Wow, I really learning something new here. It makes a whole lot more sense and is more realistic that many people in religions reject or don't believe in the theory (uncertain belief) of evolution as opposed to rejecting it as a fact. Let's grant that these folks define the word "theory" as that.
When you Google search this, that's just what the definition comes out to. All the synonyms are of an idea, premise, presupposition, proposition, etc.
The antonym is fact. But what I'm getting from you, in the cult of popular opinion or the science community depending on how one sees that, the word "theory" just translates to "fact" anyway conveniently.
So in light of all this, granted these folks see it this way. We'll also grant that they're honest folks. Be it that, they know what facts are . They're aware of what facts they do know. Just like the fact of water cleansing. Just like the fact of fire burning. They don't reject those facts or any facts. They're honest as we grant the religion they're in teaches them the value of honesty and the truth that will surely make them free .
Therefore it is likely for these folks to be unaware of this subject you're calling fact. Wouldn't you agree they're more likely ignorant as opposed to rejecting what is called truth?
Of what they may know that is perceived as truth but not actual truth. See because any form of reasoning based on a subset of facts to come to a conclusion doesn't necessarily make the conclusion fact . Just a hypothesis and to those particularly use the word"theory"(hypothesis) just a theory.
It stands to reason that if evolution was fact, many religions would be shut down by now. You can give your thoughts on that or not. Now according to what you're saying, evolution (something that became a complete human) is a scientific fact.
You said yes to the question that empiricism is involved in science. How do we get empirical input of a thing that has become a complete man?