Judges decide jurisdiction, and if a West Virginia judge be he/she federal or state level decides to allow a case to be brought in his/her court, it will proceed.
judges also have jurisdiction based on GEOGRAPHY
Where does a phone call take place?
What is a conspsiracy?
When the federal government steals from West Virginians (In West Virginia) in order to build bombs to drop on Coloradoites in Yemen where did that crime occur?
please provide an example of this arbitrary and capricious behavior you seem so convinced of
Every single so called case civil and criminal Donald Trump and many of those involved in the "stop the steal" effort and Jan 6 have faced.
In New York he is being "charged" under New York law for hiding a crime by mislabeling an invoice. What is the crime that he was hiding? The judge doesn't care.
In New York Trump demanded a trial by jury for the so called defrauding of deutsche bank. The judge didn't care, in fact he lied about it claiming that no request was made. At the end of that fake trial there was an attempt to extort 500 million dollars out of Trump before he could appeal, a clear violation of the 8th amendment.
A NY judge's daughter is raising millions of dollars off Trump's prosecution as her father refuses to recuse himself, the text books wouldn't include that as an example of conflict of interest because it's too fucking obvious to be believable.
When all this can happen, a similarly "motivated" "judge" with the opposite bias will not be stopped by what you call "perfectly logical" things like "standing", no more than "immunity" has stopped these clowns. And make no mistake, they'll pretend there is immunity just as soon as it can be used to defend one of their guys.
Do you know where Trump was when he called Raffensburger? Do you know where Germany is?
do you know where the contract was signed ?
You heard of electronic signing? What about power of attorney?
A jurisdiction clause, also known as a choice of law or forum selection clause, is a crucial provision often included in commercial contracts. It establishes the jurisdiction or court that will have the authority to resolve any disputes that may arise between the parties involved in the contract. This clause plays a significant role in defining the legal framework within which contractual issues will be resolved.
There is no contract dispute. It's people impersonating officer's of the court attacking Trump. They weren't a party. There is no injury (a point you dropped like a rock).
No, it's as long as you connect the so called crime to your territory or people no matter how many steps or how tenuous the connection.
is this west virginia thing based on a real case or are you just making this stuff up on the fly ?
West Virginia is where you will find a jury pool with an inverted but roughly equal bias to DC or Manhattan. Specifically the hills, not Harper's Ferry. West Virginia is where they will convict Obama of murder 9/10. West Virginia is where they will convict Joe Biden of molesting a minor because of his daughter's diary.