195 soverign nations on Earth and King Trumpet { MAFiA } is now set to increase the divide between rich and poor greater than ever, ---world wide-- at cost of other sovereign nations.
Dumb is as dumb does when it comes to concern for the ecology --ex access to fresh water-- that supports humanity and other animals, plants, fungi etc.
.." Desovereignization
Never before in all history have the inequities and themomentums of unthinking money-power been more glaringly evident to sovastly large a number of now literate, competent, and constructivelythinking all-around-the-world humans. There's a soon-to-occurcritical-mass moment when the intuition of the responsibly inspiredmajority of humanity, in contradistinction to the angered Luddites andavenging Robin Hoods, faced with comprehensive functional discontinuityof nationally contained techno-economic system, will call for andaccomplish a world-around reorientation of our planetary affairs.
R. Buckminster Fuller
"Can't Fool Cosmic Computer"
Grunchof Giants (St. Martin's Press, 1983), pg. 89
So does Fuller encourage hot heads to rise up and overthrow theoppressive state apparatus? No. Remember, this guy received the Medalof Freedom from President Ronald Reagan. Desovereignization is anatural evolutionary process stemming from the inevitable effects ofglobalized communications and trade -- and is already very far advanced.
Fuller's Grunch of Giants, a sequel to Critical Path, is about the power of post-LAWCAP supranational corporations to counter the brain dead approaches of the selfishly preoccupied sovereign politicos -- approaches which continue to have extremely unprofitable and disasterous consequences.
Fuller clearly documents how today's sovereignties are largely sponsored entities, sustained behind-the-scenes by nebulous global financial networks which keep our governments afloat, and in debt, because this serves our interests. [4]
Just look at EPCOT (Disney's Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow). Corporate pavilions dominate Tomorrowland (the future). On the other side of the artificial lake (the past), nation-state pavilions come across as so many quaintly antiquated and commercialized cultures. The once proud nations have been reduced to so many moneymaking theme park tourist attractions. "....
Universal Basic access to minimal standard of living for all, as a starter. This requires a one Earth nation concept of sovereignty.
7.5 million year old splits from chimpanzees, humanity may be having a senior moment 79 years after the invention of the atomic bomb.
1945 - 1995 { See START 1 and 2 } - 2045 is 100 years after 1945.
Dumb and less compassionate is more suffering for most humans going forward.
Smart and more compassionate is less suffering for fewest amount of humans going forward