God explains why we are moral beings, where we came from, why the universe exists, why evil exists in the world, why human beings act unjustly, why we find meaning and purpose in the universe, why we love, why we reason, what truth is, why we are logical beings, etc. Chance addresses none of this. So the nonsense is from chance happenstance and you are welcome to such nonsense since you want to make an appeal to emotion.
I'm happy to call it chance.
it is perfectly possible to expain human behaviour in physicalist terms. indeed i would say that the physicalist explanation of human behavoiur explains the existence of 'saintly' and 'devilish' individuals better than God's grace and demon posession does!
its seems to me you seriousy underestimate the explanatory power of physicalism and simulataneoulsy exagerate what god explains. you don't say how god makes us love, reason or be logical - he just does, presumbly to serve some private purpose.
Or, another possibility, you seriously underestimate the explanatory power of God's word and who He is. How does chance happenstance do anything, or sustain anything, and indefinitely at that?
God shows us His love in His forgiveness for our sin, in providing His word that we may come to know Him as see His protection for those who trust Him, His goodness to them in providing them with eternal life in His presence. He also shows His love for His creation in His providence for it and His ability to sustain it.
God also creates us in His image and likeness. That includes the potential to love, reason and use logic in understanding Him and His creation.
The explanations offered by physicalism for love and reasoning aren't particularly elevating - they boil down to helping us to survive and reproduce. But how it happened and why happened don't matter as much as the fact that we can - and do - love and reason. Given that, whatmatters is what should we apply our powers of logic to? To the worship of the non-existent gods?
No, they are not elevating. The somehow materialize in a meaningless, unreasoning, illogical universe, and ultimately they all mean nothing. How it happens matters immensely, for you build your worldview on something that if wrong is devastating to your long term well-being and you appear not to care.
The nihilists are right that nothing is written in the laws of physics to guide us. Gravity and entropy have no morality, good nor bad. Atheism is bit like waking up alone on a desert island - the big question is what do we do?
If nothing is written in the laws of physics why do we keep finding mathematical formulas for physical laws?
Gravity nor entropy are not conscious beings so there is no reason that they could - so what?
The question is how did you get there, and then what do you do about it?