G. Mary, I call this my Holy Spirit.
Good one!
/**\ = closed 2D triangular set icon for woman with bilateral internal ovaries
Also a good one
*Y* = open 2D triangular set icon for man with bilateral, external testes
Place man icon inside woman icon ----\Y/--- and get birds-eye-view --subdivided triangle -- of the minimal 3D, tetra{4}hedron volume set of Universe.
1 man set = 1 vertex i.e. where three lines meet
1 woman set = three nodal events i.e where two lines meet
Synergetically the man and woman create 12 angles out of 6 angles { so doubled }, 4 vertexes total, 4 openings total, the original 6 lines count does not change.
in the meta-space Spirit-1, man and woman are exact geometric equals. When axis spun the 6 chord edges/lines create three sets of two great circles --or as three, 3D, specific kinds of horn tori-- ergo, three sets of two precessed{ at 90 degrees } to each other, and this exhibits man and woman, in their optimal geometric 90 degree orientation to each other, --and in dynamic spin trajetory-- to have the most comprehensive, wholistic view of their combined space involvement.
See Graphic A..
If they were both nearly on the same plane, of spin going in opposite directions, that is the most likely way for smashing into each other, whereas if nearly on the same plane, they have the strongest forward momentum as a vector { magnitude and direction } force.
two 360 circles = 720 degrees and that is the total degrees of angle on surface of the 3D tetrahedron. 12 angles times 60 degrees each = 720. Whole volume = man { X y } plus woman { X x }