Poor people and republican people

Author: TheUnderdog


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WyIted's avatar
How is this any different than public school?
Public schools are not for profit. The lack of a profit motive makes them care more for the outcome of students.

States subsidize education to a significant extent.  I don't agree with an income tax, but the idea that corporations will pack up their bags and move to where there are low taxes is not well thought out.  There are 193 nations in the world; only one of them has the lowest tax rate for corporations in the world (unless there is a tie).  If your argument was true, then corporations would already move out of any area that did not have the lowest tax rate in the world.
Multi national corporations can actually rent an office and call it a Chinese Business or an American Business or a Samoan business for less than $500 a month. The corporate headquarters matter because taxes on profits made overseas can only be done if the offices are located in the United States.

There are good and bad left and right wing places to live.  CT and Westchester are good left wing places; Putnam County and Orange County, CA are good right wing places; the rust belt has a lot of bad right wing areas; Bridgeport has bad left wing places.  The Economic freedom index argues Scandinavia has high economic freedom (and it's what Bernie Sanders wants to turn America into).
Yes the leftwing places you mentioned are predominantly white. As far as the economic freedom index is concerned, adding the policies Sanders reccomends would drop us on the index and create worse life outcomes, because those benefits unlike in scandinavia would not come with erasing the other business policies that those countries don't have which balance it out.

A better solution is to solely focus on whether a policy moves us up or down on the list and only enact policies that move us up so we can have a higher standard of living. I see no point in making college free if it hurts us overall and we also no for a fact socialist health care policies harm us by letting more people die as evidenced in the following article. https://fee.org/articles/if-american-healthcare-kills-european-healthcare-kills-more/

We also can look at economic interventionist policies of the United States and see if they came with any down sides and every single intervention has had some down sides.