So your PM was super short and just about carcinization? It didn’t mention anything else
What’s the hockey game?
Ok. I had NCAA and NHL games that are kind the end 1st/ start 2nd screenshotted 💀
Lunatic, whose hand unknowingly weaves the threads of delay."
What about those last two questions?
Just pointing out the threads of delay is confirmation of me being a apportioner as I delay death.
Why would it be unknowingly tho?
To be as airtight as possible I have two final questions for you to ask Casey, on top of the first one:1. Of the ten characters in ERB Mafia, which one did I suggest to her?2. There is also a town role I suggested to her. Which one was it?
because I wouldn’t know whether I successfully saved a kill? Could mean anything but why would scum unknowingly do anything? Not knowing is kind of a key town thing, as we are the uninformed majority
Doesn’t get around the other problems I have with you, including the behavior from DP2.