Paradise _ Then what?

Author: Stephen


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The fun part, is that when a soul gains the right of passage, they too can create worlds and realities
You know in agree with your vision, there are just some nuances i see differently. I think everyone will become this ultimate infinite consciousness. I don't think there is any right of passage. I believe when everyone becomes this source, they will be scared. I can say trust me i've experienced it, but really who knows if you're different and would like it. I suspect many will fear being this source however, bc knowing everything, being everything and everyone, know all beginnings and ends, knowing all stories happening, all at once... well, as a finite human it's hard to imagine, but i dipped my foot in it and it scared the crap out of me... i remember, all i wanted was to be human and forgetful again... i was begging for it. 

That experience is primarily why i think everyone becomes the source, is either shocked or amazed by it, but will soon individualize and shut down from being the source. Bc knowing all beginnings and ends isn't who we are. We don't want to know. We might think we do, but i don't think at that level. But anyways, the right of passage i think is formed in this life. You become who you will continue to be by who you make yourself in each life. If you are a crock and continue that life, when you individualize, you will continue to be a crock in the next life. It's only when you snap out of your ways and see there are more ways. But then again, i think some of it is by design. I think some people will infinitely continue to be what they are... bc that is how they were imagined. A rock star needs his groupies. So, if that reality is imagined, so are the groupies. Can these groupies snap out of it and become rock stars themselves? Maybe, but i don't think it happens often... or i should say i don't know. 

So, just follow that logic and you'll see what i mean. That's basically how i see it as of now.  

When you have a conscious reality that is capable of creating anything It wants through varying states of conscious activity you can have endless experiences. You have endless galaxies in one world (our universe alone), now imagine endless galaxies within multi verses.
I really hope your confidence in this, and my suspicion of it's potential for truth is right man. The implications of this would be the most beautiful end to this world. 

I just realized I've never asked you this, which is wild since this is the coolest part... what would you do next? 

disgusted's avatar
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Hey et
The fun part, is that when a soul gains the right of passage, they too can create worlds and realities.
And you'll have flutterbys and flying squirrels and black and white rainbows and everything you read about in Mother Goose too. Oh happy days, there is one slight drawback and that is you'll be dead and completely unaware of anything at all. 4.5 billion years of evidence opposed by your few years of imagination, it's just not fair is it.
Stephen's avatar
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In regards to the then what? I don't know

And neither do the faithful Christians going by the zero responses to a question that they , after 2,000 years of biblical study should have no problem answering. 
Stephen's avatar
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Ever thought about addressing Theists and not just Christians?

It is only the Christian idea that I am interested in on this thread. Although I was christened I have never be a practicing Christian. but I have studied the Christian religion very closely for over 40 years.  I don't believe the scriptures are telling the whole truth. In fact I believe the gospel writers are hiding a bigger story to the point of outright lying.  I am convinced there is another story, a fuller story beneath the surface of these gospel stories.

there is more to the afterlife than just what Christianity posits

There may well be and its nice to hear it. . Please feel free to start a thread and I will gladly read with what you have to say. Meanwhile this thread is about what happened once the Christian faithful reach "paradise"
Castin's avatar
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So , the question then is then:  for those that manage to get to Paradise, then what? What happens then? What's the point of paradise? 
I think this is supposed to be like asking "What's the point of happiness?"

Stephen's avatar
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I think this is supposed to be like asking "What's the point of happiness?" 

No. I would have asked - ' what is the point of happiness' if that is what I wanted to ask, Castin, my old mate.
keithprosser's avatar
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I am convinced there is another story, a fuller story beneath the surface of these gospel stories.
I'm curious what you think that "fuller story" is, but i'll ask instead, "What do you think happens in paradise?".

keithprosser's avatar
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I think this is supposed to be like asking "What's the point of happiness?"

I tried happiness once - I didn't like it much.  Grumpiness is much more satisfying and you can keep it up for years.  They'd lock you up if you were happy all the time, and a good thing too. 
Outplayz's avatar
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And neither do the faithful Christians going by the zero responses to a question that they , after 2,000 years of biblical study should have no problem answering.
Yeah, trust me Stephen.. this is one of the specific arguments ('explain how paradise is logical') i always pose to anyone of the opinion of being eternal in some kind of heaven/paradise. I tell them the implications, they squirm. I tell them that i truly without a doubt am scared to heck of such an afterlife, they get blindsided. How can i follow these religions when all they promise me is hell? It's seriously bw a hell of physical pain or a hell of slow mental torment. That scares the crap out of me... it doesn't sound like paradise. Everyone one of them, to date, can't answer this question. And the one's that do interestingly try... paint a picture that is not from they're text. That's the only way you can make sense of this question... change beliefs.  

EtrnlVw's avatar
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Meanwhile this thread is about what happened once the Christian faithful reach "paradise"

Well I think the most simple answer to that question is they continue to experience life, just in another place. Since the soul is eternal it's good that there are places to exist and many of them, Heaven is only one planet, there are many. People may not realize that a soul can still impact their environment as well, have a life and share their dreams.....they have things to do besides playing a harp. Although I'm inclined to believe music is also still much a part of what some do, but it's posited that the afterlife is also very busy especially when you examine NDE's and religious knowledge of the afterlives. So if you reach a paradise you still live your own life, still have your passions and interests and people you love and admire so it's not like a dead end by any means. And again, it's important to remember that nowhere does it say a soul is forced to stay in one place forever so there are many choices.
The descriptions of heaven in the Bible (few as they are) are actually common to many NDE testimonials, a lot of people see beautiful angels, magnificent landscapes, scenery, colors and light. Almost all NDE testimonials always say they really never wanted to leave or come back here, they were fascinated and captivated by the experience and are overwhelmed with joy. Souls can also have bad experiences depending on how they lived their life.....But yeah, souls simply continue their lives in whatever way that they do. 
Tradesecret's avatar
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Paradise obviously (well in my view) is a reference to the garden of Eden. It was where God dwelled on earth in the beginning. 

After the fall, it was shut and an angel or cherubim was left to guard the door to ensure that no one could get in. 

I think that Paradise is part of the current heaven that Christians go to when they die. It is a place. It is physical or material. And it is a lot like earth as we understand it. I say part - because I am not sure it is the whole. 

It is not however the same as the eternal heaven which has not yet been made. After all there will be a new heaven and a new earth. 

the Bible has lots to say about both of these types of heaven. the current heaven and the eternal heaven. There are similarities and differences between the two. 

more on that later. 
EtrnlVw's avatar
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You know in agree with your vision, there are just some nuances i see differently. I think everyone will become this ultimate infinite consciousness. I don't think there is any right of passage. I believe when everyone becomes this source, they will be scared. I can say trust me i've experienced it, but really who knows if you're different and would like it. I suspect many will fear being this source however, bc knowing everything, being everything and everyone, know all beginnings and ends, knowing all stories happening, all at once... well, as a finite human it's hard to imagine, but i dipped my foot in it and it scared the crap out of me... i remember, all i wanted was to be human and forgetful again... i was begging for it.

Yeah we've discussed this. You know I believe everything comes from an ultimate infinite consciousness and yes a soul can become that at some point because that is the souls origin but it's not for the faint of heart lol, that is something one has to cultivate a comfort level with, which is why it's good for an individual to get alone and get confident that way at times.
In order for a soul to exist independently or have an independent experience it has to be confined to form or embodiment, otherwise it's omnipresent again in the full state of the One. So the One Source isolates it's consciousness to create a sperate experience. In order for us to have this human experience our conscious soul has to be stepped way, way down, to reduce it's awareness to an independent agent. This is genius of course, and because forms are simply isolated frequencies of energy a conscious experience can happen at any level and in the full conscious state of "God" everything is experienced simultaneously, so at all times there is the observation of the One state and the experience we have as individual forms. As matter of fact awareness doesn't even need a human body, a nervous system or even a even plants are obviously conscious or have awareness whatever you want to label it. There is awareness/intelligence all the way down to the atom and far beyond that and eventually is omnipresent. "Scientists" don't yet know or acknowledge energy exists because consciousness exists, energy is present with conscious activity and the key to recognize this is how energy behaves and acts in creation. It's pretty simple actually, only at this point people still label it pseudoscience lol, that just means no one has any thing to argue anymore.

But I agree, most people are terrified of death or being alone I get it, that is why we have things like "paradise", worlds, universes ect ect all to have an experience away from the alone state. The soul, which includes all of us as individuals are on a very long journey but I agree, since we originated from this source we will also experience again. This is where spirituality plays it role, it's a progression of the soul where it eventually learns about its true nature. An average low conscious person couldn't handle such a revelation they have to awaken in stages. You kind of see this when you look across at the world of religions.....different levels, higher and lower awareness such and such.
The interesting thing to me though is that the soul has more than a physical body and a soul. The soul (infinite consciousness) has several layers to confine it which culminate in the physical outer layer we have as a human body. When the soul leaves the body the very next layer is the astral body and this astral body correlates with the astral world which is what most NDE's observe. The cool thing is even though the astral body lives way longer than the physical body it's still not the soul or the one source. The astral body too can experience death and so the soul leaves the astral body to the causal body which correlates with that world. There are five of these layers that still exist within the worlds of duality and each plane of existence is less restricted than the one that preceded it, these layers are called the physical (senses), astral (emotion), causal (memory), mental (mind) and etheric (intuition). The fun doesn't end there though the Source is very crafty! once the soul leaves the five worlds of duality it now has made it to the pure conscious realms and there are many states of observation here as well. I'll leave it at that, there's too much to discuss on this topic. To make a long story short the soul has many things to experience.

The right of passage thing I was referring to is an individual has to become responsible and more aware of how they impact their surroundings and how they deal with other beings, because a soul out of control can do a lot of damage and that is why it must mature to be in the higher worlds. Like you said..."they will be scared when they become the Source", that's because they have to be cultivated to get back to that state of consciousness and why the soul must be stepped several levels down to negate such an enormous state of awareness from the Source. Having said that the soul can have an experience through any one of those layers or planes of experience. The soul is not in pieces, the soul is a core and has many "masks" or embodiments/layers it observes through. So as the physical body sheds the soul still continues to exist and so on.

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You become who you will continue to be by who you make yourself in each life. If you are a crock and continue that life, when you individualize, you will continue to be a crock in the next life. It's only when you snap out of your ways and see there are more ways.

Yes, the soul can play mindlessly for as long as it wants though too and that is part of the reason for these experiences. At some point, it will eventually seek deeper things and this is where they begin to snap out of their more carnal ways or desires. At some point the soul is going to want to know where it came from and why it is here.
This is where I believe reincarnation and Karma come into play. Just means there's an accountability to our actions in creation. In the Source state that no longer matters or is applicable, it's a singular reality there's no duality. But once we enter creation and duality we become a victim of our own actions but the soul wants to learn about itself and improve, why improve? because it's conscious and intelligent and so it always seeks to become more aware....stronger, wiser ect ect and so naturally it desires to improve in whatever direction for that being even if it takes eons. The soul is also naturally creative and without it knowing, it wants real freedom and this is what drives the individual deeper back home eventually. The closer home the soul gets, the more free and less inhibited it is, the more creative it's allowed to become.

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When you have a conscious reality that is capable of creating anything It wants through varying states of conscious activity you can have endless experiences. You have endless galaxies in one world (our universe alone), now imagine endless galaxies within multi verses.

I really hope your confidence in this, and my suspicion of it's potential for truth is right man. The implications of this would be the most beautiful end to this world. 

I'm more confident about this than many other things :)

I just realized I've never asked you this, which is wild since this is the coolest part... what would you do next? 

Lol, I have a lot in mind. I'm very creative and so I would like to explore more creative options that way, sometimes I feel limited here and so the fun is losing my interest. I would like to use my creative abilities either two ways, helping souls wake up and or creating realities for other souls to experience.
I think I'm ready to move on from here as beautiful as it is lol, nah I really do have people I love here there's a lot of beauty but because of the swing of duality it can be brutal as well. The heaviness and restrictions of the physical body become mundane at time.
If we're looking at the subtle layers or planes of existence some interest me more than others but I'm not sure if I have a solid plan or desire yet, heck I could just decide I want to have an experience with my wife and kids again who knows, my wife is like my soul mate it might be fun to have another crazy journey together.... I'd like to check out the Akashic records at some point though and revisit some memories and experiences, there's many places I would probably want to see I'm sure. 
You should read the Tiger's Fang by Paul Twitchell it's interesting. 

Tradesecret's avatar
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I've done similar threads, and disgusted is indeed correct: confronted with the idea of what happens in paradise EXCLUSIVE of the fact that you're not being tormented eternally, believers have an exceptionally difficult time answering this one. And none of them, even the ones that do answer, are even remotely the same. Some make it sound like the greatest vacation ever, others say you're a disembodied spirit who sings all day and doesn't remember their family. 
I think the fact is many Christians don't read the bible and many pastors or preachers have never been taught about heaven. I have studied degrees at theological colleges and heaven gets mentioned - but rarely ever articulated on very much. Many Christians take a simple approach - they trust God knows best and believe that whatever heaven is like - it must be better than here. That for many is the scope of their understanding - and so far as it goes - I don't find that a bad thing. It does not satisfy me - and interestingly, it would not have satisfied the early Christians nor most Christians throughout history. It really is a rather modern notion that heaven has disappeared from our minds and hearts. 

There really are not that many books about heaven written. Yet I take the view that the Bible really does give us heaps of information - and we really need to start to get our heads around it because there are so many wacky ideas around. Gee just look at this topic - and see the loopy ideas. 

I mentioned awhile ago in another post that in the modern west we often see Heaven through the lens of the Greek philosophy. Yet the Bible clearly talks about heaven always in conjunction with the earth. And to a new heaven and new earth. The Bible is not anti-material like the Greeks were. the human was born of the earth and breathed into by God. The human is both heaven and earth born. It is hence quite distinct from the Greek ideas of spirituality - being anti - body or anti- earth. 

Paradise means walled garden - I suggest referring back to the now guarded Garden of Eden.  It is a picture of perfection. Of a world without sin - without death - without evil and sickness. I suggest it talking about heaven - with the Garden of Eden - as the original heaven on earth. A fore picture of the new heaven - the city of Jerusalem descending to be on the new earth. 

More to come. 

Outplayz's avatar
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When the soul leaves the body the very next layer is the astral body and this astral body correlates with the astral world which is what most NDE's observe. 
I'll only copy lines but this is in regards to your first post. When i read your beliefs, it's interesting to me bc i primarily 1) look for spiritual platforms that make sense of my experiences and 2) that would give me what i would consider paradise. It sounds to me that your levels hypothesis / observations, especially in regards to NDE's, would explain my experiences, and of course the rest allows for what i would consider paradise. I really wonder sometimes if my mind is somehow connected to other levels. Bc not only have i always known, as a very young kid, this reality isn't where i'm from or at least there are other realities, i also have had experiences that shouldn't be possible. Maybe that is a tapping into the higher realms. I guess if there can be certain brains that can connect to this world like an Einstein type mind, i'm not calling myself a genius, there could be minds that are more connected / remember more / blocked out less of the other worlds. So i'm always impressed when i hear you explain this platform bc not many see it. Plus, i see you have some eastern philosophy in there as well in regards to the reincarnating until you fix your karma which i've always found fascinating. Plus, i should add, western monks / gurus / mystics, it has been said that through so many years of mediating, they have actually left there bodies and just died in mediation. I find that also interesting and wish it could somehow be tested. But it's hard to know 1) when it will happen and 2) if they are just dying naturally. But i suspect there is a little more to it. I think the best thing we can test is past live memories at this point. But understanding this platform and the implications of what your past lives could be... i think it's also hard to find someone that had a past live on earth. But theoretically, that would be the easiest thing to test at this point anyways. Good luck having the west do that study though... if it doesn't make money, it ain't getting grants. Stupid western philosophy of greed, i swear.  

One last thing is, i'm not sure if darkness or evil really exists. I think it only exists in this reality bc we are afraid to die. But if we become infinite, was there ever really evil? I don't know. So this kinda goes into my next point which i'll make below... i'm not sure some people can transcend... i think they are who they are infinitely. Especially the people, if you've met any you'd know, that just have no minds... their like robots doing what they do and very malleable.. they just seem like necessary characters to make this reality whole. 

Yes, the soul can play mindlessly for as long as it wants though too and that is part of the reason for these experiences. 
I hear what you're saying, it's again very close to eastern philosophy... i just have a sneaking suspicion, as i indicate above, that some people can't snap out of who they are. From what you wrote, i am assuming you are of the belief everyone can snap out of their level if they learn to and cultivate it... i just think even then, it will always be incomprehensible for some people... like they were created to be what they are infinitely. I don't know really... i understand how your observation can be likely, maybe even more likely, than what i think. I'm just not sure and have no way of knowing. 

nah I really do have people I love here there's a lot of beauty but because of the swing of duality it can be brutal as well. The heaviness and restrictions of the physical body become mundane at time.
Firstly, that's a really cool belief. I'm happy you find this world beautiful and have a loving family. But there is a reason i usually ask this question, and it's bc i've noticed you're paradise will mostly be what you love. Who knows until then really, but i would have been able to guess some of it. Creating worlds for others, that's awesome and something i don't think i can ever do. Actually, we have a lot different in what we would consider paradise. If you looked at my life, and don't want to tell too much here, you would start to understand why i find what i do as paradise... which basically, put your finger on a fantasy movie you've seen and i'm probably there. For instance you've heard my obsession with vampires, but there's more than just that like a lot of worlds i've learned from Anime i've watched, Harry Potter type realities, LOTR type realities, Marvel, DC, etc. Lol. But there is a theme that is similar in all of these that i personally see manifested in my world. A theme all these types of people would have to go through. I don't like talking about what this theme is... but i see it in my life. It's weird to me how what i would consider paradise matches who i am, and what others think it is, matches who they are. Who knows... things may change... but i also don't want to be in this reality for long. I don't see myself getting very old. Am i right in predicting that? I don't know... but i do agree i would live this life 100 times over for the things i love. Actually, i believe we are all (or a lot of us at least) are here for the things we love about this reality. I just don't love it as much as you do... how can i? When i can imagine myself in any of those other realities i mentioned. Like i think i already told you, that why i feel old already and out of place... i don't think this is a reality i would manifest in often. And i also think, interestingly, that's why i would manifest here sorta remembering... bc if i manifested here as an atheist (or really any other belief) i'd probably be dead by now. Well, not agnostic bc i find not being sure is actually very uplifting bc i can imagine it, i suspect it, i'm just not sure... kinda makes you excited to die and find out making death more of a blessing than a curse.  

Stephen's avatar
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Paradise obviously (well in my view) is a reference to the garden of Eden. It was where God dwelled on earth in the beginning. 

Possibly. but I belive it a reference to the original state of man when first placed into the garden ( he was created somewhere else).  I have already hinted at this possibility  at post 7 above where I stated:

Stephen: When researching the word paradise, one will discover it simply means  "garden"  a "walled garden" to be precise.. This is interesting because when one reads the story of the crucifixion - of which there appears to be two versions in the NT - one version has the women peering over a wall into a private garden owned by a secret rich disciple and watching it all play out. 

But this does not answered the question. What then?
keithprosser's avatar
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My  reading of the scant hints in the bible is that the afterlife was originally imagined as a 'nicer' version of this life and would be on this earth.  Heaven was where God and the angels lived - it wasn't where the good dead people went.   The dead awaited a bodily ressurection to re-populate a soon-to-be paradise here on earth, ie on this world minus the pain, suffering and the unremitting struggle to survive. 
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Plus, i should add, western monks / gurus / mystics, it has been said that through so many years of mediating, they have actually left there bodies and just died in mediation. I find that also interesting and wish it could somehow be tested. But it's hard to know 1) when it will happen and 2) if they are just dying naturally. But i suspect there is a little more to it. I think the best thing we can test is past live memories at this point.

Anytime you have a question just ask me, as of yet I've never encountered a question or problem I haven't circulated in my mind and used the evidence available to piece the truth together. Not saying I know everything but I'll comment on what I'm pretty sure about because I've been at the spiritual playground a while now and I've looked into many sources of information. You would be surprised at the knowledge that is out there, soul travel I think you would find very compelling and if you find the right sources there are some people that could enlighten you to things. Soul travel is similar to what we would refer to as astral travel only your travels are not just limited to the astral plane. Basically it's projecting your consciousness through different parts of creation even planets you want to explore, and since your consciousness by nature is not limited to this form you can learn to project it elsewhere even before death.....The astral plane of course is very beautiful, what most souls who leave the body especially before their actual time was up think is heaven, and to some degree it is but each plane of existence has many galaxies and planets just like this one so in the astral world there are still really horrific places. But as you get closer to leaving the realms of duality totally so the beauty magnifies, is less dual in nature so there is less swing of duality ya know, "good vs evil" kind of stuff.
Anyways to elaborate of the meditation thing, this goes back to what I was saying about the subtle layers that cover the soul. It's really not that hard to imagine, it is basically the same thing as when a person dies and then they are present in the afterlife or a spirit body. Only that's not final, the soul has several layers before you get to the very core which is where the Source is. And as I wrote the soul has to have this, because it has to be stepped down from such a powerhouse of a reality. The energy alone It produces and builds is unimaginable, it would annihilate any lower form or human brain/body. It's almost like getting closer to the sun, each subtle body withstands a little more scorching until the soul is raw and exposed. Then like the sun, it will consume you and "burn" you into an ocean of pure conscious awareness.
But yes, there is what is known as the silver cord, or life cord. It's a literal linkage from the soul all the way through all the layers including the physical body. So what happens, is when you learn to soul travel through meditation that cord can be snapped if you never wanted to return to the physical body. It's usually not permitted or encouraged to do that because a person has to fulfill what it is they came to learn unless this is a serious guru or something that has been practicing for decades, but when you get to the level of soul travel no longer does a person have to be subjected to physical death, they can leave the body at will. There's probably a handful of that type of being on this planet and one thing is for sure that they are here to uplift the consciousness of mankind and they have come purposefully not randomly.
It is of my opinion that a person can leave the physical body before actual death, but it would be rare and they would have to know what they were doing. When you get to this level of knowledge you're on missions not just play. Ill be coming on here on and off so I'll get to more of this. I'll give ya one thing you do have a more dynamic way of thinking. I rarely get to talk about things beyond "which religion is correct" "the Bible is immoral" ect ect lol so it's always fun to talk with you. 

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One last thing is, i'm not sure if darkness or evil really exists. I think it only exists in this reality bc we are afraid to die. But if we become infinite, was there ever really evil? I don't know. So this kinda goes into my next point which i'll make below...
Well as we discussed we have different states of consciousness involved here. At one state, the highest state is non-dual and everything is One Source so there is no such thing as good or evil because right and wrong only come into play through relations, through separation, duality, contrast and opposing views. So while duality in creation can be argued to be an illusion it still exists. There's still you and I and we can hurt each other or love one another. While in form, while inhabiting embodiments, while individualized beings exist and as we are in creation we have to contend with the reality that we can do these things.
What gives the soul individualization is that even though it comes out of the One Source it is still developing a certain personality through it's own perceptions and experiences and embodiments. This is actually quite fascinating that God can be in one state and be experiencing also through a distorted, limited state it is friggin awesome. The individual soul has developed to where it is right now from much like a seed or baby-like product. This happened the moment the soul wanted to leave the Godhead as an individual expression. That seed was covered in layers and sent into creation to emerge as its own person. And as we said earlier now we have an experience in one state while there is still another fully awake state.

 i'm not sure some people can transcend... i think they are who they are infinitely. Especially the people, if you've met any you'd know, that just have no minds... their like robots doing what they do and very malleable.. they just seem like necessary characters to make this reality whole.

Lol, well yes and no. If you know this is a low level part of creation or the mutli-worlds and souls are created or manifested as seeds rather than fully developed entities you will see people at varying levels of awareness, like you said "mindless". They do have a mind it's just their awareness is much more restricted, they are not observing from the same state you observe from. So it does make for an interesting creation, to have followers and leaders and everything in between. So because of the very nature of our experience and what we see in our universe I think every soul probably progresses, and remember this process can be as slow as slow can be because this is an eternal reality. Time is of no concern in terms of souls progressing. I think when you encounter really unaware people they are probably the newer souls and the real rowdy ones that like to stir up trouble lol, yeah those are probably newbies. Not always though, some trouble makers are trouble makers because they are really creative and crafty those are the ones you gotta watch, but this type can mature through experience quicker so a lot times rebels turn out to be the heroes in the end. I was a wild child in my teens, now my personality and the things I do have changed dramatically and the things I'm interested in.

ludofl3x's avatar
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Whenever I read discussions between you guys, I can't help but imagine theremins playing in the background. I say it with love :). 
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keithprosser's avatar
Whenever I read discussions between you guys, I can't help but imagine theremins playing in the background. I say it with love :). 
Not sitars?

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Actually, we have a lot different in what we would consider paradise. If you looked at my life, and don't want to tell too much here, you would start to understand why i find what i do as paradise... which basically, put your finger on a fantasy movie you've seen and i'm probably there. For instance you've heard my obsession with vampires, but there's more than just that like a lot of worlds i've learned from Anime i've watched, Harry Potter type realities, LOTR type realities, Marvel, DC, etc. Lol. But there is a theme that is similar in all of these that i personally see manifested in my world. A theme all these types of people would have to go through. I don't like talking about what this theme is... but i see it in my life.

Once you understand how consciousness truly operates in creation there isn't anything you could imagine that couldn't exist. The funny part is that many things people think is absurd or stupid exists in the higher worlds...other universes and planets, even fantasy movies are unknowingly expressing what already exists. Within our own physical universe alone we have virtually endless places to experience and or exist. However, obviously the human form is limited to this planet and of course it would be, the embodiments that evolved here were purposefully formed to withstand a certain environment and likewise, when you travel far to other parts of the universe where suns sit closer to the planet, or there are a completely different arrangement of solar systems the bodies there would have evolved to suit their climates. So beware of what you think exists, lol there could very well be some strange looking entities.

The Source is not limited to the knowledge of just earth or how we perceive things, it can literally form what It wants wherever It wants and time is never a factor. Now bring this knowledge out from the physical universe, creation becomes more fluid and more dynamic and when the soul accidentally leaves the physical body it usually 100% of the time never wants to come back to the material body.
The subtle bodies are much lighter, the soul is no longer restricted by a human brain, they are no longer restricted to just the physical perception and it's not even comparable. All the studies I've seen the soul had to be convinced to return and finished what they loved or desired to fulfill. This wouldn't apply to negative experiences though obviously, there are some gruesome places in the created worlds so one has to watch what they mess with, as much beauty and as much love as you could ever comprehend the opposite exists in duality and has to. Creation is built on opposing forces and poles of opposites and so the soul is free to explore either side unfortunately, this naturally makes for war and conflict and the physical world is a wild place and at some point or maybe already you will be free to do whatever you want. Just keep in mind, that your desires tie your experiences to certain places and so you have to accept all that it comes with.
Once you get tired of playing games things won't interest you as much, you'll just be consumed with knowing where you come from and what this is all about and you might begin to feel weary about life. But as long as you have passion and fire your attention will follow that, that's kinda the point really.

Outplayz's avatar
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I'll let you two decide:

But if you'd really like to know what's going on in my mind... this whole song is one piece of my mind: 

Tradesecret's avatar
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But this does not answered the question. What then?
I wonder what you are getting at with this question. 

Surely you are not asking people to try and particularise the rest of eternity? 

My view is quite general. I think eternity is eternal - and I am one of those people who don't like spoilers - save and except in a general sense. 

For instance - I know I am going to die. but I don't want to know how I am going to die or when or even where. Others are different. 

I take the view that the life we live now is in many ways a reflection of what life is going to be in eternity. I think that for most of us - that life will be lived on earth - doing many of the same things we do now, learning, growing, teaching, loving each other and loving God. I think we will work, eat, and have times of recreation. I think there will be trees and animals and perhaps insects. But the primary difference will be that there will be no sin, no separation from God, no sickness.  I also think that in this state that many of us will be praying to God - on behalf of those who are living on the earth. And then I think that when Christ returns - we will be glorified and that the new heavens will descend to the new earth and then a new journey will begin.

I imagine that God created an entire and vast universe for a reason. It may well be just to establish his glory and handiwork. It may well be that he wants his children to explore and to do good - for the rest of eternity learning etc. I don't think we will get bored. Nor will we become sick of living in this way. I think I am over generalising - but to be honest - attempting to particularise eternity is far to bold for me to do. 

I do think that worshiping God is an end in itself. I also think that living with unity with God is an end in itself. But having said that, I take the view that for God it is not just about the end, but also the process or the means of getting there which is important as well. Consider Jesus' response to Satan when Satan offered him all the people and nations in the world. If the end was the only thing - Jesus could well have just taken it all then. Yet, he chose to say no - because the means of getting to the end was not in his mind - worth it. 

What next - or what then? Particulars or generalisations. What do you want? 

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There's probably a handful of that type of being on this planet and one thing is for sure that they are here to uplift the consciousness of mankind and they have come purposefully not randomly. 
Yeah this is interesting and follows the spiral dynamics model. It's interesting bc these people that get to the top level, teal, the majority of them want to uplift mankind's consciousness. That's why i know i'm split if i am even that high, i'm split bw the two bc sometimes i want to, sometimes i really don't care about anyone but myself. But it's interesting those top tiers are usually people that have practiced all their lives to connect inside themselves and then to the world, and that's what they become... and oh so rare they are. That almost seems like by design bc they can't be many or else what they said would be like a religion... empty. They are like the whispers through the wind... you really have to listen or want to listen to hear it. 

I just wonder why more of them aren't studied. I would think someone that can control their astral projections would be interesting to study. I've done it before so i know it can be done, but controlling it is a whole different issue. Actually, i told my uncle about it when i did it and he was a bit confused how i did it. He is a neurologist and i remember this stumped him for a bit of what would be happening to allow for me to step outside my body. He just surrendered that it wasn't what i thought and it was a dream (could have been in my scenario)... but, i don't know if that is sufficient enough an answer overall. Bc i know people say they can do it under control. Never met one, but heard. Actually, if they are teal tier, i would understand they wouldn't care to be studied. Their main focus wouldn't at that point be proof but how to help humanity. So not only are these people rare, they don't care to prove it... it would be interesting if one did. 

At one state, the highest state is non-dual and everything is One Source so there is no such thing as good or evil because right and wrong only come into play through relations, through separation, duality, contrast and opposing views.
Oh, i see what your saying. I'm following and can see your point of view, it makes sense. I just really look at it in an anthropomorphic kind of way with our art being the main example. It's like is Stan Lee evil for creating Thanos? Is Thanos evil, well in the duality of the movie yeah, but he was necessary to the story right? Without Thanos or any evil characters for that matter ... how can you have a hero? Of course it can be argued hero's would be the ones that just save people from car accidents, natural disasters, etc... but aren't even those events evil? They still kill; what's the difference bw wind killing you or Thanos snapping his fingers? I don't see a difference other than the human has choice to. But do they? You can look at Thanos as a natural disaster that requires the hero's to save people from. So that's how i really look at it bc i think our art is a projection of who we really are. Not only is that true in this reality, i think the more imaginative arts (like fantasy) is another projection of lives we've forgotten. It's just really interesting humans have this ability to create realities, characters, entire universes really of things we've never seen. Plus, i can't wait for Avengers: Endgame... lol. Hence, the Thanos analogies... Damn trailers, bc i just watched the newer one. Hyped. 

The funny part is that many things people think is absurd or stupid exists in the higher worlds...other universes and planets, even fantasy movies are unknowingly expressing what already exists. 
You know, this gives me goosebumps, simply bc it is so rare to see someone say this. I've been online since early 20's and i've never seen anyone say this in forums or Yahoo Answers (where i started :p). I always thought there is no way this could be true (interestingly though, except when i was a kid.. i was sure it's true). But then i started examining this infinite consciousness concept... if that is true, then what in the world is it not capable of? Imagine everything we have imagined to this point times infinity. That is truly incomprehensible. But such a platform would allow for such implications. It's funny though, bc the people that understand this infinite source platform, don't seem to understand how many realities are possible. Most guru's, mystics, and the like i at least listened to basically only think this reality is it. Reincarnation is only into this reality. Which of course i think they're wrong, but it confuses me how they can know so much but so little. 

I think your advantage over them is that you don't only listen to their perspective. Again, interestingly, in this world of indoctrination, the only way you can find this conclusion/platform is to examine all beliefs and philosophies and most importantly do it by and for yourself, with your own mind. Of course there are small exceptions like kinda people like me (i say that humbly) since i saw this as soon as i could imagine. But i did forgot it due to indoctrination. It took giving a middle finger to all of them to come back to what i already knew. The path to this platform is interesting in itself. 

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Time is of no concern in terms of souls progressing.
Hmm, in that way it makes a lot of sense. Maybe that's why we also have this progression, although quicker, in our reality. What i mean is, if a source is going to manifest into a reality... each of its progression need their time. This always gets me to an evolving source, but i guess it is somehow conceivable a source that has always been just saw progression in this way somehow... who am i to understand an infinite mind. But our own progression or call it evolution can be bc each character has needed to play its part for the future, more advance characters. It's almost like dinosaurs were the sources childhood phase and now we are its adolescence. The interesting part is, if we follow this logic, when it is mature, all the way to a wise old source... at that wise old man stage, we will probably have created a similar source here. Or everything could just end tomorrow and i'm wrong, lol. 

disgusted's avatar
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How eternal can something be that hasn't been created yet?
Stephen's avatar
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I wonder what you are getting at with this question. 

Stop replying to my questions with questions of your own. This is a typical practice that many believers use when they are on the back foot and cannot answer what should be a simply question for them - the devout faithful Christian. If you don't have an answer - which you clearly do not -  then leave it to those who should know and stop cluttering up a thread with opinions and questions of your own.It a simple enough question: 

Christian has walked in the way of god all his life ( like Zacharias) and has received his reward , he entered into "Paradise", AS IN:>>

Luke 23:43 Jesus said unto him,Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.

What then?

Surely you are not asking people to try and particularise the rest of eternity? 

No. I have made it very clear what it is I am asking. It is obviously a far too difficult question for you.

My view is quite general. I think eternity is eternal.........

Nothing to do with this thread.