Here's another thread to keep you gonks yapping. Hopefully this'll give me good lurk-n'-read fodder for a while. What does it take to get a good supply of threads that weren't created by Shila or resurrected from 5 years ago, christ.
Nothing, actually, the Bible doesn't say a thing about abortion explicitly. It takes no direct stance on it. However, it does indirectly address the value of a fetus.
Let's look at Exodus 21:22-25. If men are fighting and they injure a pregnant woman, and she miscarries, then the responsible parties have to pay a fine determined by the husband and the judge. But if harm befalls the woman, then it is an eye for an eye, a hand for a hand, and even a life for a life.
Here the Bible seems to be suggesting the value of a fetus is less than the value of a born human, treating the fetus more as property than a person. Discuss.