The UK civil unrest. A response to Rational Madman

Author: WyIted


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So me and Rational Madman were discussing what's going on in the UK, and I just assumed that the "rioters" were just your average boomer conservative who thinks their country needs secure borders. Here is my video response to him, after he dropped out of the conversation.

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Below average idiots with nothing better to do.
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I've watched several podcast videos featuring Carl Benjamin (AKA "Sargon of Akkad"), and he goes into what's happening right now. Here's a short breakdown for anyone who's out of the loop:

-Three young girls, ethnically British or at least European, were recently killed in a mass stabbing attack at a dance studio, while 8 children and 2 adults were injured.

-The attacker was an immigrant, though not Muslim nor of Muslim background. However, a rumor quickly spread that said terrorist was Muslim, and the Muslim community was blamed for this.

-In response, far right groups (and probably a lot of generic apolitical bottom feeders who took advantage of the riotous atmosphere) have thrown the UK into a state of civil unrest. Most of it's just standard property damage like you expect to see during riots, but in some cases the rioters have attacked Muslims.

-There's currently a sense of fear among British Muslims, and some have organized into street gangs for both defense and offense. Far right groups on one hand and Muslim/Antifa groups on the other are brawling with each other.

-The British government under the new Labour PM, Keir Starmer, has promised a heavy-handed crackdown and to punish anyone involved with the rioting, including those who in the government's view egged it on online.

-There were previously riots of this scale in 2011 and during the 20th century. In 2011, the cause was the death of a young black man at the hands of police.
WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
I appreciate that breakdown itnis helpful and much more even handed than any of the random articles I clicked on yesterday.

I suspect the kid is Muslim. There keeps being references to church with no mention of the name of the church or religion it is associated with. There is also no pictures from after he is 11. Not that it matters. This was obviously the straw that broke the camels back so it doesn't deligitimize the things the protestors are protesting. 

I also appreciate you mentioning the Muslims and the artifacts. I have read reports that cops are disarming whites but the Muslim groups coming in as counter protestors are allowed to openly walk around with swords. So I suspect there is a lot of stabbings just going unreported, and if Twitter is any indication of reality than the original stabbing was cheered on by many Muslims.

I think one of the issues as well, is that immediately following the attack the killed and injured so many children, that before these kids were buried , the media was talking about how innocent the Muslim community is, and people protesting their belief system were wrong for protesting it. This is prior to the rioting. 

The reports are from an anonymous image board but my guess is thay this is not too far from reality, since it mirrors what I see so much in the west.
WyIted's avatar
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I just realized I listen to Sargon's podcast occasionally. 

I googled him to figure out who he was and sites keep saying he is a right winger against women's rights. The media is such liars. I maybe listened to 5 of his shows, he does not come across as hateful at all. 
I hope some extreme right winger figure does come to power some day, because these journalists, deserve what is coming. 
Swagnarok's avatar
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I googled him to figure out who he was and sites keep saying he is a right winger against women's rights.

He made one ill-advised off-color joke about a woman a few years ago (which he apologized for recently), and the media wants that to be the only thing he's known for. Not that he interviewed Liz Truss, or that's he's a well known influencer for an internationally prominent political movement.
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So uh... RM leaves DART in a rage, and then he argues with you on discord and then you make a video about that and post it everyone and specifically on DART.

If that doesn't bring him back what will?


These people do seem to be part of the global right-tribe:

Having more people in the labor force reduces the amount of available jobs
Jobs aren't a fixed pool unless they are closely tied to a limited natural resource (which is very unusual these days).

Rather than absolute numbers there are ratios that should be considered. Quality of life is determined by the efficiency of production and efficiency is a ratio between desired good/service and effort/time required to get it.

Production efficiency is controlled by many things but if you had to make three categories:
Means of production
Education/intelligence/experience of workforce
Motivation of workforce

You bring in new people they are consumers as well as producers, all else being equal they should create enough jobs for themselves by buying products for themselves.

BUT everything is not equal especially over short timescales. Economic refugees (the real phenomenon around the world) do not have the education and experience used in high efficiency production chains AND they are not bringing high efficiency means of production with them.

To the degree that the means of production can't be expanded fast enough and the immigrants can't be trained fast enough you are right that there aren't going to be high efficiency jobs available and the net result is that the average production efficiency goes down and the quality of life in the country goes down.

You can see this easily by using extreme examples. Suppose you had a nation of a thousand people using robotic assembly lines (little ones), computers, 3D printers, etc... and they were living really well. Then 100 million people from the dark ages immigrate.

Even if all those immigrants followed the laws perfectly and there was no cultural conflict, the nation as a whole would become an agrarian dark age society. The original thousand could not feed or house that many which means they would have to feed and house themselves.

The presence of the advanced production chains and academic centers would mean that the nation would eventually return to its high quality of life, but it could take a generation or more.

Now things wouldn't get worse for the people with high production efficiency, in fact their buying power would increase as they would be the producers of relatively more rare products than they used to be, but that's only if there was no government guarantees of quality of life. Even something as simple as government guaranteed bone-setting could mean that the 1000 people have most of their production stolen from them just to put splints on the 100 million.

Now add to that the fact that land is not an infinite resource in practice and you have more ways the low efficiency population would start to crowd out the original citizens.

Parents came from Somalia... what church
Somalia is 99% suni muslim

They came here after the Rwandan genocide...
I don't think there were a lot of Somali in Rwanda in 1994.
WyIted's avatar
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You bring in new people they are consumers as well as producers, all else being equal they should create enough jobs for themselves by buying products for themselves.
I heard people say this else where but these people are not normally bringing new money in, so it us still 5 billion in the economy and now you bring more people in and you still have 5 billion, and in fact the ones that get jobs send money back home so it seems less money per person is in the economy
WyIted's avatar
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I think I mixed up Somali and Rwandan and they are from Rwanda. I need a fact checkers to verify
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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You bring in new people they are consumers as well as producers, all else being equal they should create enough jobs for themselves by buying products for themselves.
I heard people say this else where but these people are not normally bringing new money in, so it us still 5 billion in the economy and now you bring more people in and you still have 5 billion, and in fact the ones that get jobs send money back home so it seems less money per person is in the economy
Money is just wealth being traded at the moment. The vast majority of wealth is not currency even if it is measured in currency. For instance if you added up the appraised value of every building in any given country it would far exceed the currency in circulation (and I don't just mean paper, electronic too).

When people "send money home" they are actually exchanging it for local currencies at some point. The currency doesn't leave the new county's system, the net effect is that somebody from the home country gets some good or service from the new country and the money stays in the new country's system.

The money stays, but the wealth leaves; in theory the migrant worker created that wealth and the reason they are a migrant worker in the first place is because they can produce more wealth per unit of labor in the new country compared to the old.

However if they displace a local worker the net efficiency of the new country can go down.

I think I mixed up Somali and Rwandan and they are from Rwanda. I need a fact checkers to verify
Well if they are truly Rwandan then christian is a good bet. Flip a coin between catholic or protestant.