I'm gonna sit this one out. I'm quite busy unfortunately.
You pick the theme - Mafia Signups
1. Casey - Shocking TV moments
2. Earth- Shocking TV moments
3. owenT- Shocking TV moments
4. Wylted- shocking TV moments
5. iLikePie5- Alien
6. Whiteflame- Alien
7. That2user- Alien
8. Joebob- Shocking Tv moments
9. Vader- Shocking TV moments
1. Barney- Alien
2. Austin- shocking tv moments
I'll send out role pm's tomorrow morning
1. Casey
2. Earth
3. owenT
4. Wylted
5. iLikePie5
6. Whiteflame
7. That2user
8. Joebob
9. Vader
Theme Chosen: Shocking TV moments
Role PM's are sent out. I'll give everyone the day to look over their roles and start dp1 this evening when I wake up.
Alien Romulus was really good.
There were of course flaws, but it was really nice to see the series have a story told after Aliens…