we can only imagine "possible effects"
Repitition of your point without proving it, especially if you just repeat it to act against an argument is a fallacy.
we can only imagine "possible effects"
computer programs are definitely "goal seeking"and computer programs certainly "make a choice"
what is essentially a "roll-of-the-dice"does not qualifyas an "intentional act of will"
what in god's name is the difference between "freely choose"and"choose"
"internal causes" are fully comprised of biology + experience ("external causes")
Intellect and will is not.
we can only imagine "possible effects"Repitition of your point without proving it, especially if you just repeat it to act against an argument is a fallacy.
computer programs are definitely "goal seeking"and computer programs certainly "make a choice"Do they make a choice the same way we do?Nope!
My conscious choice is not a "roll-of-the-dice"
And if there is no difference between "choose" and "choose freely" then why are you saying we dont choose freely when we choose?!?!?!?!?!??!
Your biology and experiances are not external causes.Nor are they comprised of them in ipso.
is your intellect not constrained by the limitations of your brain ?
you have failed to make a compelling case for any alternative"possible effects" cannot be observed empirically - they are not concrete"possible effects" are by definition NOT "logically-necessary"THEREFORE"possible effects" can only "exist" in your imagination
whatisthedifference ?
you tell me what the difference isbecause you're the one insisting that there is a difference
is your biology an "internal cause" ?did you somehowcreate yourself ?
is your intellect not constrained by the limitations of your brain ?In ipso, it is not. This means by itself it is not restrained by the brain.It is restrained by the brain as far as what we call its "ad objectivo" meaning its object, what the brain produces, it uses.As regards what it does it adds to the brain. What we call understanding.
Why can they not be understood, as in something you reasoned to?In fact, If do not understand that they are options, you do not understand that they are possible, then you do not know there are options. That is absurd.
The computers random function has not consciousness. It acts randomly.Not like us. We have consciousness of our descision.
It has nothing to do with creating itself, but rather maintaining itself.
ok, are you suggesting that MIND = SPIRIT ?
saying that i understand something exists in my imaginationis not the same as saying i understand the future
you are using the term "free" in conjunction with the word "choice"why are you doing this ?
the body can only "maintain" by interacting with EXTERNAL phenomena
I am suggesting the intellect and will are a spirit.and when I say spirit, I mean a non-physical entity that acts as the principle of the life particuler to humans.
I am being very specific in my use of "free"
Internal causes maintain being, in order to maintain the things actions on external causes.
and you support this hypothesiswith an "appeal to ignorance"basically"we don't know exactly what it is and exactly how it functions, therefore SPIRIT"