If something really does happen then it is not a miracle.
I see what you are saying, except the healing didn't happen over time or by a doctor's direction. Rather it happened at the time of prayer. Therefore, it is not the basic course of nature when a leg is injured and it will slowly heal.
Also, since something did happen, it doesn't mean that it did happen on its natural course. We can study obvious normal activities of the process of life and such, but when something jumps out of the norm, we can assume an intervention of some sort. A catalyst if you will. I believe that catalyst is God.
Nope, the type of miraculous event you refer to, usually comes with a weighted agenda, that necessitates deception and requires a preconditioned gullible audience.
Not so. You are used to TV evangelists and the such touting huge miracles and also huge paychecks due to the deception of the masses. This girl was my friend, I knew her and her family well, she limped on a cane for months, then afterwards, she had no cane. There was no press conference, no "shouting from the rooftops". God was just kind in this girl's situation. Also, it was at a time after service when everyone was leaving quickly to prepare themselves and families to go to camp meeting. If this was done to get the people's attention, then the preachers would have called her up before church was over and make a scene about it.
You also state "Usually", which I underlined in your response. Is there a time when it is not?