this vile verse that speaks of perpetual jihad - Quran 8:39
 And fight them until there is no fitnah and[until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah. And if they cease - then indeed,Allah is Seeing of what they do.

Now I have said that not all muslims are extremist terrorists and many have rejected the faith, but then look at the punishment for apostasy;  that is those who reject the Islamic faith. 9.84.57. - ISLAM AND APOSTASY" ProphetMuhammad said: Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him."
That is enough to make any Allah fearing muslim stay with the faith , is it not.

And in case you missed it. I have admitted above that the majority of victims of Islam are muslims themselves by far. 

And you must have ignored this:

UK jihad murderer handed blood-stained note full of Qur’an quotes to a bystander
1. 4:69-76, 4:84, 9:41
2. 9:24, 9:39, 9:46, 9:87, 9:93
3. 9:67, 3:173, 47:20, 9:86, 9:31, 9:51-5,8:5-6, 2:170
4. 3:160, 9:119, 9:123
5. 9:37, 2:216, 3:142

 So please stop with your bullshit and buffoonery by denying the quran doesn't incite muslims to violence and intolerance as it clearly does.
disgusted's avatar
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A couple of thousand Muslims out of a population of 1.5 billion are bad bastards, so what are you arguing again? I realise you don't know but give it a go. bwuahahahahahahahaha

So please stop with your bullshit and buffoonery by denying the quran doesn't incite psychopaths to violence and intolerance as it clearly does.
disgusted's avatar
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Why are you godists so heavily influenced by R Dawkins, is he your 13 apostle?
Stephen's avatar
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so what are you arguing again?

Whether or not I am a Cristianophobe.  Did you miss the title.
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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That is because Western atheists hate Christians 
disgusted's avatar
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So that's what all your anti muslim drivel is about, gotcha.
WisdomofAges's avatar
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LOOK in the mirror...all anyone need is between their EARS...sadly the majority of humans are BRAINWASHED and HYPNOTIZED into dumbed 
down slaves of clever MIND and LIFE MURDERING psychopaths....most who hide behind some GOD hoax, Political Circus, Business Maze,

all HUMANS seem do do well is MURDER each other both PHYSICALLY... but especially MENTALLY....=  the OPEN MIND CONSTRUCT....the BODY is not a TERRORIST MURDERER it is merely an AVATAR a's the "INVISIBLE Parasite Vampire VOMIT" flowing in the neural network of HUMANITIES BRAIN....that is used as TOOL to create FEAR - INTIMIDATION - VIOLENCE....

This relatively small FLESHY SPONGE = BRAIN becomes the WAREHOUSE of methods to MURDER and DESTROY its own species and all other
life forms on utterly INSANE for these pathetic humans to use some GOD hoax as a TOOL to extinguish themselves...and to also
PLAY GOD in Government and Business for the same intention...POWER and CONTROL or DIE....

Wake UP HUMANS...your time on this world and in this LIFE FORM is fading.....either eliminate the Parasite VAMPIRE diseases of GODS and 
PLAYING GOD...or forever be EXTINCT...and rightfully so....your place in the COSMOS is NOT VIABLE....extinction eminent...

Stephen's avatar
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A couple of thousand Muslims out of a population of 1.5 billion are bad bastards,

At least I have forced you to get a little more honest about the threat Islam poses but you will find it is more than " a couple of thousand muslims" There are to up to 25,000 Islamist extremists in the UK alone who  pose threat, EU official warns. With 3,000 considered a direct threat by MI5 .

So please stop with your bullshit and buffoonery by denying the quran doesn't incite psychopaths to violence and intolerance as it clearly does.
Thank you for re quoting me in part, but I don't deny the quran incites muslims to violence and intolerance as it clearly does as I have shown to many times you closet racist bigot.    It was you after all calling  ALL muslims "stupid" and of ALL having "serious mental issues" and  ALL muslims are in dire need "of psychiatric intervention" simply for having a faith and a god and a prophet that they believe in, wasn't it. <<<<< That is spreading hatred and bigotry you buffon and I am amazed you have been allowed to  state and get away with such things on an open forum. It's early days yet though. Maybe when the mods wake up to your vile racist bigotry they may do something about you.

I love it when I force you to admit the truth and force you to expose your nasty racist bigotry. , it must be killing you.

Now answer me this, why do you feel it is ok  for me to criticize christianity and the bible yet you scream and cry like a little bitch when I question and criticize Islam in exactly the same way?  Why are you not screaming christianophobe when I address, scrutinize and criticise  the bible?

disgusted's avatar
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At least I have forced you to get a little more honest about the threat Islam poses
You forced me to say what I've always said. Donkey.
The independent, couldn't you find another comic book? hahahahahaha

It was you after all calling  ALL muslims "stupid" and of ALL having "serious mental issues" and  ALL muslims are in dire need "of psychiatric intervention" simply for having a faith and a god and a prophet that they believe in, wasn't it
Which is how I describe all godists,
I'm interested in who you think I'm bigoted against and to whom I am racist. You just hear words and regurgitate like a parrot.

Your "criticizing" of Islam is not in any way similar to your "criticism" of Christianity, All of your posts are just ignorance of everything.
Stephen's avatar
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At least I have forced you to get a little more honest about the threat Islam poses

The independent, couldn't you find another comic book? hahahahahaha 
In denial as usual. Those are government figures issued by MI5,  you buffoon.

A couple of thousand Muslims out of a population of 1.5 billion are bad bastards, 

At least I have forced you to get a little more honest about the threat Islam poses but you will find it is more than " a couple of thousand muslims" There are to up to 25,000 Islamist extremists in the UK alone who  pose a real threat, EU official warns. With 3,000 considered a direct threat by MI5 .

So please stop with your bullshit and buffoonery by denying the quran doesn't incite psychopaths to violence and intolerance as it clearly does.
Thank you for re quoting me in part, but I don't deny the quran incites muslims to violence and intolerance as it clearly does as I have shown to many times you closet racist bigot.    It was you after all calling  ALL muslims "stupid" and of ALL having "serious mental issues" and  ALL muslims are in dire need "of psychiatric intervention" simply for having a faith and a god and a prophet that they believe in, wasn't it. <<<<< That is spreading hatred and bigotry you buffon and I am amazed you have been allowed to  state and get away with such things on an open forum. It's early days yet though. Maybe when the mods wake up to your vile racist bigotry they may do something about you.

Snoopy's avatar
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Isn't this a representation of bigotry?  "All of your posts are just ignorance of everything."
disgusted's avatar
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Your pathetic responses have been rejected without any response. Goodbye
YeshuaRedeemed's avatar
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No I don't, dear heart. I have no problem with peace.
disgusted's avatar
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Which is how I describe all godists,
I'm interested in who you think I'm bigoted against and to whom I am racist. You just hear words and regurgitate like a parrot.

Stephen's avatar
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So please stop with your bullshit and buffoonery by denying the quran doesn't incite psychopaths to violence and intolerance as it clearly does.

Your pathetic responses have been rejected without any response. Goodbye

Yes,  goodby and thank you for re quoting me in part, but I don't deny the quran incites muslims to violence and intolerance as it clearly does as I have shown to many times you closet racist bigot.    It was you after all calling  ALL muslims "stupid" and of ALL having "serious mental issues" and  ALL muslims are in dire need "of psychiatric intervention" simply for having a faith and a god and a prophet that they believe in, wasn't it. <<<<< That is spreading hatred and bigotry you buffon and I am amazed you have been allowed to  state and get away with such things on an open forum. It's early days yet though. Maybe when the mods wake up to your vile racist bigotry they may do something about you.

disgusted's avatar
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Run away and tell mummy she's calling you.

162 days later

crossed's avatar
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I found the fox news report of Richard Dawkins.Complaining about the hypocrasy of how he can mock Christians but not Muslims.

He is a bigot if he insults Muslims but he is a savor is he insults Christianity.

The reason why this happens is because Christianity is real and Islam is not.

This is biblical

"If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you.

"You will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved.

"But they have done this to fulfill the word that is written in their Law, 'THEY HATED ME WITHOUT A CAUSE.'

John 15:21 “They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me.”

Stephen's avatar
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I found the fox news report of Richard Dawkins.Complaining about the hypocrasy of how he can mock Christians but not Muslims.

He is a bigot if he insults Muslims but he is a savor is he insults Christianity.

Indeed. There are and have been a few here who will agree with those who are praising Dawkins for his stance on Christianity.  They too will also have Dawkins down as a racist bigot when criticizing Islam. Their hypocrisy is nothing short of stunning. They will make all kinds of excuses for this blinding hypocrisy although I have criticized Christianity and the bible much more often than I have Islam and the barbaric Quran

AGnosticAgnostic's avatar
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Islam is the global root of Nazism/fascist and socialism.

The Qur'an is man-made; evolved from Syriac (not Arabic) Christian (not Islamic) strophic hymns. Because Muslims are "believers" that a man-made book is the perfect word of the creator of the universe, the first victim of Islam is the believing Muslim and their ignorance is defined by the bloody mess of the book and the similarly blood mess idol of Islam: Muhammad.

The House of Islam (ie. "believers") religiously scapegoat everything they are themselves guilty of as being the fault(s) of others. This psychological projection is the pathology that defines both Islam and the similarly degenerate Left-leaning Democrats and Liberals: socialists defining themselves as hating the other side (ie. as a product of "believer" vs. "unbeliever" in/of Islam).

Any/all attempts to label/smear people criticizing Islam as "racist/bigot/Islamophobe" are actually aiding/abetting Islam's global jihad of attempting to make Islam a/the global 'state' religion which takes the Qur'an/Islam as superior to any/all else. Islam is thus the real supremacist state being scapegoated onto so-called "white people" via the Left. Islam has infected the Left beyond reproach.

Islam is thus a humanitarian crisis that perpetually blames their adversary for what they are themselves guilty of. It is like a mental illness wherein the Muslim has no conscious knowledge of their own ignorance for "believing" everyone else is ignorant. Muhammad suffered the same and is just about the worst example for all of humanity, not the best.

It takes a believer to believe evil is good, and this is precisely what Islam is: belief that evil is good, and hundreds of millions are dead due to Islamic jihad; the guilt of which Muslims can not bear to stand, thus they default to attempting to blame others for it. This is the pathetic nature of Islam that any/all apologists feed with their apologetics: absolutely destructive.

Besides, the shahada is a false testimony contrary to the ten commandments thus the Muslims have no clue about any real Abrahamic god: they are obsessed with (ie. worship) the sexually degenerated pedophile Arab whose "example" is infidel, thus rendering Islam an infidel state.

Stephen's avatar
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the first victim of Islam is the believing Muslim

I agree.

The House of Islam (ie. "believers") religiously scapegoat everything they are themselves guilty of as being the fault(s) of others.

They do indeed but you won't convince the apologist that this is the case.

Any/all attempts to label/smear people criticizing Islam as "racist/bigot/Islamophobe" are actually aiding/abetting Islam's global jihad of attempting to make Islam a/the global 'state' religion which takes the Qur'an/Islam as superior to any/all else.

Yes they are and one has to wonder if this is intentional or simply out of pure ignorance.

Islam is thus the real supremacist state being scapegoated onto so-called "white people" via the Left. Islam has infected the Left beyond reproach.

I couldn't agree more. The barbaric  ideology that is Islam makes no secret of its goals &  intentions as you have pointed out above as does the quran itself: 
Quran 8:39
 And fight them until there is no fitnah and[until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah. And if they cease - then indeed,Allah is Seeing of what they do.

Islam is thus a humanitarian crisis that perpetually blames their adversary for what they are themselves guilty of.

Yes it is all the non believers fault simply for not choosing to believe what it is muslims believe. Indeed when an aid worker chooses to go to these war torn conflict and have their head removed it is their own fault. 

AGnosticAgnostic's avatar
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AGnosticAgnostic's avatar
They do indeed but you won't convince the apologist that this is the case.
It is because the apologist, like the believing Muslim, believes any/all others are ignorant while unknowing they are themselves ignorant.

Thus having no conscious knowledge of ones own ignorance defines ignorance-in-and-of-itself, which both Muhammad/Islam are.

It takes a believer to believe evil is good. Muslims are believers. The rest is easy.

Yes they are and one has to wonder if this is intentional or simply out of pure ignorance.
It is both: intentional, if one is a Moo-sausage of the swinery-hood (they whine and squeal over criticisms of their idols they worship) and unintentional viz. ignorance viz. the Muslims do not know the shahada is a false testimony contrary to the ten commandments, thus Islam can not possibly be an Abrahamic religion. Follows: Allah and Muhammad are equivalent, thus Islam is idol worship of a (dead) man viz. satan requires belief-in-and-of-itself for a believer to believe a dead man is a model for living.

I couldn't agree more. The barbaric  ideology that is Islam makes no secret of its goals &  intentions as you have pointed out above as does the quran itself: 
Quran 8:39
 And fight them until there is no fitnah and[until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah. And if they cease - then indeed,Allah is Seeing of what they do.
Allah = Muhammad and Islam worships a man.

Belief is inversion: in belief, evil=good and good=evil are possible.
Knowledge is reconciliation: good=good, evil=evil without confusion.
Satan requires belief.
All-Knowledge negates all-belief.
All-knowing god negates all-believing satan.
Islam is belief-based: belief-in-and-of-itself is a problem-in-and-of-itself.
Islam is satanic: being indefinitely bound to believe it is a solution, rather than a problem, in an ongoing state.

Shin - expression (as a conjunction of: psychology/emotion/action)
tet - bound (as in: entangled)
nun (final) - ongoing (indefinite) state...


...any definite expression(s) of being wherein the being is indefinitely bound (ie. to believe) in an ongoing (indefinite) state...
which describes any/all believing Muslims who falsely take the shahada: any testimony to the nature of a dead man is necessarily false contrary to the ten commandments. If the Muslim believes the ten commandments do not apply to them, this is too ignorant-in-and-of-itself: this document uniquely begins with 'I AM...(the LORD thy God...)' and because ignorance begins thus:

I know I am... <-*first fundamental knowledge
I believe I am... <-*first fundamental ignorance
designating the knowledge/belief dichotomy as equivalent knowledge/ignorance of self. Therefor, any/all believers are necessarily ignorant in-and-of-themselves for having no practical knowledge of self(-ignorance): the same being true for the worshiped idol of Islam Muhammad despite A'isha having correctly derived the 1400-year-since-running problem-solution in/of Islam:

"I have never seen anyone suffer like the believing woman."
-A'isha; "favorite" wife of Muhammad
and the Muhammad(an) hatred for women is revealed through their justification to reduce (the voice of) the woman (to half that of the man) and attempt to consciously justify this as sound: just as they justify the infidelity (ie. polygamy; multiple concurrent wives) of Muhammad - his "example" serving an idolatrous justification of their own. This idol worship of Islam goes unnoticed by the believer who believes they are themselves not idol worshipers, worshiping a dead man while ignoring the woman, despite her having derived the correct answer.

Yes it is all the non believers fault simply for not choosing to believe what it is muslims believe. Indeed when an aid worker chooses to go to these war torn conflict and have their head removed it is their own fault.
The most reliably religious element of Islam is to project/scapegoat what the House of Islam is guilty of onto whoever their political obstacle(s) is/are to furthering the imposition of Islam. Islam is thus a global mental illness: leading to the perpetual blaming of others for ones own suffering despite the suffering in/of Muslims/Islam to be wholly and solely a product of Islam-in-and-of-itself, being a problem-in-and-of-itself indefinitely and perpetually believing to be a solution-in-and-of-itself having no conscious knowledge of its own ignorance for perpetually blaming/accusing others as being ignorant. This is ignorance-in-and-of-itself and defines Islam/Muhammad. They can do nothing but hate and accuse any/all others of hatred.

It is not those who stir hatred that hate,
it is those who hate that are stirred to reveal it
in the form of accusation of the same against the stirrer.

In this way Islam can be known to be the global root of fascism (no, not the Jews: this is the global scapegoat of Islam).

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Yes they are and one has to wonder if this is intentional or simply out of pure ignorance.
It is both: intentional, if one is a Moo-sausage of the swinery-hood (they whine and squeal over criticisms of their idols they worship) and unintentional viz. ignorance viz. the Muslims do not know the shahada is a false testimony contrary to the ten commandments, thus Islam can not possibly be an Abrahamic religion. Follows: Allah and Muhammad are equivalent, thus Islam is idol worship of a (dead) man viz. satan requires belief-in-and-of-itself for a believer to believe a dead man is a model for living.

I was talking about if it was intentional  by the apologists too.

The most reliably religious element of Islam is......

If anything 'good ' can be said about Islam it is that Islam makes no secret of it's goal and intentions and woe betide anyone who stands in it's way. In this sense it is honest in the extreme. I.E. " kill them until all religion is for Allah" Quran 8:39. <<<<< this is a call for perpetual jihad ( war against the non believer)  until the the whole world is islamic. Jihad has never gone away,  it is,  and always has been,  the sole intention of Islam
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In the same way it takes a believer to believe evil is good
it certainly takes a satanic believer to believe war is peace.

Islam is responsible for more genocide than any other comparable 1400-year-old 'state'
and it religiously blames others for the iniquities of its own house (of swine men)
as they whine and squeal (like pigs) over their pathetic pig idol Muhammad
and his polygamous infidel nature that justifies their own pig nature.

Islam has not outlawed swinery,
they absolutely worship it.

"I have never seen anyone suffer like the believing woman."

After 1400 years, A'isha had it more right about the women than Muhammad ever did.

Now you watch the Muhammadan men whine and squeal about this: Islam is the root of fascism. It militarily suppresses any/all criticisms of the idol of Islam Muhammad, the bloody mess of the (Syriac Christian) Qur'an and/or the Nazi Supremacist Totalitarian Islam which religiously believes the Qur'an is the most supreme document on the face of the planet (in reality it is nothing but a bloody mess). So they accuse all others of being "supremacist" despite worshiping the patriarchal swinery of both Muhammad and Adolph Hitler:

Male central figure orator military leader who used oration as a means to attain to power, weaponized the state against his political adversaries while expanding militarily and subsequently used the power of the state to commit organized genocide against Jews.
The above expression captures the essence of both Muhammad and Adolph Hitler. Islam is the root of fascism.

And it is all due to one false testimony: the Muslims have no conscious knowledge of their own ignorance because they are believers. They believe they are being lied to by non-Muslims, but the House of Islam has been lying to the Muslims about the real history of the Qur'an/Muhammad/Islam ever since Islam began: the idol of Islam Muhammad was certainly a schizophrenic psychopathic sexually degenerated pedophile lunatic, and this is the man Muslims worship for a living while believing he was the greatest man who ever lived (idol worship / graven images in the heavens).

It takes a believer to believe evil is good.
Muslims know not from which tree they eat.

Genesis 2:17
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

They eat, and they eat, and they eat, and they devolve back into the swine they behave like.

Approx. 270 000 000 are dead as a result of Islamic jihad:

Now watch them whine and squeal and try to take this post down: they reveal themselves as the real fascist pigs in doing so, and DART is going to be harassed by these people to take it down because this is all the House of Islam does: harass, slander, accuse, blame, scapegoat. It is their "religion". "You're a bigot! You're a racist! You're an Islamophobe! You're a supremacist!" Meanwhile, these are all characteristics of the House of Islam as they project and scapegoat.

All of this madness over one man-made book and one dead pedophile worshiped as an idol. It is tragic.
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"You're a bigot! You're a racist! You're an Islamophobe! You're a supremacist!" 

Indeed I have had those titles and accusations leveled against me here on Dart often and especially by those who no nothing of this barbaric ideology Or simply won't admit to how violent an ideology it really is. Yet we only have to look and read what it was that some of our great statesmen have warned us of  in the past about Islam:

Sir William Muir (1819-1905) said; “the sword of Muhammad and the Quran are the most fatal enemies of civilisation, liberty and truth which the world has ever known... an unmitigated cultural disaster parading as God's will".

Winston Churchill 1874 - 1965: "Islam is as dangerous in a man as rabies in a dog"

William Gladstone 1809 - 1898 : " the Quran,an accursed book, so long as there is this book there will be no peace in the world.

Winston Churchill 1874 – 1965 "The religion of blood andwar is face to face with that of peace. Luckily the religion of peace is usually the better armed. The Mohammedan religion increases, instead of lessening, the fury of intolerance. Propagated by the sword, and a form of madness".

Now watch them whine and squeal and try to take this post down: 

I am not sure that it  will be taken down but I agree, they and their apologist will whine and squeal  and stamp their feet as they do regularly the minute I post a thread concerning this barbaric ideology. But they never , ever have answers or solutions.

Anyway, this thread is to do with the hypocrisy when it to scrutinising and criticizing both Christianity and Islam. It appears very clear that it is open season on Christians and Christianity but to do the same with Islam is completely taboo according to the Islam apologists!
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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as long as you dont HATE religon, your not a "phobe"