Orthodox HYPOCRISY....the same garbage the Roman Church and all the Christian con artists fabricate with countless other Church spins
So many Church themes...it's like a JESUSLAND...with countless divisions and ways to believe in this poor Jewish philosopher martyred into some
new "GOD" hoax by ROME....
JESUS ? if this beaten-whipped-nailed to a cross young man showed up NOW...he would SPIT on all of these idiotic CHURCH Parasite Vampires
who use and abuse him as some pathetic scapegoat for their GAIN....and reduce them to ashes...
None of what you say and do has any true VALUE to a person's HEALTH and WELLBEING it's all a TRAP for CULT worship...and some idiot
who wants to play "GOD" and prance around in some hyped up Halloween Glory Gown costume to feel empowered....what a JOKE !
The Middle East GODS are a HOAX....each ripped off another culture of the region long before their idiotic version even existed....THIEVES
and PETTY Con Artists....are the accurate description of the CHRISTIAN....
The JEW GOD ? really ...so where the HELL is this GOD NOW ? oh, he is retired...reduced to irrelevant...JESUS has taken his place !
Only JESUS matters..screw the JEWS....turn ISRAEL into a JESUSLAND theme park...
Hmmm...what about the ALLAH GOD ?
Oh, that "GOD" is an Arab invention....they are jealous of the JESUS...the only GOD that matters....they will all convert-confess-worship JESUS
and ALLAH will join the JEW GOD of Moses in Mythology Comic Books along with ZEUS and ODIN..
All those CON ARTIST LIAR JEW and ALLAH God HOAX....who do not convert to JESUS...will be executed as HERETICS... simple !
OK....So which CHURCH is the only CHURCH of JESUS out of hundreds of versions ? and JESUS will agree ?
Like JESUS has just arrived....and of the 7 billion humans on EARTH a fraction are of the ORTHO CHURCH farce...after 2000 years since he
was beaten-whipped-and nailed to a cross...only the ORTHO CHURCH Parasite Vampires are the TRUE FOLLOWERS all 7 billion other humans
must be exterminated.......makes PERFECT SENSE !
....JESUS will go to the United nations and explain that all must be exterminated for not accepting the ORTHO CHURCH...
....how about an ORTHO CHURCH ENEMA......what a disgrace these CHRISTIAN and ALLAH GOD Parasite Vampires are....
The unprecedented DEATH and DESTRUCTION these hypnotized human predators have caused for thousands of years...
A TRUE HELL ON EARTH....SOLUTION...reduce the Middle East JEW-JESUS-ALLAH GODS to Comic Book characters
in children's fantasy stories...for entertainment only...better yet ...just flush it all down a TOILET and forget about all of it
like they have done to and with all the other GODS-DIVINE ENTITIES- invented by humans over the last 8000 years...
That is the TRUE MEANING of "END of DAYS" when humanity finally gets rid of the middle East JEW-JESUS-ALLAH God
Comic Book characters and leaves them in the abyss of forgotten stories....