If you really think about it, we all need healthy air to be able to live healthy.
Yet smokers pollute the air.
Smoking is murder. Its suicide. Its wrong.
If you really think about it, we all need healthy air to be able to live healthy.Yet smokers pollute the air.Smoking is murder. Its suicide. Its wrong.
Everyone and everything is bad for the environment
Everyone and everything is bad for the environment. Just existing is bad for the environment. Every single thing you use or consume to stay alive polluted the environment in order for you to consume it or use it. Extinction of the entire human race is the only way to solve polluting the environment. The question no one will and cant answer is how much pollution is to much and how much are you willing to lower your standard of living to meet this arbitrary made up acceptable level of pollution?
China will save the World with Fusion reactors.
Clearly optimal health is not at the forefront in society.
Smoking is awesome and most people smoke far away from people
"They also smoke in crowded places like restaurants etc." Lies , it’s illegal to smoke inside a restaurant and most public gathering places, even places that are outside. Well in the US anyway.
The question no one will and cant answer is how much pollution is to much and how much are you willing to lower your standard of living to meet this arbitrary made up acceptable level of pollution?
It's no different than allowing other hazardous things, selling toxic , chemical laden food, alcohol, abortion, sexual non genetic reproductive activity, prostitution and all this detrimental to human health.Why get rid of smoking when we have all these other things to go with it?
Nothing wrong with that either chud
Smoking is awesome and most people smoke far away from people
Smoking is awesome and most people smoke far away from peopleMy parents smoked while being in same room with me.It’s great that 6 year old has to be inhaling smoke and suffer so that you guys can look cool.
You were a second hand smoker.
You were a second hand smoker.Yes. I was never a smoker, yet I inhaled so much smoke I might as well be
Too bad you can’t sue your parents. Did you try?
Too bad you can’t sue your parents. Did you try?I think I ruined their life enough so far. Plus, I already take their money. Not sure what would be the point of sue. Besides, I dont believe in the efficiency of the legal system, since people who enforce it are elected by retards who break it.
Aren’t you glad your parents didn’t sue you.