literally, of course they aren't asking to be raped or assaulted. but i saw an argument that got me thinking. true, just because you dress slutty doesn't mean you should be assaulted. and someone made an analogy... if you go out, does that mean someone can hit you in the head if you dont wear a helmet? no you shouldn't have to wear a helmet to avoid being hit in the head. but that got me thinking.... if i know there are people looking to hit me in the head when i go out, then it'd make sense to wear a helmet. so if women know there are lots of men looking to take advantage of them, doesn't it make sense not to dress slutty?
are women who dress provocatively 'asking for it'?
Is going outside alone or at night also wishing to be raped?
you can draw an analogy like you did, which is fair, but going out alone at night isn't the same as dressing slutty. dressing slutty is an active move in the direction of harm, not incidental like going out alone at night
I was just curious about which actions you consider are in the "wishing to be raped" category.
I was just curious about which actions you consider are in the "wishing to be raped" category.
Going alone at night dressed slutty is crying out loud to be raped. Just dressing slutty is wishing to be raped.
It's an unpopular position but the victim bears some responsibility as well as does society as a whole who use popular lies.
For example if I walk through a black neighborhood flashing large amounts of cash and am robbed than obviously the piece of shit thief deserves the blame.
However society has lied and claims that black people do not commit crimes at a higher rate and that their neighborhoods are just as safe as white neighborhoods, so society also gets the blame for lying.
In response to the event society might even say "it could've happened in a white neighborhood" which then makes society even more at fault because they double down on their lie by avoiding the truth about what is statistically more likely.
Now the victim shares some responsibility as well. How many times have they personally seen the subhuman behavior of niggers and then they go onto assume they are just like whites?
The victim should have known he was entering an area with subhuman filth and kept his money more secured, kept his guard up and made an attempt to get the fuck out of the area.
For example if I walk through a black neighborhood flashing large amounts of cash and am robbed than obviously the piece of shit thief deserves the blame.
However society has lied and claims that black people do not commit crimes at a higher rate and that their neighborhoods are just as safe as white neighborhoods, so society also gets the blame for lying.
In response to the event society might even say "it could've happened in a white neighborhood" which then makes society even more at fault because they double down on their lie by avoiding the truth about what is statistically more likely.
Now the victim shares some responsibility as well. How many times have they personally seen the subhuman behavior of niggers and then they go onto assume they are just like whites?
The victim should have known he was entering an area with subhuman filth and kept his money more secured, kept his guard up and made an attempt to get the fuck out of the area.
victim shares some responsibility as well
I don't think responsibility is the same thing as having had the ability to prevent something. If someone is smoking, I could smack the cigarettes out of their hand, but not doing so doesn't make me responsible if they get lung cancer.
I disagree. It's why I feel guilty for buying new clothes. I know most is made in sweatshops so I try to stick with thrift shops but am also vain. I am responsible for those sweatshops by contributing.
I also am responsible for 9/11 at least in part. I never did anything to move the world in a safer direction. No proselytizing to Muslims, no pushing for closed borders, nothing.
I feel an immense amount of guilty for things all the time. I can't see a why logically out.
As far as the cigarette example. I have a friend that became an alcoholic and is killing himself. I feel so much guilt over his slow motion death because I think I maybe should have said something in the early stages. I was drinking with him. When I saw his drinking pick up after a traumatic event, AI just thought it was a phase. So many opportunities to do something and yet I haven't. On a personal level I feel like I am to blame for his current position and he will likely be dead soon due to the kidney problems. It just hurts me to think about that and my part in it. I had one friend after who I lost to drugs. I stalked him for a week and beat him up after I caught him with drugs like 3 times that week, thinking if he associated an ass kicking with obtaining the drugs his reward circuitry would require in his brains. Last year the guy died of an overdose.
So with all due respect I blame myself.
They are just enticing the other sex. Just like me, ebuc, B.K, Zed, Sidewalker and our newest member Wylted do at our strip club.
And our newest members are going to be.....................BARNEY and SAVANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I saw a man drowning and if I didnt help him when I could, everyone would judge me.
Yet everyone else watches people slowly kill themselves and hurt others in all kinds of ways and doesnt do shit.
We have a moral duty to improve lives of others and our own lives as well. The two arent even separated or separable. If we let community sink to shit, we will suffer too.
So with all due respect I blame myself.
Have you ever wondered why people who know you turn to alcohol or drug addiction? Your examples show a common denominator, you are the facilitator.
Obviously, some women dress slutty to get attention. Knowing that there is such a thing as unwanted attention, such women tend to be in groups for mutual protection. Dressed slutty and clearly alone? Well, that might be unwise…
I think just typing the OP is "just asking for it" to have somebody bitch slap the shit out of you.
So literally everything is your fault if there's something you could have done to prevent it? Anyone who doesn't become a TSA agent is responsible for plane crashes?
Yes they are. Question is, who are they asking?
While we're on the subject of consent, consensual sexual intercourse is consensual pregnancy by the way.
Do you agree that consensual sexual intercourse, is consensual pregnancy?
consensual sexual intercourse is consensual pregnancy by the way
Yes. Never have sex.
Consenting to sex is consenting to get STD.
Do you agree that consensual sexual intercourse, is consensual pregnancy?
No, that is why they have contraceptives.
So literally everything is your fault if there's something you could have done to prevent it? Anyone who doesn't become a TSA agent is responsible for plane crashes?
I try not to judge others so harshly. Just myself and I would blame myself for plane crashes myself. I have a 160 IQ, had I tried my best and got into machine learning at 16 maybe I could have created the technology that models planes and what they encounter better.
The only argument against this is that it's taking on a burden that is hard or impossible to maintain or achieve, but the pragmatic effect of it, isn't related to what is ethical.
There is probably starving kids in Africa you could have saved from starving if you lived a more minimalistic lifestyle and donated every bit of disposable income. It kind of is your fault those kids are starving.
The only difference between a child starving in front of you while you eat at a buffet and one starving a thousand miles away is merely distance. I don't see why distance should alleviate a person of blame.
I understand we use distance to alleviate ourselves of guilt. You don't personally raise a cow and get to know the cow and then slice his neck and chop him up to enjoy a steak, but this distance between you and the butcher does not make you innocent of that cows death.
Peter singer may talk about the concept in an easier to digest way
I understand we use distance to alleviate ourselves of guilt. You don't personally raise a cow and get to know the cow and then slice his neck and chop him up to enjoy a steak, but this distance between you and the butcher does not make you innocent of that cows death.
But the distance between you and the cow makes you innocent of that cows death. You were not there when it happened.
I have a 160 IQ
My IQ is 120, but my parents have like 70 to 90 IQ. I dont know their exact IQ, but judging by all the logical fallacies, absurds and contradictions they commit all the time, I learned that they are purely driven by emotions with not much logic.
I have a 160 IQMy IQ is 120, but my parents have like 70 to 90 IQ. I dont know their exact IQ, but judging by all the logical fallacies, absurds and contradictions they commit all the time, I learned that they are purely driven by emotions with not much logic.
How did they come to the conclusion to have you? . Did they combine their IQs?
My IQ is 120, but my parents have like 70 to 90 IQ. I dont know their exact IQ, but judging by all the logical fallacies, absurds and contradictions they commit all the time, I learned that they are purely driven by emotions with not much logic.
Intelligent people can also commit a lot of logical fallacies and be driven by emotion. I would look more at their ability to navigate well in abstract environments. Like if you put a strategy game like risk in front of them, how well would they play?
How did they come to the conclusion to have you?
I dont know.
Judging by what they say, they dont think in premises and conclusion.
They think in "this feels good, so its good" form.
Did they combine their IQs?
They combined something.
Intelligent people can also commit a lot of logical fallacies and be driven by emotion.
If person is constantly driven by emotions, I dont see what makes person intelligent then.
I would look more at their ability to navigate well in abstract environments. Like if you put a strategy game like risk in front of them, how well would they play?
I watched them trying for 2 hours to open a wine bottle and failing. They had smartphones for 10 years and still dont know how to use great majority of options on smartphone. Like, they couldnt figure out how to change font size after accidentally making font smaller. They dont even know how to search instructions on google.
I mean, at age 8, I had better skills in technology than they do now. I dont even know how is it possible to use smartphone every day and not learn almost anything.
I watched them trying for 2 hours to open a wine bottle and failing. They had smartphones for 10 years and still dont know how to use great majority of options on smartphone. Like, they couldnt figure out how to change font size after accidentally making font smaller. They dont even know how to search instructions on google.I mean, at age 8, I had better skills in technology than they do now. I dont even know how is it possible to use smartphone every day and not learn almost anything.
Maybe the instructions were in Chinese. Maybe they bought it to mainly to play games.