Left wingers: How DARE Trump want a 3rd term! This is TYRANNY!!!
Me: Thoughts on term limit free Canada?
Left wingers: (Often) so angry that they can't refute it that if online, then they block me, if in person, they are frozen. They have a PARTY to stick too; Canada is left wing; so they support them; Trump is right wing; so they oppose him. This will be for Canadian and American Left Wingers alike.
There is no foreseeable wiggle room to me; it's just bold face hypocritical.
Hold Trump and Trudeau to the same standard for term limits. Either be fine with term limits for them BOTH or be against it for them BOTH.
My rule with term limits is I don't believe in term limits and I think every term should only be 1 year long. The public can vote them out if they become crazy.