Part 1
Found this 3 month old vid yesterday. Narrated by Briane Green and Participant: Andrew Strominger and Vafa came along before the leading string theorist, Juan Malcendena and his AsD/CFT ----leading edge of string theories regarding black holes--- showing how Gen. Relativities math predicts these incomplete null geodesics ---aka a singularity-- is an incomplete theory.
Go to 58:25 to see the orbiting photon ring{s}---geodesics-- around a black hole { M87 } the physicist Andrew and Narrator Brian Greene show the technology to know the geometry of the black hole is very close to experimentally doability.
Go to 58:25 to see the orbiting photon ring{s}---geodesics-- around a black hole { M87 } the physicist Andrew and Narrator Brian Greene show the technology to know the geometry of the black hole is very close to experimentally doability.
This vid is from the World Science festival supportedd by Johna Templteon Foundation.
To get some context for the orbiting photon rings --via G Relativity equations-- you have to go back 56; or 54 etc time stamp. If your not familiar with this info, you will be satisfied greatly.
For me especially because, the prior geodesics --as lines-of-relationship embracing object{ ex black hole (O) }-- preceding the post above, seems very relevant to me { my bias of course }. Anyway Ive only watched half of the vid --with much pertinent, historical context--- till about 1:10:00. 🍀 😇 👈
Part 2
Go to 52:00 in the World Science Festival vid, I posted above where Andrew tells how he was asked by the astronomers who took the photo of M87 black hole, how can we learn more about the black hole at center from this photo. That is all interesting after that and leads to GR and photonic rings --not yet seen--- tho by 2031 they hope the money will appropriate the first launched technology to gather the first photonic rings info from M87.
The photonic rings are about understanding how black holes --specifically M87-- shape space and time.
The only other point I want make is regarding the loss of information or not, with regards to black holes. Start at time stamp 44:40. Early on Andrew states in early 90's it was 50/50 with most physicists/cosmologist etc, and now it is like 998 believe information is not lost and 2 who believe it is.
Since I first learned of singularities, and latter on this information loss or not in black holes, Ive never believe in singularties --yes GR math predicts it and Penrose 1965 verifies the math is correct, tho that is incomplete theory--.
Part 3
To see the formula epitaph of Hawkings tombstone, go to time stamp 18:56, and shortly after Andy begins in on Hawkings famous and mysterious and unusual formula for black hole entropy. This vid via Andy Strominger really has so much interesting stuff packed into it, and Im only 2/3rds of the way through.