I'm literally talking about The Truth. Not what is said or thought about The Truth, but what The Truth Is.
If you think The Truth is contingent on other things, such as other truths, it is not really The Truth.
The Truth is not contingent on other truths, it is the other way around. A truth would not be True unless The Truth existed.
There are no truths without The Truth. Truths are contingent and relativistic by nature. They only exist in context.
The Truth always is what it is. Eternal Truth.
If you don't believe in The Truth, you don't really believe in truths, and there isn't a way around this. In fact, if The Truth didn't exist, nothing coukd truly exist because The Truth is what makes anything real at all, and truths are only real in some sense. Bu The Truth is real in every sense.
If something exists at all, it is true. So why is this so hard to accept? I am not saying that essence preceeds existence, I am saying that existence is essence... The Essence of God.
So you see, the point being, if you don't believe God exists, you are automatically wrong because existence itself proves God. There is no existence without God because God is existence itself. Eternal Existence. The Ultimate Reality.
So how can anyone not believe God? There is no sensical reason for this at all. It is fundamentally an illogical position to take.