You're town-confirmed. Please explain (in your own words or from others) why you want to lynch me.
Maybe it's because I've never played this version before, but I'm not sure how reliable behavioral reads are. Scum could just do whatever they would do if they were town, and suddenly behavioral reads are useless. Getting some amount of information is the only way to catch them in a lie. Maybe we're giving scum information, but we're getting information too. Town needs information to kill scum, scum doesn't need information to kill town. Plus scum already knows the theme and has some idea about how fake claims correlate to characters, so someone giving their role is more useful to us than to them.
I find it weird that the literal namesake of the series doesn't even get assigned an active role (Commuter is basically a combination of two passive roles, Bulletproof and Ascetic). It's also an easy claim to explain why you're not getting NKed, as well as explaining any failed investigations and whatnot. This was the exact reason why I fakeclaimed Ascetic in the last game.Commuter can be activatable regardless of which of the three options I am. It’s basically a doctor that can’t be targeted when commuting. -[PIE]
Lol 3 votes in 6 minutes from Pie, Savant, BK. I guarantee that at least two of them are scum, probably Pie + Savant/BK. Y'all are accusing the wagon on Pie of forming too quickly and then you go and pull this.
BK is blatantly wagon shopping. He's hopped on three different wagons so far with little reasoning behind it.
Commuter has nothing to do with being a doctor. Wanna explain this?
I'm not claiming unless at least two players who I townread threaten to vote me and give good reasoning why.
I'm not claiming unless at least two players who I townread threaten to vote me and give good reasoning why
Scum could just do whatever they would do if they were town, and suddenly behavioral reads are useless.
Vader who want your claim, who you townread.
Savant's behavioral reads feel manufactured. It's a combination of following the flow of townread players, as well as generic points that he can play off as being a newbie. Like... "behavioral reads are useless" because scum tries to act town? Yeah, that's the whole point of mafia, to find inconsistencies when they try and act town. I think he's smarter than this and he's trying to force out claims for no reason.
A lot of behavioral reading has been done into Best.Korea, despite him being a known troll. How seriously does he take these games, and how much can we really gather from his behavior?
I said behavioral reads are useless (or close to useless) if scum do what they would do as town. I buy that catching people in a lie is the point of mafia, but let's be honest and admit that special roles change the whole dynamic. Concrete evidence will always be a better way of catching liars than vibes alone. In Town of Salem, most lynching is done based on actual evidence since people have special abilities and the game is text-based, making it hard to catch liars (humans are bad lie detectors anyway). Forum mafia is closer to TOS than it is to traditional mafia. I go off behavioral reads when there's nothing else, but it will almost always be less effective than actual evidence.
A lot of behavioral reading has been done into Best.Korea, despite him being a known troll. How seriously does he take these games, and how much can we really gather from his behavior?
So BK is a scum doctor? Possible though unlikely with his character claim not being CCed.Also your entire premise of going after me was manufactured. I clearly pointed that out. I character claimed and role claimed with hesitation because of your manufacturing. You even cherry picked data from Lunatic’s games to support your cause, which I pointed out. You also then say you want Barney’s claim after saying that you townread him for not reading the OP.
So you want to lynch a claimed Doctor? Please explain
Who’s hesitating to claim now?
Everyone else should probably unvote
You're town-confirmed. Please explain (in your own words or from others) why you want to lynch me.