If you remember Edlvsjd from DDO, the interesting thing about the guy is that he at least pretended to be in the realm of scientific thought. There was obvious cherry picking, ignoring data that disagreed with him, and generally being irrationally incoherent.
However, just because he dipped a toe into the pool of scientific knowledge meant that there was some level of basis for his claims. My favourite was that he often claimed that YouTube experiments always showed water isn’t curved - and sometimes even though you know the guy is an idiot, and wrong - you don’t always know the answer to the nonsense.
I love these types of pseudoscientists, because you end up being able to a super scientific sleuth when trying to debunk them. I find it interesting learning about atmospheric lapse rates and terrestrial refraction due to air, and photo analysis - and even finding novel observations that prove the earth is spherical was interesting.
Of course, he’s deny everything when disproven, then stop talking to you. But the bottom line was that he was just smart enough to ask questions that were interesting to answer and let everyone learn something when he did.
This guy, is either a troll and a buffoon; and there seems to be very little intelligence there, to the point where he doesn’t even offer that value. I think the best idea is to actually turn it into an opportunity to talk about identifying the anatomy of pseudoscience.