Role - Casey you win with town. Your character is "activism is easy". Your role is activist. Once per game you can stop a lynch and force the DP to restart. That player becomes unlynchable. Your diary entry follows in the next post
character- The activist is in an easy position that is unfair to the average policy maker. The activist gets to propose stupid policy positions that sound good but never has to take responsibility for the results. [[Israel vs Hamas Debate]]
These activists the ones leading the charge and also the most easily influenced, also seem to have no problem promoting policies that harm people in higher crime areas by pushing to keep prison sentences short. They get to virtue signal while harming the social safety of others. [[Social avoidance of death]] Meanwhile their own safety remains virtually the same, in their gated community with armed security guards.
#liberalism #leftism #democrat #politics
Role- ???????????????
Character- Israel's suspicious activity during 9-11
journal entry- The dancing Israeli’s refers to an incident that happened on 9/11, just prior to and after the attack on the twin towers. Here is a summary of how these men were discovered after the attacks.
> _A Mossad "surveillance team" made quite a public spectacle of themselves on 9-11._
> _The men set up cameras by the Hudson River and trained them on the twin towers._
> _Police received several calls from angry New Jersey residents claiming "middle-eastern" men with a white van were videotaping the disaster with shouts of joy and mockery. (HA'ARETZ 9/17/01)_
> _"They were like happy, you know … They didn't look shocked to me" said a witness._
> _[T]hey were seen by New Jersey residents on Sept. 11 making fun of the World Trade Center ruins and going to extreme lengths to photograph themselves in front of the wreckage. (_[_AP and GI_](
> _Witnesses saw them jumping for joy in Liberty State Park after the initial impact. Later on, other witnesses saw them celebrating on a roof in Weehawken, and still more witnesses later saw them celebrating with high fives in a Jersey City parking lot. (Yediot America 11/2/01)_
> _The FBI sent out an alert to area cops, reading: "Vehicle possibly related to New York terrorist attack . . . Three individuals with van were seen celebrating after initial impact and subsequent explosion." (_[_New York Post_](
> _"It looked like they're hooked in with this. It looked like they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park." (_[_The Record N.J. News_](
These men were arrested and held for about 6 months. At least 2 of them were discovered to be Mossad agents (Israeli spies). They originally just claimed to be tourists, until Israel begged for their release. [](
Later on an Israeli talkshow, when they were asked why they came to the United States, they said they came to document 9/11, which means they must have had knowledge it was going to happen. [](
Pictures of the dancing Israelis can be found here after a foia release. Conveniently their faces are erased from the photos, so we can’t see the happy expressions witnesses mentioned. [](
Why would Mossad agents be parked close by watching the twin towers and celebrating after the attack. Why would they tell reporters that they were there to document 9/11? Why did they refuse to say if they were on a mission from Mossad and what it was, after asked by American interviewers?
Employees of the Israeli owned instant messaging company [Odigo received texts]( warning of an imminent attack on the Twin Towers two hours before the attacks happened. A secure service used by Mossad. Who in Israel knew of the attacks 2 hours prior?
Israel literally warned the U.S. of imminent attacks. It’s true. The biggest reason we know they had foreknowledge is because they quite literally warned the United States government about an impending attack on the twin towers.
Early in August Israel warns the United States
> “50 to 200 al-Qaeda terrorists are inside the US and planning an imminent "major assault on the US" aimed at a "large scale target"
Later the same month they send another warning saying the following
> “Israel gives the US a list of 19 terrorists inside the US planning an imminent attack, the list names at least four of the hijackers, including Mohamed Atta, Nawaf Alhazmi, Khalid Almihdhar, Marwan Alshehhi”
It is likely that Israel was very vulnerable to terrorism, so they had extremely good intelligence prior to 9/11. The recent attack by Hamas among many other attacks are evidence of why Israeli intelligence would need to be so aggressive about tracking and monitoring radical Islamic elements. [[Israel vs Hamas Debate]]
#Israel #9-11
#terrorism #jews
role- Removed
affiliation- Evil cookie giVER
CHARACTER- This can be very traumatic for the enlightened person who knows that you cannot live in the world without committing some form of evil. [[Hylics pneumatics and psychics]] . The NPC, rarely realizes the harm he causes. Perhaps they become vegetarians, and yet they have no ideal the animals that must die just to keep crops safe from rodents, insects and moles. The normie can be unaware of the harm caused to the world with no issues, but also may realize the harm and easily accept it. Among these groups of people the psychopath stands out. These are NPCs who lack the ability to feel empathy for the most part, but will often pretend to have deep empathy to climb to the top of a type of sick social game. Being a conservative does not really lend itself well to climbing social hierarchies and so the easy thing to do is to just fake concern for some social cause. We know it is fake concern because often these individuals will promote solutions that make the problem worse, while the solution from the right side of the political aisle will actually be effective. Or sometimes they just invent problems whole cloth and pretend they are real to have a never ending war on some stupid shit.
#npc #psychology #evil #morality #psycopathy
#npc #psychology #evil #morality #psycopathy
Remaining players
2. Greyparrot
3. lunatic
4. Pie
6. Mharman
7. Vader
9. Owen
10. Banana
11. Joebob
12. Austin
13. Barney
14. Whiteflame
With 11 players it takes 6 votes to lynch. DP ends in 72 hours