You offer a discussion of words; I am all in. I consider myself wordsmith by preference, and my go-to is the OED [Oxford English Dictionary - unabridged], the premier [my belief] dictionary of the English language, being, in print, 20 volumes in 6-point font. My editi0on came with magnifying glass. Enough about me.
My choice on you list, for now [I'll post other selections] is: knowledge.
First, I believe there is no end to knowledge; it is inexhaustible in volume, and actually expands. I perceive knowledge as an infinite plane of points. Each point represents, first, an individual, unrelated idea, or portion of an idea, perhaps better represented as a single word, disassociated with any other point on the plane. We can link one point with another point, such as an arcing line from one point to another. Each point may have many such lines, each linking to another point on the plane. Thus, ultimately, a complete idea is formed; a single concept in the entire body of knowledge. The plane is functional by points and lines on both sides, such that, potentially, every point on one side [remembering that in mathematics, a single point has no dimensional size] can connect with any other point on either side of the plane. The plane, with it points and lines, as a visual, would then appear as a sphere which represents the total body of knowledge.
As the body of knowledge grows, more points become linked to other points, allowed to grow the sphere infinitely.
I further believe that, since I maintain that the body of knowledge can be infinite, it's possible that God [I am a Christian] as an inifinate being, at least by our perspective, he may either be shy of knowing all things, or may know all things, but has not experience all things. I further believe that we, his children, are on an infinite journey of eternal progression, such that, one day, we may gain sufficient knowledge and ability to become like him, while he continues to progress beyond us. So,, if he knows all things, perhaps he has not become experienced in all things, like we may study how to be an astronaut, but do not yet have that experience. Wisdom being, by one definition, the practical use, not just the possession of knowledge. Otherwise, I perceive eternity to be a boring place to be if God not only knows all, but has experienced all. What does he do the day after that achievement it reached? I do not believe we start over from scratch. What's the point of that?