Racial in-group bias hasn't been the predominant 'battle-line' since capitalism created a class divide. Any poor person has much more to gain by eating the rich than by fighting another poor person. This is why the upper class has consistently stirred up trouble and pitted them against one another. This is why our shitty bougie upper class supports more immigration - it means more dividing lines to slam a wedge into. It's why they supported school integration despite studies showing that it had no positive effect on education outcomes - it did cause race riots and a huge amount of resentment between different ethnicities in tight-knit working class communities (contrary to public education propaganda in the US, there was considerable opposition from poor white, Jewish, and black communities in the north towards forced integration). Destabilize those communities which resist your exercise of power and get them to fight one another in one move - brilliant! It's why they support welfare, affirmative action, section 8 housing in suburbs, and every other terrible policy decision - if you define 'terrible' as 'bad for the people whom it purports to 'help'. It's not terrible for the upper class - it serves their interests perfectly. Just look at the anaemic Marxists today - Marxism was once a force to be reckoned with, when poor people had community solidarity and could focus on a struggle for material needs. Not so much anymore; they're afraid to talk about economic injustice today, because if they imply that a poor white person has it bad then a billion high-strung social-striver minorities and barren catladies will be at their throats before you can say 'toss me a crumb from your table if I parrot this absurd grievance narrative, Mr. Capitalist'. So they become mired in petty identity politics and it renders them utterly ineffectual. That's the American dream of our sterile technocratic overlords: a sea of diverse, blank faces, too preoccupied with the Sisyphean task of reinstalling long-demolished community boundaries to fight their material deprivation, addicted to plastic junk and toxic food, working until they're no longer of use; then they can take poison into their veins. Well, a little more poison; they're likely already pumped full of opioids so that their employers could squeeze a few more productive months out of their crumbling bodies. Bread and circuses? We've moved beyond that. It's anaesthesia and the lottery that keeps America the Beautiful ticking along.