When the soul leaves the body the very next layer is the astral body and this astral body correlates with the astral world which is what most NDE's observe.
I'll only copy lines but this is in regards to your first post. When i read your beliefs, it's interesting to me bc i primarily 1) look for spiritual platforms that make sense of my experiences and 2) that would give me what i would consider paradise. It sounds to me that your levels hypothesis / observations, especially in regards to NDE's, would explain my experiences, and of course the rest allows for what i would consider paradise. I really wonder sometimes if my mind is somehow connected to other levels. Bc not only have i always known, as a very young kid, this reality isn't where i'm from or at least there are other realities, i also have had experiences that shouldn't be possible. Maybe that is a tapping into the higher realms. I guess if there can be certain brains that can connect to this world like an Einstein type mind, i'm not calling myself a genius, there could be minds that are more connected / remember more / blocked out less of the other worlds. So i'm always impressed when i hear you explain this platform bc not many see it. Plus, i see you have some eastern philosophy in there as well in regards to the reincarnating until you fix your karma which i've always found fascinating. Plus, i should add, western monks / gurus / mystics, it has been said that through so many years of mediating, they have actually left there bodies and just died in mediation. I find that also interesting and wish it could somehow be tested. But it's hard to know 1) when it will happen and 2) if they are just dying naturally. But i suspect there is a little more to it. I think the best thing we can test is past live memories at this point. But understanding this platform and the implications of what your past lives could be... i think it's also hard to find someone that had a past live on earth. But theoretically, that would be the easiest thing to test at this point anyways. Good luck having the west do that study though... if it doesn't make money, it ain't getting grants. Stupid western philosophy of greed, i swear.
One last thing is, i'm not sure if darkness or evil really exists. I think it only exists in this reality bc we are afraid to die. But if we become infinite, was there ever really evil? I don't know. So this kinda goes into my next point which i'll make below... i'm not sure some people can transcend... i think they are who they are infinitely. Especially the people, if you've met any you'd know, that just have no minds... their like robots doing what they do and very malleable.. they just seem like necessary characters to make this reality whole.
Yes, the soul can play mindlessly for as long as it wants though too and that is part of the reason for these experiences.
I hear what you're saying, it's again very close to eastern philosophy... i just have a sneaking suspicion, as i indicate above, that some people can't snap out of who they are. From what you wrote, i am assuming you are of the belief everyone can snap out of their level if they learn to and cultivate it... i just think even then, it will always be incomprehensible for some people... like they were created to be what they are infinitely. I don't know really... i understand how your observation can be likely, maybe even more likely, than what i think. I'm just not sure and have no way of knowing.
nah I really do have people I love here there's a lot of beauty but because of the swing of duality it can be brutal as well. The heaviness and restrictions of the physical body become mundane at time.
Firstly, that's a really cool belief. I'm happy you find this world beautiful and have a loving family. But there is a reason i usually ask this question, and it's bc i've noticed you're paradise will mostly be what you love. Who knows until then really, but i would have been able to guess some of it. Creating worlds for others, that's awesome and something i don't think i can ever do. Actually, we have a lot different in what we would consider paradise. If you looked at my life, and don't want to tell too much here, you would start to understand why i find what i do as paradise... which basically, put your finger on a fantasy movie you've seen and i'm probably there. For instance you've heard my obsession with vampires, but there's more than just that like a lot of worlds i've learned from Anime i've watched, Harry Potter type realities, LOTR type realities, Marvel, DC, etc. Lol. But there is a theme that is similar in all of these that i personally see manifested in my world. A theme all these types of people would have to go through. I don't like talking about what this theme is... but i see it in my life. It's weird to me how what i would consider paradise matches who i am, and what others think it is, matches who they are. Who knows... things may change... but i also don't want to be in this reality for long. I don't see myself getting very old. Am i right in predicting that? I don't know... but i do agree i would live this life 100 times over for the things i love. Actually, i believe we are all (or a lot of us at least) are here for the things we love about this reality. I just don't love it as much as you do... how can i? When i can imagine myself in any of those other realities i mentioned. Like i think i already told you, that why i feel old already and out of place... i don't think this is a reality i would manifest in often. And i also think, interestingly, that's why i would manifest here sorta remembering... bc if i manifested here as an atheist (or really any other belief) i'd probably be dead by now. Well, not agnostic bc i find not being sure is actually very uplifting bc i can imagine it, i suspect it, i'm just not sure... kinda makes you excited to die and find out making death more of a blessing than a curse.