#142 That is what you are doing, YOU are devaluing human life.
1} NOT and independent/individual human being that has been born-out,
Tell me what is the difference between an unborn human being in the woman's womb and a newborn human being or an adult human being outside the womb?
There are four main differences according to some.
1. Size
2. Level of development
3. Environment
4. Level of dependency
Why does size make it less human? The newborn or toddler is smaller than a fully grown man and not all men are the same size. Should we be able to kill someone based on how tall they are if we want to, the taller getting to decide if the smaller lives?
If a girl is not as developed as a woman reproductively should we be able to kill the less developed girl?
If my environment is different than yours should you be able to kill me?
If a young kid depends on its parents to sustain it and the parents feel like they don't want to look after it any longer, should they be allowed to kill it like the woman decides to do with the unborn?
2} taken its first IN-spiration to become and actuall ---not virtural--- viable independent/individual human being.
No, you are wrong. Its first inhalation does not determine what it is nor does it make the newborn independent or an individual. It was already an individual before birth and it is just as dependent on others for its life after birth as it was on the woman before birth.
3} even in cases of some independent/individsuals adult or not, if that individual is not viable on its own then relatives ex spouse can have the bioglogical life terminated.
Then you believe that you can kill your newborn because it is not viable or independent yet. After all, it is your biological offspring, it is not viable and it is not independent. What crazy thinking.
...3a} your immoral attitude will not allow termination of human being irrepsective of all other considerations, begining with;
Why end with the termination of one class of human beings, like the unborn? If you do not regard them as valuable then why not "terminate" all those you do not think are valuable? After all, you are making the distinction of terminating a HUMAN life that you do not value. And what if someone wants to terminate you on the same reasoning; is that okay?
It is not my attitude that is immoral.
........3b} fertilized egg > zygote > attached to uterus > etc > born-out and viable individual/independent breathing, think and living a life that relatives{ spouse } are legality left to decide wether that life is worthy to live on irrresepective of time, effort costs etc.
You lack moral and intellectual integrity because your a immoral relgious fundamentalist Trumpanzee who also lacks intellectual integrity. DO you understand any of the previous? NO? I didnt think so :--(
Where do you get morality from? Do you just make it up and label what you like moral, or is there a standard you are using that is independent of your own subjective FEELING and preferences? If so, what is that standard and why is it objective, universal, unchanging, and absolute? If it doesn't meet such criterion then what makes it better than any other standard such as ones that oppose your standard?