An asteroid heading the earth raised alarms among scientists, even though there is a low chance of happening (99%).
I don’t know about you but there has been a lot of speculation about it long time ago because it's part of several prophesies.
As a matter of fact, it is said that the last human civilization, long before the sumerian and egyptian, was wiped out by an asteroid that caused a flood all over the earth (the story of Noah). This asteroid was sent by the aliens in order to reset the planet since the human being got involved in henious wars that included the usage of weapons of mass destruction.
Do you think the history will repeat itself?
it would seem like a birthday gift for me,
anyways in the past there hv been many instances where scientists said stuff that didn't really go good
asteroid 99942 Apophis was once thought to pose a significant threat, but further tracking ruled out any imminent impact.
Asteroid 1997 XF11 (Predicted Impact: 2028)
Initially, scientists believed it had a chance to hit Earth in 2028.
Later observations corrected its orbit, showing it would miss Earth by about 600,000 miles.
Asteroid 2002 NT7 (Predicted Impact: 2019)
- Early data suggested a possible impact on February 1, 2019.
- Further calculations eliminated the risk within days.
Asteroid 2012 DA14 (Predicted Impact: 2013)
- This asteroid passed just 17,200 miles from Earth, closer than some satellites, but there was no impact.
Asteroid 99942 Apophis (Predicted Impact: 2029/2036)
- Scientists were once concerned about a possible collision in 2029 or 2036.
- Later tracking ruled out any danger for the next 100 years.
Asteroid 2011 AG5 (Predicted Impact: 2040)
- Initially flagged as a threat.
- In 2013, observations from Hawaii ruled out any chance of impact.