Horse shit, the lot of it. A ludicrous brag from the hieroglyphics guy. What, did you pull it out of Tut's tomb?
As for Musk, I hear jealousy of wealth.
I have no jealousy of Musk. If I'm not well-liked, I'm well-loved. Outside of that I'm a top percentile earner for my age bracket. I'm doing all right. Had a lot of fun along the way. I'm happy at work and I'll retire comfortably. Bought a beautiful couch today actually. More comfortable than 100 lbs of gold I bet.
I, unlike you, understand that an economic system must be a system for wealth creation and wealth distribution. If it's failing at either of those, it's not worth a damn and we should scrap it. It is perverse that Musk should take such an enormous slice of the pie while others are left with crumbs or nothing. It is a ludicrous audacity that we have allowed him that he should be demanding an accounting in email of our being worth the crumbs.
You're a pompous old bore.