Let's ignore the fact that Europe mooches off of America's military might be using 1% of there GDP for military while the United States subsidizes them and as a result uses 25% of it's GDP on the military despite zero benefit for doing so.
Europe has been attacking America for years with a 10% tarrifs on America's auto industry while we only tarrifs heir cars at 2%. Trump is just trying to equal the playing field here. If it increases costs, blame Europe for attacking American business with high tarrifs first.
Europe also has a VAT tax. Meaning if you import a car from Europe to drive it will cost 30% in taxes for you (a tarrifs essentially) while a European who has an American car exported will just pay like the 2.5% tarrif.
All this media claiming Trump is imposing a tarrifs and it might cause a trade war are lying. These are retaliatory tarrifs that have been harming American workers by nations who mooch off of our military might and who are supposed to be allies.