Webb "Same Universe Again" Finite vs Infinite

Author: ebuc


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James Webb is showing that our standard  cosmological model is in error.

They want us consider in the vid why they see these impossible-to-exist-galaxies a million years after the big bang

Some of this makes sense to me, except that, by the end vid, they choose infinite occupied space Universe over finite.  Why? See line #11 below

Ergo integrity { wholeness } of finite looses out to lack of integrity { wholeness }.

Duhh.......logical common sense critical thinking, seems to go out the window for some reason in these regards to Webb observations. Why?

Ive yet to see logical, common sense critical thinking explanation. That is because none exist.

@ = Universe

Universe is the finite, yet dynamic, occupied space whole.

Gravity  (  ) and Dark Energy )(  two sides of same coin ---torus is ultra-micro space ergo invisible and non quantised and non-quantfied-- 

.........non-occupied space..< infinite - finite >(    )(     )< finite - infinite >...non-occupied space.........

11} Our observed { quantised and quantified } time as reality is the  internal body of the surface set looped Gravity (   ) and Dark Energy )(

...........................................(    *     )(     *     )............................ understand that these two asterisks are continuous set in a circle-like pattern internal to the torus. This is simplistic version 2D version of 3D quantum torus of varying scales of existence that, all overlap to varing degrees to compose our finite, occupied space-time Universe.

*  * = observed time reality and below is birds-eye-view of the above presentation, however, ive added in the 2nd circle-like pattern to the internal observed time reality

................(       (*(      ( )       )*)         )....... and what we dont observe, is the outer and inner set of Gravity and Dark Energy ergo, the following

......................(*(             )*)...................... however, we know there has to be a --not visible--   line-of-relationship >----><----<  between the surface sets { positive and negative curvature and the internal body of observed time reality ---{ that is appears positive only }---- see line 17 below.

...........   >-------<(*(>--------<)*)>-------<    ...................................

17}  yet I believe reality is invaginating { >< } resultant of the two diametric opposite curvatures { (>< ) } of positive and negative and this resultant is two primary kinds of charge positive and negative  see the embolden reality set, that numerically found in sequential pattern is triangulated pattern set 0....3p......6......9....12...15....18

.........  >------<(>*<(>---------<)>*<)>-----------<  ...................

electron { lepton/light wight } particle 3 types >< anti-electron { lepton/light weight } particle 3 types

neutrino particle 3 types >< anti-neutrino particle 3 types

quark particle 18 property combinations of particle sets >< anti-quark 18 property combination of particle sets
...3p = 3 quarks { hadron/heavy } >< 3p = 3 anti-quarks { hadron/heavy }.......

...6 = 6 "...There are six types, known as flavors, of quarks: up, down, charm, strange, top, and bottom.[4]"....
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Oops, a correcting misspeak.

...Ergo, integrity { wholeness } of finite occupied space loses out to lack of integrity { non-wholeness } infinite non-occupied space and again, lacks logical common sense critical thinking deduction...

Where is the cosmological Sherlock Holmes ---master of deduction--  when we need them.
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Three significant factors  to consider from the original vid link in post #1 that is illogical:

1} the narrator, in explaining infinite Universe at big bang, says it appears ' everywhere ' and everything ' came into existence.

...1a} it is a misomer to use the word ' every ' with infinite, as every inherently means within a finite set of countable locations { everywhere } and occupied space parts { everything }.  I.e. humans use words to explain infinite, that, only apply to finite, because, all that humans experience is finite stuff.  

.....Duhh, humans imagine ---via access to Meta-space mind--- an infinite set of occupied space parts, and locate-able where's of their existence, and,
.....just as they imagine and infinite set of numbers 0..1...2..etc.  Obviously humans do not observe an infinite set of numbers, maths or occupied space.

2} the notion of space expanding requires that this ' space ' is an occupied space something ---aka a medium--  , as in a air pressure expands or contracts, our stomachs expand or contract, a rubber band, etc.  At this point in cosmology there is no addressing of that issue or at best, Dark Energy is definitive  space, or,

......that ' space ' is still not definitive, yet their exist some slight more definitive, expansive force { bosonic } phenomena that expands the non-definitive ' space '.

3}  if this infinite occupied space Universe is expanding, then how can infinite space expand, if it is already infinite? ? ? Duhh! ! !

.....3a} only  a finite occupied space can expand or contract.  Any logical, common sense critical thinkers at DArt who have other explanation? Of course not, cause it will always be illogical, lack of common sense critical thinking.

...3b}  from any observers point-of-view, in this alledged infinite Universe --or even finite Universe---, the non-definitive ' space '  ---or as the somewhat definitive Dark Energy--   is said to be expanding everywhere --except where Gravity ex galaxies exist strongly to  overcomes this expansion---  or, within galaxies the Dark Energy effects are so ultra-micro small it cannot ever be detected for billions or trillions{?} of years in future.

......3c} So the most easily accessible way to visualize this 3D expansion, from any observers point-of-view in Universe { finite only }, is to imagine a 2D surface of a balloon, with dots on the balloon and as the balloon expands all of the dots from all points-of-view, move away from each other,

.......3d} The other easy and 3D way is as follows from Quora quotation..." Imagine, instead, a bread dough, with rye seeds or raisins in it. The type of additives are really not important, so long as you can picture them as specific objects within the dough. Now, as the yeast in the dough activates and multiplies, carbon dioxide bubbles begin to make the dough rise and expand. The bubbles are a bit misleading, as there aren't expansion bubbles of any sort in the Universe, but the overall change in volume with the seeds or raisins still stuck in their starting piece of the dough is the point. Every bit of dough on all sides of these objects is expanding, moving them further apart, without any individual seed or raisin having any motion through the dough, basically still in contact with the same molecules of flour and salt and water it was touching when the dough was put aside to rest and rise. It's the medium they are suspended in which expands around them."...

...via the expanding carbon dioxide air bubbles of which  --as stated clearly above--- is not the case with the expansion of the non-definitive ' space ' between most or many galaxies of a finite Universe. Might as well put the infinite scenarios of Universe out of mind, cause they impossible to grasp.

..Hard enough to imagine a finite Universe the size we obverse.
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.." Called the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, it uses a telescope southwest of Tucson, Arizona to create a three-dimensional map of the universe over 11 billion years to see how galaxies have clustered throughout time and across space. That gives scientists information about how the universe evolved, and where it might be heading.

...The map they are building would not make sense if dark energy were a constant force, as it is theorized. Instead, the energy appears to be changing or weakening over time. If that is indeed the case, it would upend astronomers' standard cosmological model. It could mean that dark energy is very different than what scientists thought — or that there may be something else altogether going on.
“It’s a time of great excitement, and also some head-scratching and confusion,” said Bhuvnesh Jain, a cosmologist at the University of Pennsylvania who is not involved with the research. "

Of course none of this changes  the illogical infinite Universe vs the logical finite Universe