Why midwits tend to be liberal and what to do about it

Author: WyIted


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Midwits prefer liberalism. First it may be useful to define midwit. A midwit is somebody who falls within the 68% of people who fall between the IQ of 85 and 115

Those who fall inside of that range tend to be liberal. If you struggle to communicate  with liberals on this site it is likely because you are at least one but maybe 2 standard deviations above them on the IQ scale. 

We can also deduce that Those in the higher IQ ranges are going to be attracted to online debate. So for conservatives the average IQ on this site might be closer to 120-145 range and the average liberal on the site is probably in the 100-120 range. 

# How Midwits learn

The midwit learning strategy differs from how the high IQ individual learns. Their strategy is important for getting good grades in school but not conducive to real understanding. 

It's worth dipping into what is and is not conducive to evolution, which tells you why the midwit chooses his strategy for learning. As far as evolution is concerned the only important thing is what aids in survival. 

For the high IQ individual there better we know reality, the better we can survive. We are typically individualistic and more self reliant than midwits. The lower end of the bell curve it will be pointed out is also mostly conservative and though they are not in the debate realm it's worth briefly commenting on. Their system for thinking is also more conducive to reality. They just don't have the mental bandwidth to deal with competing goals such as fitting in with society's expectations. 

So that's the 2 different reasons both high Iaq and low IQ people end with the same conclusion. Low IQ people do not have the bandwidth to have competing goals such as meeting social expectations and high IQ people are so smart that fitting in doesn't matter. 

The midwit IQ strategy as you can probably already imagine is to comply with societal expectations. In school they will look to authority to tell them what to think and will have an easier time answering a question like "who won the civil war". The text book taught them it was the North so that's all that matters. The teacher told them the answer. 

The higher IQ individual will have a more complex answer. They'll say well the foreign powers that supported the North seemed to do better than the North who lost a lot of men. They may even answer that on the test and get a failing grade because teachers also tend to be midwits and the book is the authority figure they look up to. 

The lower iQ kid does not have the same filter on reality as the midwit. So his answer to who won the civil war might be "the people who didn't die" which again is closer to the truth than saying the expected answer. The high IQ kid will respond to the idiot "you know you are right" while the midwit will shake his head and think the low IQ kid is an idiot. Which is correct but he is unaware he also would benefit from being an idiot.

# the effects of midwits

So the midwit now that you know his strategy is just to parrot what he is told to believe by authorities. The dominate authorities in current society is the CNN anchor or the carefully curated experts who agree with their world view whose presence are more dominant than those with a dissenting opinion. 

This is why when you state a fact that is just common sense or a well established thing, the liberal will start crying "citation". They haven't been told by an authority what to think so they need you to present them with an authority that tells them how to think. Of course when you do present them with a citation they immediately start moving the goal posts if they know the fact leads to a different conclusion than what CNN or whatever authority they chose told them to believe. 

Elon Musk funny enough just retweeted a post of somebody other than me who has also noticed this fact about midwits. Here it is

"when it is said that progressives live in a carefully curated alternate reality, it's not hyperbole; it's actually what's happening. it's why there are like 10 or so subreddits that dominate the site. and it's not just reddit, reddit is part of the scheme that includes academia, mainstream news, "lifestyle" publications like The New Yorker or The Atlantic. once they're locked into that system, they are controlled, but if you ask or point it out, they'll swear, and truly believe, that you're the one who is detached from reality. how else could they get them to believe that mass immigration is a net positive while also denying the reality of housing shortages and wage stagnation? it's insidious."

# conclusion

Ultimately midwits are ruining society because corrupt people have taken over the reigns of institution. George Soros just bought over 200 radio stations, the media according to several studies has a pro establishment bias which is another name for liberal at the moment and every single media outlet outside of the news also seems to be created or curated by liberals. Liberalism is the main political ideology and so yes the midwits will lean that direction. The solution is institutional capture.  

The midwit will just parrot the dominant worldview so it's essential for conservatism to become that dominant world view. It's why most people 500 years ago were socially conservative. Conservatives ran the institutions whether that institution was church or academia. 

For more information on midwits go here https://youtu.be/byb3ffrBYgU?si=MM8wvkpryr2IKxgV
WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
More information on midwits. https://youtu.be/tOpWqowKi2w?si=-cdbeH-FVP1a_eiD
Greyparrot's avatar
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I'd say there are 4 tiers

For example...answer as a progressive the question: Why didn't Kamala do all those things 3.5 years ago?

1) Subwit answer: she was VP?
2) Midwit answer: The VP has no powers. (see here) https://youtu.be/kbCpRr0UcMA
3) Superwit answer: She cast the tie breaking legislative vote over 30 times, and Biden admitted he delegated authority to her, but she didn't have enough time to fix everything Trump messed up.
4) Fully enlightened answer: Her lobbyists told her what to do.
IlDiavolo's avatar
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Because they just follow a trend. The average people do that, always did. For example if the trend is to have an iPhone they will buy one no matter how expensive it is. It's a herd behavior based on the imposed narrative. Unfortunately, the liberal narrative has gained ground in our fucking society. 

What to do? Give battle to this mvthafvcka narrative. Political thinktanks are useful if you want to win the battle of ideas. I know it's difficult because the mvthafvcka liberals dominate the scholar field, especially in universities where it's easier to brainwash the youth. 

Best.Korea's avatar
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The midwit will just parrot the dominant worldview so it's essential for conservatism to become that dominant world view.
I have met many people in life who copy whatever is popular.

Like, you ask them why they think something, and their answer is "Because most people think that" or "Because some authority figure said so."

In my life, I never had the idea to just copy what other people think. I never understood why some people just seek to be copies.

Maybe its some survival trait. Like, logic such as:
I am just like others = I will be accepted by others.

I understand that throughout history, socially different people were often killed or rejected, or punished in some way.
So maybe copying is just the trait which survived in genes passed down through history.
Best.Korea's avatar
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For example if the trend is to have an iPhone they will buy one no matter how expensive it is
Well, to be fair, thats maybe one of the good choices compared to all the Chinese crap released to the market and all the crap smaller companies release lol

For me, next smartphone is either samsung either iphone. I never had iphone, so its kinda tempting. Plus, apple is a large company, which means it has more resources available to make better smartphone.

But even after over 5 years of use of my samsung smartphone, the battery still lasts whole day. Of course, there is some caring on my part, like not charging it over 80% and not letting it fall under 10%, but still, I dont remember my previous smartohones having such battery life.
WyIted's avatar
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"I understand that throughout history, socially different people were often killed or rejected, or punished in some way.
So maybe copying is just the trait which survived in genes passed down through history"

This is exactly it.  The tribe meant safety and security and so fitting in is the prime goal and what their intelligence is geared to do. 

High IQ individuals can get around this a bit because they are also going to be incredibly competent and you don't want to cast out the guys literally holding your tribe together
WyIted's avatar
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"For me, next smartphone is either samsung either iphone. I never had iphone, so its kinda tempting. Plus, apple is a large company, which means it has more resources available to make better smartphone."

The Google pixel will allow you to have more control over your phone by swapping the OS for an open source one that doesn't lock you out and ironically make it easier to escape big tech eco systems. Take a look at Graphene OS
zedvictor4's avatar
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I don't have a smartphone, as I don't have time to use it.

I do have a nokia that does calls and texts, just in case I breakdown whilst out cycling or driving etc.

I look upon todays info-tech addiction, as the start of techno dominance over the organic.

A.I. alternative intelligence will lead the way eventually.

It's perhaps the only way that intellectuality will successfully escape this Earthly prison and the dominance of the Sun.
IlDiavolo's avatar
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But even after over 5 years of use of my samsung smartphone, the battery still lasts whole day. Of course, there is some caring on my part, like not charging it over 80% and not letting it fall under 10%, but still, I dont remember my previous smartohones having such battery life.
You have a smartphone, Internet connection and play video games all Day long. You're fucking wealthy.

I wonder why you complain all the time. Lol. 

Best.Korea's avatar
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You have a smartphone, Internet connection and play video games all Day long. You're fucking wealthy.
I guess, but I dont know how long will my wealth last. In the end, I might be forced to sell property to keep up the jobless lifestyle.

I dont have a car, expensive PC or anything expensive. I have reduced my expenses so money I have lasts me for longer time than it would if I bought everything I wanted.

I used to have jobs, but I literally cant work anymore due to horrible back pain which makes my life horrible if I work, because jobs require me to work 9 hours a day, and then spend rest of day in pain.

I am only rich in a sense that I have about 30% of things average person has without having to work 9 hours for it.

I wonder why you complain all the time. Lol.
Well, I guess I shouldnt complain, but still, I feel like I was fucked in life by my parents who ruined my education by forcing me to go to horrible school which I failed badly at. They also gave me horrible childhood by forcing me to be best at school, which is why I developed non-active life style from all the sitting in front of books and computer. Simply, when you spend 6 to 8 hours sitting in school, and another 6 to 8 hours sitting at home, the body stops being active and then working a physical job is much harder. I could list all the ways my parents fucked me, from dad leaving and never coming back or caring, to mother who happened to be control freak and just wanted me to finish high level education so she can brag about it to others. Its all about reputation with her. In the end, it all really collapsed, and over decade spent in schools was just for nothing, no purpose at all. All the jobs I ever had, I could have even if I didnt go to high school, let alone worked hard to get meaningless good grades. I could list more fuck ups by my parents, who I am not even sure if they are even my parents, because we seem to be sharing no any similar characteristics, which is almost impossible if they are really my parents. Of course, my parents still complain that I have no job, but its their fault for destroying me both physically and mentally so that I am unfit to even talk to people in real life, let alone have some job for a long time. It just happens like that when you are raised by retarded parents, they just focus on and push you in only one direction, failing to address any other direction in your life and even preventing you from going in different directions, so you fail everywhere else in life except in that one pointless direction they selected for you.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Trust me guys, if you had people talk shit about you in real life all the time, you would complain too.
HistoryBuff's avatar
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For more information on midwits go here https://youtu.be/byb3ffrBYgU?si=MM8wvkpryr2IKxgV
I had never heard of this guy so I looked him up. it took me like 30 seconds to figure out why you should never listen to him. 

He's a far right, QAnon supporting, racist, white supremacist loon. The fact that you would watch his content, much less cite it is deeply telling about what kind of beliefs you have.  
Moozer325's avatar
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Fun to see you back on the site BTW.

Those who fall inside of that range tend to be liberal. If you struggle to communicate  with liberals on this site it is likely because you are at least one but maybe 2 standard deviations above them on the IQ scale.
I’m not really looking to start a debate here, but I would like to see this study. Just saying some observations.

We can also deduce that Those in the higher IQ ranges are going to be attracted to online debate. So for conservatives the average IQ on this site might be closer to 120-145 range and the average liberal on the site is probably in the 100-120 range.
I don’t really disagree with this statement. IWRA and History buff are walking proof of that. I would add that there are smart liberals. Just as I don’t judge you by Mall, you shouldn’t really judge me by IWRA.

So that's the 2 different reasons both high Iaq and low IQ people end with the same conclusion. Low IQ people do not have the bandwidth to have competing goals such as meeting social expectations and high IQ people are so smart that fitting in doesn't matter.
This was basically me when I was in middle school. My guess is you would place me just above a midwit and that fits with this. I was smart enough to figure out how to be “popular” or whatever, but I was still dumb enough to care about it.

Again, nice to see you back.

WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
I had never heard of this guy so I looked him up. it took me like 30 seconds to figure out why you should never listen to him. 
He's a far right, QAnon supporting, racist, white supremacist loon. The fact that you would watch his content, much less cite it is deeply telling about what kind of beliefs you have.  
He thinks Qanon is a conspiracy theory. He is probably a centrist and he is most certainly not a white supremacists.  You idiots will just call anybody a white supremacists to avoid engaging with his argument which contained atleast 5 citations. So you neither engaged with his premises or even looked at his citations. 

If you have to actually make up shit to defend your point. Maybe start co sideline that your wrong.

On top of that you also ignored everything in OP, again because you know you are wrong. I don't understand this pride. It's as if some emotional attachment is accompanying your belief systems and so you can't let then go even when faced with incontrovertible proof of their problems. 

These problems wouldn't even necessarily make liberalism wrong. Just because 90% of democrats are midwits and just because you fall into that 90% doesn't make liberalism wrong, but instead of just acknowledging the midwit problem, you instead say patently false stuff like "Edward Dutton definitely is a Q conspiracy theorist" which is definitely wrong co sideline how much time he has spent mocking Q people. 

WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
"I’m not really looking to start a debate here, but I would like to see this study. Just saying some observations."

Look at cultural mediation hypothesis. If you are referring to higher IQ people being attracted to debate that seems self evident but I could try to hunt down a study if you insist 

I don’t really disagree with this statement. IWRA and History buff are walking proof of that. I would add that there are smart liberals. Just as I don’t judge you by Mall, you shouldn’t really judge me by IWRA.
I don't. I believe I mention above that not all liberals fall into the midwit range just the majority. At your age I was also liberal. I don't think you will stay that way. Even if you remain liberal which is highly unlikely given your intelligence and ability to see beyond the veil a bit, your world view is likely to evolve significantly.

This was basically me when I was in middle school. My guess is you would place me just above a midwit and that fits with this. I was smart enough to figure out how to be “popular” or whatever, but I was still dumb enough to care about it.
I am not going to judge an 18 year old that is a liberal. We all were at 18. Me personally I didn't care about popularity but that's easy to say since I was always popular. 

I would also state that just because people with outlier high IQ don't care about popularity doesn't mean it's not important or that not caring is better than caring. 

Just like the midwit caring about authority and the outlier high iq individual being skeptical of authority doesn't mean it's better to be skeptical. 

As you can see with history buff though, he definitely shows you the downside of trusting authority. He saw me offer an authority so he looked for a more important authority. It's a common midwit strategy. He found some article that said incorrectly that Edward Dutton supports Q so now instead if engaging in the argument (he can't because he is a midwit that needs an authority to tell him how to think) , he gets around the argument by citing the fact that some other authority (blaze media presumedly) has declared this guy bad because his conclusions are bad
Greyparrot's avatar
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Sometimes, I wonder if they even stop to read what instinctive responses they offer, many which are contradictory.

For example, in the same post, HB claims Blue States run exclusively for over 50 years by Democrats are the richest and most prosperous while also saying most of the wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few.

And then absurdly claiming Democrats are for increasing the wealth of the little worker....has he ever really looked at the massive wealth inequality designed exclusively by 50 years of Democrat fiat working hand in hand with the wealthy elites? 

This is the very definition of a useful propaganda soldier working to maintain the status quo in these blue states. It's why we have slave migrant labor, no support for family women, and government "charity" sent toward overseas colonies instead of local hurricane and wildfire victims. And if you dare question, you get the Jewish armband of "white supremacists" and sent to Auschwitz.

Like Vivek says, stop doing the same thing over and over.
Moozer325's avatar
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but I could try to hunt down a study if you insist 
I’d like to see it, but don’t sweat it to much. Maybe it’s because I’m a midwit or whatever, but I like to see hard data before I make up my mind.

I don't think you will stay that way. Even if you remain liberal which is highly unlikely given your intelligence and ability to see beyond the veil a bit, your world view is likely to evolve significantly.
That’s the interesting thing though. My dad (who I’m increasingly finding is a lot like me) identified as a republican when he was my age. Then he went off to college and became a liberal, basically the opposite of what you predict for me. Maybe it’s just a truism that people tend to swing the other way when they get older. I have moved more towards the middle on some issues since I got on this site, so maybe the trend will continue.

WyIted's avatar
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That's because they only give a shit about swimming. This is why in debates when a conservative is proven wrong they concede a point and why most libtards just double down on their stupid shit. This is my problem with principled conservatism. Your opponents have none so they just keep winning
WyIted's avatar
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I’d like to see it, but don’t sweat it to much. Maybe it’s because I’m a midwit or whatever, but I like to see hard data before I make up my mind.
I actually cited one bro. There is an issue with things like common sense on the left but I did provide a study and mentioned it by name a couple of times. I didn't provide a link because I don't have free access but it is mentioned I think even the exact page was quoted but I am in a rush and can't scroll up now. 

That’s the interesting thing though. My dad (who I’m increasingly finding is a lot like me) identified as a republican when he was my age. Then he went off to college and became a liberal,
That is a shame but yes this is why it is important to look at both sides of the issue. It is tough to be a conservative since every ad you see on TV leans left, the media leans left and teachers teach from a leftist perspective. So I can see it would be tough to keep your critical thinking skill.

I could even see it being tough when bombarded with cherry picked studies as well as the fact that it is proven that 75% of academic fraud has been shown to support a leftist narrative. 75% of those caught doingnit anyway. 

So when you hear lies that immigrants for example commit lower crimes to prove we should have open border. Many of these liberal people will cite studies done on legal immigrants to prove their point. So just being bombarded with this shit non stop can kind of brain wash you. 

Just look at the supposed gender pay gap. The studies pointed to never look at average female cop vs male cop or anything like that, but that is the conclusion presented

You continue to do you but if I was wounded on by lie after lie and every single time I check a fact it turns out to be a lie "such as Trump's bloodbath comment being taken out of context" then I would at some point think you should get sick of it and realize "oh maybe the people I support are the baddies."

Instead they lie. It gets proven wrong, then the next thing they say you give them the benefit of the doubt and say "please show me a study by the establishment and funded by the establishment that goes against the establishment narrative?"

At some point you just have to look at them and say "no more, fuck you you no longer get the benefit of the doubt"

Or you know continue to catch them in lies and then say "well maybe Cambridge has a study on something that disproves the narrative despite the government which is controlled by predominantly liberals (that portion) gets to decide which schools get funding for what studies"

History buff has some excuse. He is legitimately retarded or a liar, but you keep catching these people lying and you are like "you know what this latest narrative, they get the benefit of the doubt on".

Moozer325's avatar
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Moozer325's avatar
I actually cited one bro. 
Can't believe I missed that, my bad. With a brief Google search (I could be wrong) but this seems more of just a theory, and not data. I'm not saying it doesn't have merit, it's just not really proven IMO.

That is a shame but yes this is why it is important to look at both sides of the issue. It is tough to be a conservative since every ad you see on TV leans left, the media leans left and teachers teach from a leftist perspective. So I can see it would be tough to keep your critical thinking skill.
Yeah, it must be so hard to not change your worldview when provided with contradictory evidence, (that was a joke, don't take it too seriously.)

You continue to do you but if I was wounded on by lie after lie and every single time I check a fact it turns out to be a lie "such as Trump's bloodbath comment being taken out of context" then I would at some point think you should get sick of it and realize "oh maybe the people I support are the baddies."
Honestly, this is how I see your side sometimes. I do get fed up with parts of the liberal media sometimes, but I think most people tend to look at the worst examples of the other side, and judge on that. Both sides lie, on purpose or not, but there are media sources on both sides who do their best to be honest and independent. It's better to judge on those sources, and not MSNBC and Fox.
HistoryBuff's avatar
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For example, in the same post, HB claims Blue States run exclusively for over 50 years by Democrats are the richest and most prosperous while also saying most of the wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few.
yes. those are 2 sperate things. Blue sates are richer, which is an objective fact. And that the entire US economy has been screwing the workers for decades. 

And then absurdly claiming Democrats are for increasing the wealth of the little worker....has he ever really looked at the massive wealth inequality designed exclusively by 50 years of Democrat fiat working hand in hand with the wealthy elites? 
When did I claim the democrats are for "increasing the wealth of the little worker"? They definitely are not. They, just like the republicans, are bought and paid for by rich assholes. The difference is that the democrats at least try to do some stuff for the poor or working class while the republicans exclusively help the rich and fuck over the poor. Choosing between them is like having someone slap you in the face or shoot you in the stomach. One isn't good, the other will kill you. 

no support for family women
lol when have the republicans passed support for family women? You can't seriously believe that is something republicans do. 

and government "charity" sent toward overseas colonies instead of local hurricane and wildfire victims
It's the republicans who have sapped and undermined local aid, not democrats. for example Trump took 155 million from FEMA's budget in 2019. They also refused to pass an actual budget and play political games with it so FEMA is running on temporary funding. 

And if you dare question, you get the Jewish armband of "white supremacists" and sent to Auschwitz.
jesus that was a horrible statement. The white supremacists were the ones running Auschwitz you idiot. A white supremacist sent to Auschwitz is called a guard. 
WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
Can't believe I missed that, my bad. With a brief Google search (I could be wrong) but this seems more of just a theory, and not data. I'm not saying it doesn't have merit, it's just not really proven IMO.
The theory is based on the results of several studies which is why I told you where to find his research. Data alone does not give us a theory, we have to interpret that data.

Yeah, it must be so hard to not change your worldview when provided with contradictory evidence, (that was a joke, don't take it too seriously.)
No I get it. It was hard for me to change my world view. I was bombarded by liberal media, liberal schools and every facet of entertainment being liberal. So even when I saw contradictory evidence for the longest time I would say "well maybe the establishment is o ly lying about this one thing" it took a lot of contradictory evidence to change my mind. I am just fortunate to live in a country that despite complete institutional capture there are still avenues to get contradictory information and hear both sides of an argument.

Both sides lie, on purpose or not, but there are media sources on both sides who do their best to be honest and independent. It's better to judge on those sources, and not MSNBC and Fox.
I know I know. I looked at the best liberal minds and used to eat that stuff up. Whether it was Michael Moore, or Karl Marx. I really just used to believe that stuff without much critical thought. 

It was funny. I had like this whole list of beliefs and I remember the first thing that really woke me out of it was I grabbed a book by Glenn Beck. It was "an Inconvenient Book". I remember being embarrassed to get it from the library and I didn't expect it to be a threat to my belief system because it was just that idiot Glenn Beck and then he laid out my entire ideology in the book. It was like he could read my mind. 

After laying out my entire philosophy, the one handed to me by my parents and by me watching Michael Moore documentaries etc., he then went onto systematically destroy each and every one of my beliefs. 

I almost didn't pick up the book and my life probably would have been different if I didn't because it was such a good deconstruction, and seemed geared to me personally. I had just spent the past 2 years exclusively researching energy policy and had exhausted the libraries resources for studying it. I think I only picked up the book because it had a tiny section on energy policy butnI ended up reading the whole thing. 

Now as far as you saying conservatives lie, I get that. For example the media will claim a lot of statements are lies and they just look at the conclusions and never example the more complex arguments but I suggest you look at the sophisticated premises provided and ignore the biased fact checkers

WyIted's avatar
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That was a deconstruction of my beliefs anyway. Once I realized they were wrong it was a slow built up and when I lay the new beliefs out some idiots call me a liberal so I try to avoid it. 

Essentially I am

Against open borders

Against abortion after the first trimester unless there is a good medical reason for it.

I believe in a decentralized economy

Non interventionism 

Pro 2nd amendment

Pro 1st amendment

The liberals I interact with on the site are all the opposite of the views I listed. 
Moozer325's avatar
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Moozer325's avatar
I know I know. I looked at the best liberal minds and used to eat that stuff up. Whether it was Michael Moore, or Karl Marx. I really just used to believe that stuff without much critical thought. 
For a time, my views were basically Liberal = good without any thought to the actually issue at hand. I agreed with most liberal ideals, so it followed for me that all liberal ideals must be correct. Once I stopped with this, I moved towards the center on some issues, not too many though.

Maybe I’ll gradually drop more of my beliefs, but we’ll see how it goes.
WyIted's avatar
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For a time, my views were basically Liberal = good without any thought to the actually issue at hand
Same for me. My dad told me that liberals are for poor people and Republicans for rich people and I was poor so it was natural that I was a libtard. Once I started reading up on economics I realized my dad was a piece of shit liar because liberal policies actually harm poor people while republican policies pull people out of poverty.

Once I stopped with this, I moved towards the center on some issues, not too many though.
If you are the center on issues than that makes you a republican because of how off the walls democrats gave gotten. 

Maybe I’ll gradually drop more of my beliefs, but we’ll see how it goes.
Drop them all. I dropped every single one of mine. I built more and ai did it again, I built more and ai did it again. I never stop deconstructing and attacking my own beliefs 
Moozer325's avatar
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Drop them all. I dropped every single one of mine. I built more and ai did it again, I built more and ai did it again. I never stop deconstructing and attacking my own beliefs 
That’s good advice. More people should hear it really.
WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
That’s good advice. More people should hear it really
Maybe I have taken it too far though