There are classic examples like him telling people to inject bleach to fight covid or asking why they don't use nuclear weapons on hurricanes. But at his recent press event he was saying that more than 100% of job creations went to migrants. And it wasn't like he slipped and said the wrong thing. He stopped mid sentence, re-iterated it and repeated it more than once. Emphatically. What kind of moron thinks that more than 100% of jobs could go to anyone. This idiot doesn't know what 100% means. How could anyone think he is qualified to be president when he doesn't understand grade school math?
It also highlights how frequently he lies. If you ever hear him say anything like "people are saying" or "people have told me" you can be sure he is lying. Because he's "heard that substantially more than, uh, beyond actually beyond the number of 100% it's a much higher number than that". What a doofus.