Like I said, right or wrong doesn't matter. That's the recorded trend.
I'm hearing from some pundits that the wildfires could have been mitigated quickly but the woke authorities of California didn’t do shit about it because this disaster magnifies their narrative of climate change.
Can these people be more evil?
Just be patient, our Savior Trump can conquer all evil, after he takes office, the world will become good again.
I bet you voted for Newsom for the best governor on the planet.
I bet you voted for Newsom for the best governor on the planet.
Yes, the wildfires are a left-wing conspiracy, George Soros lit the fires himself.
This is what a real Democrat leader looks like. Not some Trump wannabe. He makes the real choices with big balls.
Yes, the big balled Governor said to insurance companies, we can raise the fire risk through mismanagement, but you are forbidden to raise your insurance premiums to match the risk we created. And if you can't make a profit, fuck you. We dare you to leave the state.