Well there is definitely a difference in intensity but isn't lokeing the color red also (albeit a less visceral) feeling? Am I missing something?
No a feeling is a mental disposition your have about something. Color is a sensation. People call senses "feelings" but it's not the same feelings as your opinion about something. Opinion aren't sensations.
Ok I actually meant that if people can come to different moral conclusions based on the same information (or biological cue) then it is likely subjective
I can show that's false. People could disagree on objective things. That just means there opinion isn't objective anymore.
Some one could state "2 + 2 doesn't equal four" maybe because their parents taught them math wrong or they just don't believe it for whatever reason. Even though that person disagrees, it doesn't change the fact this is true.
More complex example. People come to different conclusions about the earth being round, doesn't that make it subjective?
The point isn't that they follow the cues. The point is that the cues make us want to follow them so we gravitate toward that behavior naturally. So people "tend" to follow the cue and this is what we see in societies. The part where morals gets involved is after this. People made up the word "moral" to judge right and wrong. Just like any other word, we can trace back it's usage to see what people mean when they say it. When we do this, it generally comes back to group survival of some kind. Even the loose morals in holy books show some group survival, albeit from primitive times. That's why I think it makes the best standard.
Morals are our judgements
No. If that was true, we wouldn't call them "moral judgements' The moral isn't the judgement, it's the standard of your judgement. That's a subtle difference, but a difference nonetheless. ALL judgements are subjective and if the judgement also meets the standard, then it's subjective and objective at the same time. The goes for any adjective in speech. when you say something is "moral" that's an adjective and based off the two components of a judgement and a standard. So hot, cold, tall, short. Those are all objective assuming they use objective standards. Things like happy, sad, beautiful, etc. Those things have subjective standards, so they objectively true, but only insofar as it's true that it's your opinion.