Thoughts on the potential Trump assassination at Maralago

Author: SocraticGregarian96


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Missed again.

What's wrong with these folk?

But I expect it will inspire others to try.
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Double_R's avatar
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Can someone please explain why any american would give a shit about ukranians
Well, because we're human beings for one, so it's natural to care when one country decides to effectively engage in genocide. Russia is literally firing missiles into Ukrainian hospitals and residential buildings killing innocent families. If that doesn't bother you then you need help.

But if you need a more selfish reason to care, we're sending arms to Ukraine so that they can continue to fight this war rather than what in all likelihood happens next when Russia decides to go further than Ukraine and drag the US into nuclear war. It's one of the most basic ideas of US foreign policy; we fight the battles abroad so we don't have to fight them at home.

And if that still isn't enough, we're not sending money to Ukraine. That money is almost entirely going to US weapons manufacturers who are them sending the weapons to Ukraine, so that money is in fact going to Americans.

We are on the brink of nuclear exchange, we have an invasion at our southern border, we have historic inflation and our jobs are being taken by cat-eating Haitians and the aurora venezuelans.
Wow, you've really gone of the deep end.

The thing that would get us closer to nuclear war is if we gave up on Ukraine.

We don't have an invasion at the southern border, that's just stupid. What we have is a serious problem with migrants fleeing their countries and taking advantage of our inadequate asylum system. You know, the one that would have been fixed months ago if Donald Trump would have gotten the hell out of the way and allowed republicans to support the bill they've been asking for for years.

Inflation is already down to just below 3%, which is exactly where economists say is optimal. This is no longer an issue.

And Hatian migrants eating cats and dogs? Really?

Well, considering they sanctioned BLM riots, burning down buildings, not to mention the plandemic or the multiple assassination attempts — or the failure to genuinely denounce them, yeah, it’s no wonder the dems are considered the party of violence.
No prominent left wing figure sanctioned the BLM riots, that's just a lie.

The first assassination attempt was a nutjob conservative republican kid who researched other mass shooters and targets that included democrats and celebrities. It wasn't political, he wanted to make a name for himself. That's all. We don't know enough about the second attempts motives. And if you think the left hasn't denounced them it's because you're stuck on News Max or the many right wing podcasters being bankrolled by Russia.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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"registered democrat", only those with 2 brain cells are surprised.
IlDiavolo's avatar
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Haitians fearing for their lives in Springfield Ohio, and more so since the the Proud Boys have made an appearance in Springfield.
Trump is just expressing what most americans feel about ilegal migration.

Dont you think this shitty migration is destroying the US? Haitians are eating americans' pets, that is not a hoax. Venezuelans are vandilizing the streets and killing people. 

And the problem will get terribly worse with the next financia crisis that is around the corner.

HistoryBuff's avatar
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look I'm no genuis. But if you shot at and tried to kill the guy, you probably are not a fan of him.
a couple of problems with that statement. I'm referring to the 1st attempt. I don't know enough about the 2nd one to say. 

1) you are conflating "republican" with "fan of donald trump". those are not the same thing. There are lots of republicans that don't like him.

2) you are assuming the assassination attempt was politically motivated. The evidence so far says that it wasn't. He seems to have been a mentally disturbed individual who wanted to be famous for shooting people. In the lead up to the attempt he was doing research on mass shooters as well as a number of famous people including nancy pelosi and biden. It doesn't look like he tried to kill trump because he had a specific issue with him. It looks like he tried to kill him because it would make him the most famous and he happened to do a rally nearby with lax security. It could just as easily have been biden he tried to kill. 
IlDiavolo's avatar
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Yes, the democrats. But if you have a specific name just tell us who. 
HistoryBuff's avatar
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they were dick cheney or mitt romney republicans. Pro-establishment, pro-system republicans. I am an independent and I loathe those people. 
I don't know much about the 2nd one. but the little I have heard says that he was a populist. He supported tulsi and bernie at different points. That's pretty far from a dick cheney republican. And what about the 1st one suggests that either?

The reason I like Trump is cause he is a huge middle finger in the face of the administrative state. 
how? He was president for 4 years and was totally on board with the administrative state. Under him, he overturned roe v wade and got the state even more involved in controlling people's lives. I can see how he's a giant middle finger because he's an asshole. but he has never used it in a positive way. 

Sure, he happens to register a republican. But I would vote for him if he called himself a dem too. I don’t care, since he is the badass that he is and the amazing 45th president he was
please explain what specific policies he did that were "badass". His policies were 99% cookie cutter establishment republican policies. He just wrapped them in a more racist, angry package. 

Thus, I denounce ANY violence, particularly political.
trump tried to overthrow democracy.... with violence. So where is your denouncement of trump?
IlDiavolo's avatar
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He seems to have been a mentally disturbed individual who wanted to be famous for shooting people. 
Well, you are proving here that it doesnt matter whether the assasin is republican or not. What matters is that the assasin kills the "vilain" so to become the hero. 

Democrats have made Trump the vilain that deserves to be "dissapeared" for the sake of the american democracy. Trump says good when blaming democrats for these assasination attempts.

HistoryBuff's avatar
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Well, you are proving here that it doesnt matter whether the assasin is republican or not.
since the attempt was not political, that is true. The only reason it does matter is that it makes the attempts by liars to say "the left tried to have him assassinated" a useless argument that only idiots believe. 

 What matters is that the assasin kills the "vilain" so to become the hero. 
in his mind? maybe. But i don't think he thought he was going to be a hero by doing it. He was doing research into mass shooters. It looks like he was just a mentally disturbed, angry, weirdo who wanted to be famous for killing people. 

Democrats have made Trump the vilain that deserves to be "dissapeared" for the sake of the american democracy.
lol no. I haven't heard anyone say that he should be "dissapeared". He is absolutely a villain though. But the far better outcome is crushing him in an election, then sending him to prison for his many crimes. That way you prove to everyone (who isn't a cultist) of the criminal and villain he is. If he dies, he becomes a martyr and escapes the consequences of his crimes. 

Trump says good when blaming democrats for these assasination attempts.
im not sure what you're trying to say here. Democrats had nothing to do with the attempts. Trump does say that they did, but he is lying. 
ebuc's avatar
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...Trump does say that they did, but he is lying.
Trumpet Make America Dumb Again { MADA } is some percentage of the troll activity around here.

Repeating a false narrative helps make a comment appear more probable, at least it works very well with MADA any peoples who are clueless ---for what ever reason---, etc.
Sidewalker's avatar
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It was a lover's quarrel; the assassin was Trump's favorite male prostitute and had become upset that Trump had other gay lovers.

Fake news, deep state, false flag, staged, and of course, CONSPIRACY, blah blah blah.
Public-Choice's avatar
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Why would Trump assassinate himself? Come on people.

The first casualty of any war, political or otherwise, is the truth.

Half of the country is being spoonfed egregious fake news and outright lies in support of a Democrat political candidate and has been spoonfed these lies for years.

Does anyone, ANYONE AT ALL, remember the Russia Collusion Conspiracy Theory that all the mainstream press, including Fox News, trumpeted for 4 long years?

What about the "Trump cheated" and won the election against Clinton illegitimately bullshit they ran with before that?

Things in the press have gotten so bad now that most of the sources are anonymous. I mean, come on now. What happened to hard evidence? What happened to citing sources? The news is a joke now.

That isn't to say the GOP press machine has been honest. But, let's face it, aside from Fox News, the system is incredibly tilted in favor of the Democrats. Google and Yahoo News, Facebook News, and all the other huge aggregators overwhelmingly favor left-wing sources as header articles despite there being an even mix of left and right win outlets out there.

If a Democrat tells a lie, it gets a lot further, a lot faster, than if a Republican does. And if a Republican says something true yet a had pill to swallow, it gets around a lot slower because progressive news outlets squash it.

If a Republican lies, typically the news will prove it to be the case. It is much easier to lie as a Democrat than a Republican, which is why Democrats tend to lie more, and use bigger lies.
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btw, I have actually documented this for myself. I made both a right-wing AI and a Left-wing AI and I fed it the same questions. Both are blacklisted to only mainstream sources on the left and right, so it is almost a perfect echo chamber.

More often, the Right-Wing AI gets it correct and yhe Left-Wing one gets it wrong. You can test both for yourself:

I also made a Trumpbot as a joke. It uses extremely biased, Pro-Trump sources. I think it is good for a chuckle or two:
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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Does anyone, ANYONE AT ALL, remember the Russia Collusion Conspiracy Theory that all the mainstream press, including Fox News, trumpeted for 4 long years?

What about the "Trump cheated" and won the election against Clinton illegitimately bullshit they ran with before that?
Oh I remember. I am cursed with the opposite of the gold fish memory that allow people like HistoryBuff, Underdog, and Double_R to 'forget' what happened 20 minutes earlier.

Public-Choice's avatar
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Here is an example of the Left-Wing AI getting the answer completely wrong while the Right-Wing AI gets it right:

Q: Did Kamala Harris's ancestors own slaves?

Right-Wing AI:

According to the search results from the specified domains, yes, Kamala Harris's ancestors owned slaves. Specifically, her paternal great-grandmother, Christiana Brown, is a descendant of Hamilton Brown, who was a plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown's Town in Jamaica, as stated by her father, Donald Harris, in the Jamaica Globe in 2019. Additionally, it is noted that hundreds of thousands of African Americans and Afro Caribbeans have Anglo or Irish ancestry due to the prevalence of sexual violence committed by plantation owners against their female slaves. (Source:,

Left-Wing AI:

According to AP News, there is no evidence that Kamala Harris's ancestors owned slaves. In fact, her father, Donald Harris, wrote an essay suggesting that he and his daughters are descended from Black people enslaved in Jamaica. Additionally, Caitlin Rosenthal, a University of California, Berkeley history professor, stated that while it is clear that Hamilton Brown, a possible ancestor of Kamala Harris, was a major slave owner, "what is much less clear is how he fits into Kamala Harris’s family tree." Rosenthal added that it is likely that Harris is descended from both enslaved people and from slave owners, just like most African Americans today.


The funny thing is I read the essay that the Left-Wing AI mentioned. Harris says, flat out, that he is a descendant of the slave owner Hamilton Brown who made Brown's town. He also says his plantation-owning second mother who raised him owned slaves. So idk where in the world it is coming from. The Right-Wing AI got everything 100% correct. AP News and the other sources were completely wrong.
IlDiavolo's avatar
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lol no. I haven't heard anyone say that he should be "dissapeared".

Now you do.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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Now you do.
No he still hasn't. He has a condition called "evidence blindness". It's caused by too much MSNBC and NPR (or similar contaminants).
SocraticGregarian96's avatar
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SocraticGregarian96's avatar
we fight the battles abroad so we don't have to fight them at home.
wrong. we (and when I say ‘we’, I mean the career politicians) fight foreign wars only to make money. Eisenhower warned about this. Trump would have this war done and settled within 6 months, furhtermore it would have never happened if her were in office. You know, Trump is the only president, republican or democrat, to actually LOSE money while in office. 

And if that still isn't enough, we're not sending money to Ukraine. That money is almost entirely going to US weapons manufacturers who are them sending the weapons to Ukraine, so that money is in fact going to Americans.
you just made point for me bud.

No prominent left wing figure sanctioned the BLM riots, that's just a lie.
Tampon Tim did nothing when arson was committed, and Kamala held bail funds for the few who were jailed.

The first assassination attempt was a nutjob conservative republican kid who researched other mass shooters and targets that included democrats and celebrities. It wasn't political, he wanted to make a name for himself. That's all. We don't know enough about the second attempts motives. And if you think the left hasn't denounced them it's because you're stuck on News Max or the many right wing podcasters being bankrolled by Russia.
bro, go back to fantasyland.
SocraticGregarian96's avatar
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His policies were 99% cookie cutter establishment republican policies. He just wrapped them in a more racist, angry package. 
No, they were not. 
closed the border
stopped forking over money and stopped profiting from forever foreign wars
stopped the “free trade” scam of america getting ripped off
drill baby drill — low costs
i could keep going. 

Furthermore, I challenge you to give one example for him being a racist.
HistoryBuff's avatar
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yep, he said eliminated when he meant defeated. Then immediately said he was wrong and that he was sorry. Whereas republicans call for violence and then double down on it when called out. 
HistoryBuff's avatar
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closed the border
what specifically did he do to close the border? And are you aware that Biden kept most of the border policy in place when he entered office?

stopped forking over money
what does that even mean? Stopped forking over money to who?

and stopped profiting from forever foreign wars
what forever war did he end? he negotiated a sloppy, horribly planned withdrawal from afganistan, then blamed biden for it. Is that what you meant? He also publicly said he ordered a declaration of war (ie attack on a military base) on Iran, then called it off at the last minute. 

stopped the “free trade” scam of america getting ripped off
what does that even mean? What specifically did he do? what bill did he pass to do that?

drill baby drill — low costs
again, what does that mean? What specific bill did he pass to do whatever it is you're talking about?

i could keep going. 
You haven't really said anything yet. You've given SUPER vague talking points without listing a single thing he actually did. 

Furthermore, I challenge you to give one example for him being a racist.
A quick google search and you can find lists of examples. But here is a sample:
1) In 1973 he was sued by the nixon administration for refusing to rent apartments to black people. among other things, they charged that if black people applied to rent an apartment trump owned, they would lie and say it was no longer available. 

2) he took out a full page ad calling for the execution of 5 innocent black men, the central park 5. in 2016, years after DNA had proved they were innocent, he said he still thought they were guilty. 

3) In 1993 during congressional testimony, Trump said that some Native American reservations operating casinos shouldn’t be allowed because “they don’t look like Indians to me.”

4) birtherism. Trump was a big proponent of the racist lie that President Obama wasn't born in america. Even after being given evidence proving he was, he continued pushing these lies for years. There was never a shred of evidence supporting this racist conspiracy theory.

5) in 2015 he called for a ban on all muslims entering the country. 

I can keep going, these are just some examples. He says and does racist shit all the time. 
SocraticGregarian96's avatar
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SocraticGregarian96's avatar
what specifically did he do to close the border? And are you aware that Biden kept most of the border policy in place when he entered office?
Remain In Mexico, catch and release, etc. We had much less ILLEGAL crossings under him. Every statistical number agrees

what does that even mean? Stopped forking over money to who?
Ukraine, Israel, Iran, any other country, and we were prosperous. Under him, I could actually afford gas and food without having to work 3 jobs a week for a liberal employer who tells me 24/7 how racist I am as a white man.

1) In 1973 he was sued by the nixon administration for refusing to rent apartments to black people. among other things, they charged that if black people applied to rent an apartment trump owned, they would lie and say it was no longer available. 
First of all, that was 1973. Second, he refuses to rent to CRIMINALS, most of which happened to be black. Trump was not a redliner.

2) he took out a full page ad calling for the execution of 5 innocent black men, the central park 5. in 2016, years after DNA had proved they were innocent, he said he still thought they were guilty. 
Is OJ Simpson also innocent?

3) In 1993 during congressional testimony, Trump said that some Native American reservations operating casinos shouldn’t be allowed because “they don’t look like Indians to me.”
He did not want SOME of them open b/c it was a waste of government money, not b/c of racism.

4) birtherism. Trump was a big proponent of the racist lie that President Obama wasn't born in america. Even after being given evidence proving he was, he continued pushing these lies for years. There was never a shred of evidence supporting this racist conspiracy theory.
No he was not. All Trump has said is that he is not sure. And why should any of us be sure after we STILL have not seen or have not heard proof of his passport. Furthermore, this has literally NOTHING to do with race. Criticizing a black, female or homosexual does not make you racist, sexist or homophobic just because those people  happen to be of that orientation. If trump called obama a nigger for no reason then it would be a different story, but all he did was question him. (and we still have not got the answer)

5) in 2015 he called for a ban on all muslims entering the country. 
he called for a ban on Muslim TERRORISTS. That’s why we were a safer country under Trump.

HistoryBuff's avatar
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Remain In Mexico, catch and release, etc. We had much less ILLEGAL crossings under him. Every statistical number agrees
again. what specific policy are you talking about? you are just throwing out buzz words. 

Ukraine, Israel, Iran, any other country, and we were prosperous. 
He gave aid to Ukraine. He gave LOTS of money and weapons to Israel. No american politician has given money to Iran. And america is more prosperous today than ever. 

Under him, I could actually afford gas and food without having to work 3 jobs a week
lol this is just delusion. The economy was much worse while trump was president. In some ways not his fault since covid was running rampant. But to pretend like things were better during lockdowns and rampant inflation is just silly. 

for a liberal employer who tells me 24/7 how racist I am as a white man.
this sounds like a you issue. I am also white, I have never in my entire life been told by someone I work with that I am racist. If that is happening, you're probably saying racist shit. 

First of all, that was 1973. Second, he refuses to rent to CRIMINALS, most of which happened to be black. Trump was not a redliner.
yes, he's been a racist his whole life. Showing the historical cases helps to highlight that this isn't new for him. And no, he was specifically charged with lying to all black people that tried to rent from him. By a republican administration. You have to be pretty bad for the Nixon administration to think you too racist. And I'm starting to see why your boss thinks your racist. Saying that most people applying to live in apartments in new york are criminals is really shitty. 

Is OJ Simpson also innocent?
don't know. probably not. But that has nothing to do with trump taking out a full page add calling for the murder of 5 innocent black men. 

He did not want SOME of them open b/c it was a waste of government money, not b/c of racism.
he didn't want them open because he had casinos and didn't want the competition. He specifically said they shouldn't be allowed because they didn't look indian enough to him. That's racism. 

No he was not. All Trump has said is that he is not sure.
lol he was one of the main proponents of it. He said it loudly and frequently. 

And why should any of us be sure after we STILL have not seen or have not heard proof of his passport.
jesus, are you still pretending that's a thing? You know how stupid and racist this is right? Are you demanding to see Trump's passport? or any other white politician? No, it's only the black guy you do this to even though he's already shown everyone his birth certificate. 

this has literally NOTHING to do with race.
you can't possibly believe that. The only thing birtherism has to do with is race. 

he called for a ban on Muslim TERRORISTS. That’s why we were a safer country under Trump.
no he called for a ban on mulsims. all of them. He was forced to walk back the policy because it would have been incredibly illegal. 

Double_R's avatar
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wrong. we (and when I say ‘we’, I mean the career politicians) fight foreign wars only to make money. 
So how do you explain all of the politicians supporting the war who aren't benefiting financially from it, along with all the generals who have upheld this principal for decades?

Trump would have this war done and settled within 6 months, furhtermore it would have never happened if her were in office.
Pure fantasy. There is no evidence and that Putin would not have invaded if Trump was reelected and in fact that notion defies common sense. Trump has shown himself to be a major Putin sycophant. You guys act like Trump is so tough on him and yet when he stood face to face with him on the world stage he cowered and took Putin's word over that of US intelligence.

By far the most reasonable explanation for why Putin didn't invade during the Trump administration is because he was waiting for a second Trump term where he believed Trump would have pulled the US out of NATO, thereby creating a much more favorable environment for Putin to continue the invasion he had been planning for years.

And as far as Trump having the war settled in 6 months, I think that would have happened much sooner, because Trump would have just handed Ukraine to Russia. I really hope you weren't implying that Trump would "negotiate" a deal where everyone is happy because of you think that is even possible you are breathtakingly ignorant on what this war is about.

And if that still isn't enough, we're not sending money to Ukraine. That money is almost entirely going to US weapons manufacturers who are them sending the weapons to Ukraine, so that money is in fact going to Americans.
you just made point for me bud.
What point was that? That your implication of us sending money to Ukraine factually wrong?

No prominent left wing figure sanctioned the BLM riots, that's just a lie.
Tampon Tim did nothing when arson was committed, and Kamala held bail funds for the few who were jailed.
None of this supports your original point, and both points are misleading at best. Harris literally sent out a tweet, that's it.

bro, go back to fantasyland.
Translation: "I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about and have no interest in the facts because I know they're probably inconvenient for me, so I'm just going to take a parting shot and hope people follow the squirrel rather than recognize my claim is full of shit."

Greyparrot's avatar
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So how do you explain all of the politicians supporting the war who aren't benefiting financially from it
What? Name some. Post the donations.

so that money is in fact going to Americans.
So the ultra rich donor class. I know you meant that. Normal Americans need not apply.

There is no evidence and that Putin would not have invaded 
Ignoring the 4 years when he didn't, maybe.

That's because reality has a known liberal bias
You meant propaganda here of course. The reality that's fabricated daily.
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
Does anyone, ANYONE AT ALL, remember the Russia Collusion Conspiracy Theory that all the mainstream press, including Fox News, trumpeted for 4 long years?
It wasn't a conspiracy theory. Trump did collude with Russia, that's a fact. Don Jr. did hold a meeting with a woman who was and represented herself as acting to provide information that was "part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump", Trump's campaign chairman did give internal polling data to the Russians, and Trump did regularly plan his rally talking points around the information Russia stole and was leaking in coordination with a Trump ally (Roger Stone).

There is probably also a lot more we don't know since Trump did not cooperate with the investigation. But regardless just because we don't have Trump and Putin on tape planning their next moves together doesn't mean there was nothing there.

What about the "Trump cheated" and won the election against Clinton illegitimately bullshit they ran with before that?
Most people would call winning with the welcomed help of a foreign advisary's disinformation campaign to be illigitimate, as I bet you would of it were the other way around. But either way that's a matter of opinion.

Things in the press have gotten so bad now that most of the sources are anonymous.
Sources have always been anonymous because that's how journalists are able to get inside information. That's common sense, or at least it used to be until Trump started ranting about it and then all of a sudden ignorant people all over the country thought Trump was making a valid point and just like that, our collective Media literacy IQ dropped by 20 points.

aside from Fox News, the system is incredibly tilted in favor of the Democrats.
That's because reality has a known liberal bias
Greyparrot's avatar
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The thing that would get us closer to nuclear war is if we gave up on Ukraine.
I'd really like to know exactly the mechanism that would certainly lead to global thermo nuclear war if it should ever happen that Ukraine negotiates a settled peace treaty with Russia over the Donbas.