I don't know which is why I ask.
I am mixed when it comes to debating. I do love it but my aim which is try for the other-side to engage with my arguments is very difficult but guess I can try again.
I don't diet. I eat what I want and I think eventually I will be fat. When I do then I do something about it. Dumb idea but like food.Which keto diet is best.
I like religious topics.
What is your political persuasion?
Make fun of Swjs.
You see? All I had to do was mention Swjs to set you off. That's why it's a good topic.
I dislike conservatives more, likely due to our president, but I'm still a centrist, rare as they are.
Yeah that is dumb. Why wouldn't you want to help people?instead of worrying about her?
(atheist conservatives are a joke that defy 'libertarian')
you'd help her feel better and give her the love of Jesus or whatever by spreading empathy and good-will, right?
Are you for privatised or public healthcare?
Are you for the wall?
Are you against war?
Who do you like more Bernie, Hillary or Trump?
Are you for trans rights?
Are you for or against Religion?
Both, meaning I believe in public insurance and private healthcare but accept public healthcare if the nation deems that better with private on the side for the middle-class and upper-class to fight over.
it's better to be ready for it and not waste money and physical human and building resources on a wall that's gonna be coming down as things progress.
No, it is something that is brutally unfair to avoid if the other side wants it.Yes, I am against it if it can be avoided and both sides win something fairly proportional in a fair compromise.
Yes, I loathe encouraging people to cut off their penis or do any funny operation to the female genitalia to make a silicone cock be there instead but I support transgender people to have the right to choose to do such a horrific thing to their own body and deny themselves proper orgasm and psychological pleasure from masturbation and sex if they fully understood the consequences and went for it anyway as consenting adults.I am against all circumcision (obviously more against female) but to understand me, you need to understand how much I loathe even getting piercings or tattoos. You should not mutilate your body unless you fully understand how much evolution and absolutely every good thing about our brains and society came from avoiding mutilation and harm.
Against, but willing to compromise with the more peaceful cherry-pickers who ignore the bad parts of their religions. That is the way of social democracy.
1. Are you tired of hypocrital politically correct douches?
2. Have you seen Sjws eat their own over bs (like a few that Trannys should not be able to compete in weightlifting for example)?
3. Think we should save our money rather than blow it with dept?
4. Are you sympathetic to the religious, police, miliary etc?
To me as it has been shown in Europe it is more effective. Do you have an argument for how privatised is more effective or do you still want both options?
Ooof. Bernie is the best. Can't believe you picked Hillary over him. Why?
Not the direction I thought you would take for the wall. So are you against Trump's wall in between America and Mexico? I do agree with the one-world state but I want it to be good not a dictatorship which I think will happen.
You do know it sounds like you are for murder right?
Your argument for trans rights is that they should be able to choose which can be said for murder.
Do you have a better reason than that?
UK and France have public healthcare but most of Europe doesn't.
Hillary has been behind the scenes when she led CIA and such as Sec. of State as well as her past knowledge about waaaay back when the US was involved with creating Al Qaeda to take down the Soviets. Hillary has such knowledge and efficient strategies in her memory and strategy-inventory as a logician that there's little about her that doesn't scream fantastic leader. The only issue is she's the type to go 'let's just do the brutally efficient thing' and not quite clean up so well after and that's the part I don't want to go into or elaborate on as it's kind of shady and nothng is known fully either on the matter.
I am against the wall, it's an idiotic waste of resources.
Not gonna directly respond to that, it's illegal to agree and I never did say that in what you quoted.
transgender people to have the right to choose to do such a horrific thing to their own body and deny themselves proper orgasm
The default is that it should be fine to choose, not that it should be illegal to choose. That is why it's automatically meant to be legal and accepted if it doesn't harm too many people.
I am not going to be hyperbolic or state someone who advocates for it instead talk about the issue itself. If you are for the wall. I have to speak to you about specifics like if you support what Trump wants but I won't say it like:Yes, sure. I am often considered a liberal fyi. I don't think this is fair due to the Fox &Friends/Trump Phenomena. Anyone with a brain looks like a liberal next to that disgusting display.
Sounds boring whenever anyone speaks about Marx. Know a few things but would have to read his critiques to better understand his side.Also, why don't you make a debate on what Marx thought about capitalism. My partner barely mentioned that after his resolution and now I have to research it just to make a case against it.
I know what he thought in general of course but need details I can criticize.
I am sorry do you want a general or a president? One person has been consistent on his views whereas Hillary isn't. Have you not seen her stance on Gay marriage when it wasn't politically good for her to do so?
Transgenderism does the opposite if the person goes through with the therapy. It is proven and yes the numbers are not the best for suicide rate but it is better after the surgery then before the surgery.
The opposite of a politically correct douche is not a racist mr. I'm referring to people that would enforce the pc dogma at the extreme risk of honest inquery. When the first trans woman joined weightlifting competitions she immediately broke world records.
It was a sham, but it's worse that you are demonized for even criticizing this.
I do not care if you'd like to be a woman but 30 years of testosterone is worse than doping and you should not be able to compete in sporting events among biological women.
Yes, Trump increased the national debt like a feind, Trumpism is not conservatism.
Just going straight Con on the military?... bold move.
I'll look at your points later but I really need to get some work done presently.
It is Universal because the Insurance is. It is not public healthcare that owns the hospitals and run them. The NHS of UK is not the norm in Europe. Read the source.
Let's say you're totally correct on her and gay marriage (you're not, she only changed on the 'marriage' part, I will explain about civil unions in just a moment),
That assumption is why you refuse to consider the complete alternative even in your extreme mind-change scenario, which is that she really did change her mind that much.
very important to understand that Bernie has been all-talk whereas Hillary was involved with many real operations and actions that helped Americans and the world as a whole in ways you can't fathom.
Iran become friendly
Mrs. Clinton DID THINGS, severely amazing and consistent things again and again from her start in politics to now that show not only that she is good at what she does but she does what's good for most, no matter how many stances she may wish-wash on in her words.
She was never against gay rights or that stuff. She saw marriage as pointless for gay people to be allowed as it's solely religious and the religions that were mainstream in the US all considered homosexuality to be immoral and against their values. So, she was always for civil unions being the alternative legal arrangement and Trump's crew twisted her words and such (as did Bernie's) to make her seem much harsher on gays than she was back in that time where indeed things were different, regarding homosexuals.
Wrong. This is confirmation bias. You assume that it isn't that the places and families+friends of people who operated weren't obviously much less anti-trans in the first place such that the percentage of trans with operations isn't far more those who aren't bullied for it in spite of the operation due to the better support-net than the percentage of trans people who have transphobic people surrounding them who are already too ashamed and scared to go for the operation and on top of that have a lot of other shit to deal with.